
Member 4 posts
Registered: Dec 2009
So I was talking to ddk tonight about how awesome qw is to us because we can basically always find interesting and exciting qw games that we've never seen before. This is a rare treat for me as in the other games I play I've seen pretty much every good game.
That being the topic of discussion, I was wondering what the general consensus is, if any, of the best qw game ever. 4on4, 2on2, 1on1, whatever you think it is, are there any standard opinions? Post demos if you got them!
P.S. if you say a game on dm4 you automatically lose.
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
It was pretty epic when CMF (fifi fix janne siv) won the 4on4 tournament at QHLAN6
Member 459 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
Could only speak for 1on1. Haven't seen that many 4on4 demos: 1. Milton vs Reppie CH-TV challenge http://challenge-tv.com/demos/view/356262. Locktar vs Avenger Ownage #2 grand final http://challenge-tv.com/demos/view/367853. Nabbe vs Reppie, some QH-LAN final. http://challenge-tv.com/demos/view/34603Various Dag/Griffin demos are also a good watch. I'd guess these games were mentioned mostly because I saw them live, apart from the nabbe vs reppie game, which is just awesome even though I didn't watch it live. Milton vs Gamer on skull, those that are on CH-TV are also some great games and shows the true quality of skull as a competetive map.
Member 398 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
sr-la in nqr many years ago is another classic! that's the one that springs to mind! :E
Member 59 posts
Registered: Mar 2010
Some that I remembered for now:
Griffin vs. Dag DM6 x5 http://challenge-tv.com/demos/view/26408 Griffin vs. Dag QHLAN 5 Final http://challenge-tv.com/demos/view/17707 +QHLAN 3,4,6 finals Griffin vs. Mutilator DM4 x4 http://challenge-tv.com/demos/view/33158 -very serious
UL vs. Griffin DM2 http://challenge-tv.com/demos/view/23729 -sick rockets by UL Mutilator vs. Reppie QHLAN9 Final http://challenge-tv.com/demos/view/30403
Reload vs. SUB DM4 http://challenge-tv.com/demos/view/21106 -The classic rape game. Everyone was impressed by this demo back then heh(aim+speed), originally from 1999 or 2000. Reload DM2 demos <- almost any of them has unreal rl aim
Embah vs. Seese Aerowalk http://challenge-tv.com/demos/view/27710 -classic whine game Wallu vs. Madmax duelmania, classic lamegame but didn't find the demo
Flaming Fist vs. Slackers (couldn't find demo? -This is very historical match since it's -FF-'s last match ever and Slackers is still new clan who were going own the new era after -ff- quit) f0mfunction vs legeartis http://challenge-tv.com/demos/view/31031 -angua, fix, valla, xantom Fragomatic vs Slackers http://challenge-tv.com/demos/view/31671 -angua e1m2 Firing Squad vs CMF http://challenge-tv.com/demos/view/19432 -legendarily tight match, ending ~1min jus' pov recommended! GTG vs. Slackers http://challenge-tv.com/demos/view/27159 -griffin on 4on4 on e1m2
CMF vs. QHlan http://fix.inablaze.org/qhlan4_january_2004.zip
+ any CMF(clan malfunction), fom(fragomatic), la(legeartis), zr(zetor), ff(flaming fist) and sr with hib -demo (Can't remember specific ones now)
2on2 qhlan + dreamhack 2on2 tourney games some fix 2on2 demos where he owns dag etc. but couldn't find
Member 4 posts
Registered: Dec 2009
hooraytio any particular reason?
Are there any super upsets that happened that are worth watching?
Member 357 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Some that I remembered for now:
Griffin vs. Mutilator DM4 x4 http://challenge-tv.com/demos/view/17707 "hehe i don't loose many games nowadays, and i can't recall being raped like this in years. First i thought i had a chance then griffin went bondebananas with mad predictionrl and it was all game over 8)" -mutilator This is Dag vs Griffin, i think you mean this: http://challenge-tv.com/demos/view/33158 "the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear"
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
#6 Well, i havent watched it again since that day so i dont remember match situations but i remember that it was a really good div0-game and: 1. Sassa said: No way CMF will have a chance to win this QHLAN tournament without Dare! Always a pleasure to watch Sassa being wrong!  2. CMF played awesome the whole tournament... 3. ...and the final was just the climax of their very solid effort. 4. It was just a well deserved win and it was indeed nice to have watched it live.
Member 398 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
No mentioning of KOFF  They played some amazing games a few seasons ago. Can't remember any specific games, but this is one game I found on ch-tv: http://challenge-tv.com/demos/view/35148 (NQR final vs tVS)
Member 61 posts
Registered: Sep 2009
cmf vs [fs] WB final qhlan 
Member 59 posts
Registered: Mar 2010
thanks time!, edited my original post too.
Member 693 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
First round of SR vs LA, NQR6 final on DM3 sticks in my mind. Also the two SR vs CMF NQR finals (7 & 9) had some epic rounds.
There was also an EPIC DM3-DM2 combo from a Smackdown final or semi-final between LA and CMF. Both have really tight finishes and DM3 in particular has some exceptional 4on4 play from both teams. Dag doesn't die for first 10 mins, then Fifi comes in and kicks ass for the last 10. Brilliant.
Administrator 384 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
2003-12-08.NQR.Semifinals.ds-cmf.round5_e1m2: http://challenge-tv.com/demos/view/35735
Member 386 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
On the subject of Disorder, the game which sticks out most in my memory is the dm2 from the 2003 NQR5 final between them and Slackers. Star players everywhere you look, yet still the result is surprising. Keep a close eye on the scoreline all the way through.
[edit] Found a mirror for the old endpoint ftp with some commentary and a commentator POV .qwd if you'd prefer that. http://ftp.yi.se/pub/games/quakeworld/qwnu.commentary/2003-12-16.NQR.Finals.sr-ds/NQR5-final-game3-dm2.zip [/edit]
Member 59 posts
Registered: Mar 2010
So here is the CMF vs QHLAN pack, thanks to fix. http://fix.inablaze.org/qhlan4_january_2004.zip 2003-12-08.NQR.Semifinals.ds-cmf.round5_e1m2: http://challenge-tv.com/demos/view/35735 the commentary mp3 won't unzip
Member 284 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
Some that I remembered for now: ... Thanks a lot for the effort, but could you please remove the spoiling comments from your post. I know a lot of people know the scores, especially concerning the high profile duel games, but reading through your post stopped me from downloading some of the demos as I felt spoiled :/
Member 357 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
"the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear"
Member 485 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
the commentary mp3 won't unzip 7z works.
Member 59 posts
Registered: Mar 2010
I felt spoiled :/ ok, removed possible spoilers from demos where it mattered
Member 88 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
Although my memory may be coloured by the memories of following the whole event online, Lakerman vs. Kane as the TGI final is pretty interesting.
Over on http://methosq.com/ there are a number of demos that are 'interesting' for being the first known record of one thing or another (first DM4 lava jump, match that made the spawn system change). In the same vein, the Nine-Deathrow series comes to mind as the first demonstration of strafe-jumping across RA in DM3 or TGI Sujoy-Sectopod for the first rocket boosted strafe jumping. These wouldn't be 'best' games if you wouldn't know the context though.
