
News Writer 254 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
The stats site has been up and running since February last year and has provided many features and lots of info on Quakeworld over that time period. As you know there are a nice scattering of bugs throughout the site which really need some attention. I was unsure whether the effort and time was worth it but its been suggested that these be looked at and maybe to add on some features as im at it.
So if you have bugs you would like fixed or any ideas for features that you think would be cool to get done then let me know either here or priv msg and i'll try and start doing them. Make sure to leave a suggestion no matter how out landish :-)
Thanks alot I ain't got no time for this jibber jabber fool
Member 188 posts
Registered: May 2007
Hey Pleura, could you make a match making system? I know it would not be very accurate as you dont register and there a fakers & and people writting their names a little bit different from now and then. But you know the general a won against b, b won against c thus a better then c. maybe per map. I guess there are more sophisticated ways, like giving points for frag difference and getting more points for defeating somebody who is way up higher in the ladder.
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
I think its currently to focused on amounts of games (to get higher ranking) and on 1on1. More 4on4 focus (either instead of 1on1 or independently) and tune the ranking algorithm, thats what I would like to see. Take the *Urban dude as example. I only see that he played a lot of "less skilled" players and won them most of the times. He has a serious amount of pov games, most is vs weaker opponents, but he still got a higher pov ranking than like [tVS]Ihminen. Must add that I appreciate the site a lot though, especially using it as a "history book" of games! 
Member 284 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
I'm with fog on this one, the ranking is seriously fucked up. If I started playing with a new nick and vs total noobs, I would destroy my current rank easily. I would also like more focus on 2on2, 4on4 and relative ranking. You could even have teams ranked quite easily from the stats and then you could have players within teams ranked  In the current system it doesn't really tell you anything about how good you are in any map or mode relative to other players, it only tells you how good you've been there vs. the players you've played against and that makes no sense in a qw encompassing rating system  And like in ladder systems I would hope that the ranking points given per game would take into account the players, this would be really interesting for mixed 4on4 to see which team would have the better rank and which one won. Also you wouldn't get any noticeable rank boost from a noob you rape. With 4on4 data you could get a lot more awards going as well. Would also be really nice if you had more stats to work with, but I dunno if that's possible. Like all the stats that we see after the game, those would be _really_ interesting to see in one system over a longer period of time. You could also track your development and all kinds of statistical masturbation 
Member 284 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
And sure, I appreciate the site a lot, just haven't really wanted to make any suggestions after I saw that you still had so many bugs left (in some old news  ) Also if you do make improvements to the ranking system, it would be nice if you could somehow apply those to all the old stats as well 
Member 130 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I love the site, it is awesome!
Personally I couldn't care less about rankings, match making systems or other fancy stuff.
What I use the site most for is: 1) Checking recent results overall 2) Seeing some basic stats / recent results for single player or team 3) Results of player vs. player / team vs. team maybe on a specific map
So mostly I would just suggest getting rid of the bugs and improve the user interface for the most common use cases. Hopefully I can come up with some more concrete examples later.
Member 119 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
great site pleura ;p all i can suggest is maybe for the last 5 matches played on the frontpage, to seperate the gamemodes in tabs, because dmm4 games will often flush out other results in 4on4 etc.
Member 61 posts
Registered: Sep 2009
I love the site and I personally don't take that ranking thing seriously. In my opinion that is just a funny gimmick. Not sure if it is useful to start a discussion on how to calculate that ranking anyway... Every formula you come up with to calculate this ranking will be flawed as it simply reflects that person's opinion of how you would rank someone.
Member 284 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
I love the site and I personally don't take that ranking thing seriously. In my opinion that is just a funny gimmick. Not sure if it is useful to start a discussion on how to calculate that ranking anyway... Every formula you come up with to calculate this ranking will be flawed as it simply reflects that person's opinion of how you would rank someone. I think the point was more along the lines that if you're going to have ranking, make it somewhat reasonable. Of course ranking can't be done perfectly taking into account everything that really matters, but good ranking systems have been used on ladders for well over a decade in online games and in sports for much longer. I'm not asking for some Masters thesis paper level study into how these rankings should work best, but simply taking into account what people have said here would easily make it better. Although I haven't tried, I would actually imagine that even most of the math would be quite simple as long as you have the right idea and you can probably find a lot of info on this on the web. I think most opinions are a lot better than having some noobie destroying povdmm4 player with the highest rank.
