
Member 101 posts
Registered: Oct 2007
hi  have made a new ffa map, called dark-storm-ffa you can download the zip from here... http://www.quaketastic.com/upload/files/multiplayer/maps/dark-storm-ffa.zip zip contents... dark-storm-ffa.bsp dark-storm-ffa.lit items are 1 = ra 1 = ya 2 = ga 1 = mega 1 = ring of shadows (eyes) 1 = quad 1 = 666 (pentagram) 2 = rl 3 = ssg 1 = lg 1 = sng no gl no ng screenshots..... can server admins please consider adding this map to there servers?  Flepser, if theres a chance this might get added to xs4all ffa, any chance you could remove head-shot, and keep dark-terror-ffa ? i've had really positive feedback about dark-terror-ffa, people really enjoy playing in it  (i've also emailed you asking for you to think about adding it) thanks Flepser mate i hope people find the map fun cheers pete i feel like a bunny wabbit frozen in the head lights of life  ...Soundcloud Page - Hardcore Jungle - https://soundcloud.com/peterbisseker
Member 347 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
I haven't tried playing it, but it sure looks gorgeous! Very nice!
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Noticed you were the maker from just looking at the screenshots. Nicely done!  www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
view from the tower @ hogwarts @ picture 9? 
Member 101 posts
Registered: Oct 2007
I haven't tried playing it, but it sure looks gorgeous! Very nice! thanks m8  i feel like a bunny wabbit frozen in the head lights of life  ...Soundcloud Page - Hardcore Jungle - https://soundcloud.com/peterbisseker
Member 101 posts
Registered: Oct 2007
Noticed you were the maker from just looking at the screenshots. Nicely done!  lol cheers ake  all my maps these days have been industrial in theme, love it alot, thanks i feel like a bunny wabbit frozen in the head lights of life  ...Soundcloud Page - Hardcore Jungle - https://soundcloud.com/peterbisseker
Member 101 posts
Registered: Oct 2007
view from the tower @ hogwarts @ picture 9?  hehe  if you look real close, you'll see harry pot head  thanks m8 and no! i dunno why i said that lol i feel like a bunny wabbit frozen in the head lights of life  ...Soundcloud Page - Hardcore Jungle - https://soundcloud.com/peterbisseker
Member 370 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
Tiddles you make some excellent maps! I just tried it and it's wonderful.
I will add this to my FFA server soon :].
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I like the layout, which was the major thing I didn't like in your previous maps - too large areas giving FPS drop vs too small areas without ability to dodge anywhere. This time you got it right while keeping with your style/design of the level, that's good. ppl on public server lists cant see it Use http://www.quakeservers.net/quakeworld/add_server/
Member 370 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
I like the layout, which was the major thing I didn't like in your previous maps - too large areas giving FPS drop vs too small areas without ability to dodge anywhere. This time you got it right while keeping with your style/design of the level, that's good. ppl on public server lists cant see it Use http://www.quakeservers.net/quakeworld/add_server/ I've had this problem on some of the other Tiddles maps, but this one seems to be fine like you said.
Member 101 posts
Registered: Oct 2007
Tiddles you make some excellent maps! I just tried it and it's wonderful.
I will add this to my FFA server soon :].
www.quake-legion.net thanks Darin  i feel like a bunny wabbit frozen in the head lights of life  ...Soundcloud Page - Hardcore Jungle - https://soundcloud.com/peterbisseker
Member 101 posts
Registered: Oct 2007
I like the layout, which was the major thing I didn't like in your previous maps - too large areas giving FPS drop vs too small areas without ability to dodge anywhere. This time you got it right while keeping with your style/design of the level, that's good. ppl on public server lists cant see it Use http://www.quakeservers.net/quakeworld/add_server/ thanks m8  i feel like a bunny wabbit frozen in the head lights of life  ...Soundcloud Page - Hardcore Jungle - https://soundcloud.com/peterbisseker
Member 370 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
Tiddles, got some good reviews last night.
And this is one of the best QW FFA maps I've ever played, I hope you keep making more!
Also...do you have list of maps you made? I believe I have most of them but I am not sure what they are called.
I have over 700 maps in qw/maps :-].
Member 101 posts
Registered: Oct 2007
Tiddles, got some good reviews last night.
And this is one of the best QW FFA maps I've ever played, I hope you keep making more!
Also...do you have list of maps you made? I believe I have most of them but I am not sure what they are called.
I have over 700 maps in qw/maps :-]. thanks for the kind words m8  dark-terror-ffa ts-bunker internal-decay pain-giver blood-thirst head-shot castle buffy contact these are the best 9 cheers darin pete i feel like a bunny wabbit frozen in the head lights of life  ...Soundcloud Page - Hardcore Jungle - https://soundcloud.com/peterbisseker
Member 370 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
Oh wow I actually had all these maps...
These are great, excellent choice of textures as well in each map.
Member 101 posts
Registered: Oct 2007
Oh wow I actually had all these maps...
