215 posts
Mar 2006
Hello i need help getting a server . I plan to run MegaTF on it , 16 player max. public/private. north'ish/central'ish would be nice. so everyone NA pings decent. there are so many empty servers out there i was hoping i could get one for free (hey, its for the good of quake right

, but i'm willing to pay a small monthly fee by paypal if needed. i'll need ftp access and help getting it started. i can handle the server config most likely. thank u
It Takes A Tough Man To Make A Tender Rocketjump
1864 posts
Feb 2006
Maybe you can get Darin to run a port for you, he just bought an American server iirc
370 posts
Mar 2008
purplehaze - I could run a port for you but I am not sure of what files I need to run the TF server. Right now I run KTX and FFA.
Also, I would not give you access to the server...sorry

I can recommend a good place to rent from though.
Just get the smallest package for VPS, around $20 a month. Would be fine for 1 or 2 servers running.
Anything more than 1 or 2 ports though I would recommend getting the $30 package.
Renting a dedicated box for QW might be a waste of money unless you want to run lots of servers and other things.
215 posts
Mar 2006
hey thanks darin. Qw Phil has been kind enough to run a port for me. we will see how it works out. thanks alot. PHIL'S THE MAN
It Takes A Tough Man To Make A Tender Rocketjump
370 posts
Mar 2008
Ahh I remember playing MegaTF back in the day. I will be sure to check it out once it's up =).
215 posts
Mar 2006
There is already a great public mtf server at
"mine" will be only publicly available for rocketjump training maps. its main purpose is organized 2v2 /3v3 matches.
It Takes A Tough Man To Make A Tender Rocketjump