News Writer 254 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Lads thanks for the replies. Sometimes its hard to know whether people get much use from the site but getting feedback is really great. I'm not asking for some Masters thesis paper level study into how these rankings should work best Just as a background, The stats site does actually use a thesis paper from a German guy as the basis for the ranking system The algorithm is used currently to give you a seperate ranking based on pov, end, endif, 1on1(TB5) and then an overall ranking encompassing all game types (excluding 4on4 and 2on2). I stayed away from 4on4 as that is the business end of qw and any attempt at ranking would be risky as it would not get universal approval as it would be a subjective ranking and just piss people off maybe. The ranking system that we have for 1on1, pov etc I guess is more for fun and an indicator as to your level of activity and your wins as blixem was saying below. The algorithm should take into account your opponents current ranking. So this should mean that if you just play a load of newbs who have low rank then your ranking should not go that high. However a win versus a higher ranked opponnent will give you a good rise ranking wise. Its possible that the algorithm is not up to the task though and might be flawed. I will post details here later on the the algorithm when I can find it. I can change the algorithm and either reset all ranks and start from scratch or indeed write scripts to change every active users rank based on the data in the database. Anyone got links to good ranking systems ? n|x : A match making system would be great but unless there was a unified login system then Im not sure it would work properly. I could definitely try and hack something together but it may not be the most accurate. But I guess it would just be an indicator anyway. fern Thanks. Will try and put the tabs in and revamp front page a bit. fog: Any suggestion on ranking and specifics for enhancing for 4on4 ? For me its the 4on4 section I tend to look at most as well and would like to improve. I would also like more focus on 2on2, 4on4 and relative ranking. Give me some ideas in a bit more detail and its as good as done In the current system it doesn't really tell you anything about how good you are in any map or mode relative to other players, it only tells you how good you've been there vs. the players you've played against and that makes no sense in a qw encompassing rating system How can I improve this. The current ranking is supposed to provide this but obviously falls short. I.e You get a seperate ranking for each mode. You can then compare versus other players. What would be a better way of presenting and implementing this ? Medar: If you have any ideas on improving the interface that would be great. Probably would be the most beneficial thing for all users to improve the usability. I ain't got no time for this jibber jabber fool
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Some small issues I would like to see fixed 1. When searching, maybe make it always include wildcards? So you don't have to write *name* for each search. This goes for both players and servers. 2. When looking at a player with awards, add a title to the award image, so you can actually see what awards the player have. I had some more, but I forgot 
News Writer 254 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
I ain't got no time for this jibber jabber fool
Member 130 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Some quick suggestions
Individual stats: - Could be easier to navigate to - Last match info is almost never what I care for, but it takes most of the page all the time * Info about when the player last played is still nice though - Changing to a different tab is messed up if you have selected a different page/map/anything on the current tab - Something to show on which team the player was in 4on4/2on2 would be useful - Showing won/lost stats for the selected filter (mainly so you can see the stats for a specific map) - More filter options, at least filtering based on the opponent in 1on1 - Visual indication about the currently active sort order (minor point, especially since sorting is not so useful here anyway)
4on4 scoreboard (and 2on2 too I guess): - Sort players withing their teams by frags - Show the winning team - Disconnected players are not shown at all currently and the team scores are wrong in this case too (example: http://stats.quakeworld.nu/index.php?a=4on4_ScoreBoard&matchId=15474) - Most of the info on this page is not very important and could be moved to the bottom or whatever * The important things to see are: team names, who won, team scores, map, players, player scores
News Writer 254 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Some quick suggestions Individual stats: - Changing to a different tab is messed up if you have selected a different page/map/anything on the current tab Yeah this is an anooying bug that I should have fixed- Something to show on which team the player was in 4on4/2on2 would be useful With this the player you are viewing should always be on the right I will make this more obvious - Showing won/lost stats for the selected filter (mainly so you can see the stats for a specific map). So under 1on1 tab and map DM6 selected - then you should get a summary of Wins versus losses and then the list of games played ? - More filter options, at least filtering based on the opponent in 1on1 - Will be a bit of work but should be able to do this 4on4 scoreboard (and 2on2 too I guess): - Disconnected players are not shown at all currently and the team scores are wrong in this case too (example: http://stats.quakeworld.nu/index.php?a=4on4_ScoreBoard&matchId=15474) The QW Scores bot doesnt currently send back this as it takes a snaphot just at the end of the game and will have lost this info - Needs investigationI ain't got no time for this jibber jabber fool
News Writer 254 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Ohh and thanks for the great suggestions. I'll be kept very busy  I ain't got no time for this jibber jabber fool
Member 485 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
On the front page "Top 5 - Weekly FFA Leader Board " has 10 players.  Does the QW Scores bot send kt stats info (what players get in console at the end of round)?