These are great, excellent choice of textures as well in each map. ah, thanks m8  i feel like a bunny wabbit frozen in the head lights of life  ...Soundcloud Page - Hardcore Jungle - https://soundcloud.com/peterbisseker
Member 685 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
Good to see ur still up and running, Tidds. However, what I don't like is that this map replaces headshot @ xs4all 
Member 370 posts
Registered: May 2006
Custom maps for the show, episodes for the pro.
Member 685 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
=( I'm not alone in that opinion... I mean, it's appreciated you still run things, Flepser, but why not just ADD the map to the pool instead of replacing headshot?
Member 370 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
Member 370 posts
Registered: May 2006
Because else Tiddles thinks he's the man too much with about 204 maps on the server  And I'll quote Flepser, if theres a chance this might get added to xs4all ffa, any chance you could remove head-shot, and keep dark-terror-ffa ? there! Custom maps for the show, episodes for the pro.
Member 101 posts
Registered: Oct 2007
hi  thank you Flepser for adding dark-storm-ffa map, ermmmm, the only reason i asked you, if you could add the new map, any chance you could swap it over with head-shot, i was under the impression, there was an unwriten rule, (and didnt wanna take the piss and push my luck) that the server is only having a maximum of 3 tiddles maps at any one time on the server, im mad by the way remember  i'd put a hell of alot of time and effort into dark-terror-ffa map, and it had only been on a short time, i was worried it would be taken off if you wanted to have 4 of my maps on the server, im not complaning  i didnt realize people liked head-shot so much it would be nice to see how dark-storm-ffa is liked or not, but to give him a decent chance  ? i mean, as usual it'll get next_mapped at the start, until people learn it maybe castle/dark-terror-ffa/dark-storm-ffa/ and possibilly head-shot? if yes that would be great, but if not, thanks for having 3 of my children on your great and popular ffa server  thanks again Flepser m8 for all the maps in the past and pressent you'd added, it makes making maps worth while still, i've made maps in the past, and they've never even been played cheers Pete i feel like a bunny wabbit frozen in the head lights of life  ...Soundcloud Page - Hardcore Jungle - https://soundcloud.com/peterbisseker
Member 685 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
Because else Tiddles thinks he's the man too much with about 204 maps on the server  And I'll quote Flepser, if theres a chance this might get added to xs4all ffa, any chance you could remove head-shot, and keep dark-terror-ffa ? there! Shit... I forgot about that line... he shouldn't have written it like that although I do understand Tiddles' reasoning in his last post. For the record: In my experience plenty of people liked headshot. It usually wasn't skipped when I was online. The twist in this map is obviously that you can at least hurt the quadrunner when he has just taken quad and has to climb up the ladder. In most maps it's more easy to take quad and therefore more difficult to break the quadrunner's game. So I thought that was kinda interesting. Further it looks great, although it's a bit campy at the RL near GA near RA and at RL under the stairs, but you can make use of these spots yourself when falling behind.
Member 10 posts
Registered: May 2006
Flepser, if theres a chance this might get added to xs4all ffa, any chance you could remove head-shot, and keep dark-terror-ffa ? So thats where head-shot went, my life hasn't been the same without that map!!!
Member 370 posts
Registered: May 2006
PEER PRESSURE! I think head-shot is back on the server. Custom maps for the show, episodes for the pro.
Member 101 posts
Registered: Oct 2007
PEER PRESSURE! I think head-shot is back on the server. thanks guys and thanks Flepser!  erm, is dark-storm-ffa still on the server ? i've had mixed opinions about the map, a few really good players like it, and a few players who arent as good, dont like it, and i think a few tiddles haters dont like it, just cos they hate me cheers....... dont forget to have a listen to some of my dark jungle/drum and bass on youtube  no drum loops used, all my own beat programming! good tracks are..... theres a track i made with guitar playing on it from megalodon  sounds chilled its called......DorlandosonicNL & BeatRapist - Cigarettes And Coffee - Jungle (Full HD) BeatRapist stone cold dark lord heavy halos - EXSTENDED riddim killa and many more and are all (but one or two old ones) in full hd quality  i feel like a bunny wabbit frozen in the head lights of life  ...Soundcloud Page - Hardcore Jungle - https://soundcloud.com/peterbisseker
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
I know this map has been around a while now, but here are some Frikbot waypoints:
Administrator 384 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
While it has some interesting mechanics (e.g. being more vertical than most maps) I don't think this is one of Tiddles' better works - one major issue is the connectivity, especially to the roof area which is too easily defensible. The only way up is either via a tight airlift or a double-rj both of which put you at a bad position against a guy waiting there.
I think putting a teleport to roof in somewhere might help, maybe under the ramp near the slime. That way the guy camping RA has a realistic threat to worry about being attacked by a guy with YA and LG).
Member 685 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
While it has some interesting mechanics (e.g. being more vertical than most maps) I don't think this is one of Tiddles' better works - one major issue is the connectivity, especially to the roof area which is too easily defensible. The only way up is either via a tight airlift or a double-rj both of which put you at a bad position against a guy waiting there.
I think putting a teleport to roof in somewhere might help, maybe under the ramp near the slime. That way the guy camping RA has a realistic threat to worry about being attacked by a guy with YA and LG). Good idea!