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
No, it can't get that info
News Writer 254 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Qw Scores bot just gets the IP & Port, , Map and the players and their scores. No other info is passed at the moment.  I ain't got no time for this jibber jabber fool
Member 284 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
Lads thanks for the replies. Sometimes its hard to know whether people get much use from the site but getting feedback is really great. I'm not asking for some Masters thesis paper level study into how these rankings should work best Just as a background, The stats site does actually use a thesis paper from a German guy as the basis for the ranking system The algorithm is used currently to give you a seperate ranking based on pov, end, endif, 1on1(TB5) and then an overall ranking encompassing all game types (excluding 4on4 and 2on2). I stayed away from 4on4 as that is the business end of qw and any attempt at ranking would be risky as it would not get universal approval as it would be a subjective ranking and just piss people off maybe. What it all comes down to for me is that you have a player like Milton, who plays a lot against very tough competition and wins most of the time, especially in prestigious tournaments (although you disregard 4on4), yet his rating is only 1.50659 or above average or 140th overall with players rated above him that would probably not stand a chance in any mode. Then when I look at the top rated players in the list I see many good players, but (ofc) no one that is as good as Milton across 1on1, 2on2 and 4on4 (even on pov he is 363w vs 74l). When I go to look at ratings, I want to be able to see the actual top players up there. Of course there needs to be some sample size etc so you can't just shoot up top by winning large against two big names. This is for overall rating and then you can have separate rating per mode as well. And I can admit that there is a slight problem when it comes to rankings if you make them a lot better and more serious and that's abuse :E Not sure how many would actually bother as it's quite hard to start sabotaging the rating of players with 3k-6k games 
Member 59 posts
Registered: Mar 2010
Well who cares about rankings and ratings ? I hope it never becomes even bit serious either (would kill the fun of praccing). I would like stats-page to be just easy-to-use to check results of recent games and how much wins etc some clan or player has etc.
Some serious ladder for ladderstyle rankings and other tournaments should be always outside of stats page anyway.
Probably you could add an option to see tournament results separate from other games.
News Writer 254 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Okay I found the ranking algorithm http://www.ijon.de/sonst/ranking_en.htmlSo from that maybe you can figure out why it calculates the ranking as it does. Been a while since I looked at it. So cant remember the details. I ain't got no time for this jibber jabber fool
News Writer 254 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
I'd be happy to change it for a simpler one if you know of any ? I ain't got no time for this jibber jabber fool
Member 284 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
Well who cares about rankings and ratings ? I hope it never becomes even bit serious either (would kill the fun of praccing). I would like stats-page to be just easy-to-use to check results of recent games and how much wins etc some clan or player has etc.
Some serious ladder for ladderstyle rankings and other tournaments should be always outside of stats page anyway. Apparently many people who have commented do care? And some have commented that they don't. And how would it directly kill the fun of praccing, after all you said that no one cares, so why would a better rating system affect how they play? And when you are talking about players with 500+ 4on4 games, single games don't count that much AND a good rating system takes things into account so that it doesn't matter as much if you lose with a noobie team vs div0 team even if you are div0 yourself.
Member 59 posts
Registered: Mar 2010
Apparently many people who have commented do care? And some have commented that they don't. And how would it directly kill the fun of praccing, after all you said that no one cares, so why would a better rating system affect how they play? And when you are talking about players with 500+ 4on4 games, single games don't count that much AND a good rating system takes things into account so that it doesn't matter as much if you lose with a noobie team vs div0 team even if you are div0 yourself. Hmm yeah, maybe it's true it wouldn't affect the scene in any different way than it does now. I was just thinking that it shouldn't ever be comparable to some separate tourney or ladder.
Member 284 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
Apparently many people who have commented do care? And some have commented that they don't. And how would it directly kill the fun of praccing, after all you said that no one cares, so why would a better rating system affect how they play? And when you are talking about players with 500+ 4on4 games, single games don't count that much AND a good rating system takes things into account so that it doesn't matter as much if you lose with a noobie team vs div0 team even if you are div0 yourself. Hmm yeah, maybe it's true it wouldn't affect the scene in any different way than it does now. I was just thinking that it shouldn't ever be comparable to some separate tourney or ladder. I can agree with that although I would try to have those rankings included into the overall stats somehow, maybe with some prestige modifier for certain types of tournaments. Kinda like phil? had done for ownage, or whoever did the nice weighted rankings, can't remember 
Member 459 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
2on2 and 4on4 should never be blended into the 1on1 rankings. I even think blending dmm4 with 1on1 is wrong. If you're gonna add 2on2 and 4on4 ranking, the best would be to separate them to get a more accurate presentation of the individual skills. 5 categories would be sufficient. 1on1, 2on2, 4on4, dmm4, and ffa. It also seems to emphasize a lot on how much you play, rather than how good you play. Not saying that is a bad thing, actually quite the contrary if it makes people play more. The weekly rankings also seems really weird. Frankly, the ranking part doesn't even interest me much, since it seems to have a bunch of flaws and doesn't represent the individual players skills at all.
The best part of this page is simply to have a look at the games different players have played recently (or some time ago), and see how they performed vs different players / teams. For that this site is great, and some improvements to the search function that someone earlier suggested would be highly appreciated. I would also personally like some nick merging functionality, but I guess that could stride against some legal / moral code? (Was thinking of checking the players host, and no matter what the nick is, connect that to the nick from that host that had played the most).
Anyways, great site and keep up the good work!
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Player ips are not public information Rikoll. I agree regarding on separating 1on1, 4on4 etc which i mentioned too. I think it should be more focused on performance rather than activity too.
EDIT: Otherwise some account system/perhaps connected to qw.nu/ where you can register multiple nicks (approved by admins before posted), perhaps?
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
[...] EDIT: Otherwise some account system/perhaps connected to qw.nu/ where you can register multiple nicks (approved by admins before posted), perhaps? I think in the normal case the stats.qw.nu system tracks the statistics and stuff fairly well. The main problem isn't a user using different nicks - it's different users using the same nick? (be it on purpose to ruin your stats or "Player" just being a random popular nick) www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
[...] EDIT: Otherwise some account system/perhaps connected to qw.nu/ where you can register multiple nicks (approved by admins before posted), perhaps? I think in the normal case the stats.qw.nu system tracks the statistics and stuff fairly well. The main problem isn't a user using different nicks - it's different users using the same nick? (be it on purpose to ruin your stats or "Player" just being a random popular nick) I don't see that being possible atm. Don't think server admins are willing to let third partied take part of user ips or to make a unique "id" based on setup etc. My idea was to present a solution to Rikolls proposal mainly  Whats your idea on how to solve it?
Member 485 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Why serve the nickname-challenged? They don't want to be identified anyway.
Just bin the Unnameds and Players.
