
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Hey guys,
I know nothing of mapping, otherwise I would probably make one myself!
However, I am growing tired of the existing trick-maps! There are a few that I enjoy;
hoppa2 zjumps zediit zediit2t2
But those are about it. And they're all way too easy. As far as I know, hoppa2 is the hardest one out there (hardest one-way-neverending-trick-map, meaning like hoppa2 and zjumps), or at least the hardest one that I can find on the servers, and I finish hoppa2 now, after a bit of warmup, with like 90% accuracy, so it is way way way too easy now. I want more challenge (still physically doable though, preferably...) so I thought this is the best place to turn to.
I don't know if I'm the only one out there (still) interested in this kind of maps, but I for sure am interested. Whenever I don't have anything to do, I sit on hoppa2, finishing it over and over and over and over and over again. I could probably do it in my sleep now, so one could probably understand that it is starting to bore me out a bit.
Neither do I know whether there are any trick-mappers out there, basically I know nothing, but this forum was created for "Maps & Textures" so I thought why not give it a shot and make a thread.
Thanks in advance, I guess!
Yours, Andeh
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
ztricks, ztricks2 :> cfree2b3, cfree1b2, hd1a 
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
ztricks and ztricks2 are amongst the easiest trickmaps out there, anyone can make them without problem.
The rest of the maps you described are freestyle maps and not even remotely similiar to hoppa2 or zjumps for example.
Shape up Peppe!!! =)
Member 61 posts
Registered: Sep 2009
Do you consider way2ez and way2ez2 as freestyle maps too? Have you tried them?
Member 485 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
dm2 ... 
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
just play more 4on4 instead
Member 226 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
u should try to contact mr joulukuu
Member 95 posts
Registered: Jun 2006
Andeh, maybe try 2bfree, its easy once you get the hang of it, but its one of the most spectacular trick maps out there...or complete ztricks2 or zediit in one go if you want some challenge or try to complete zjumps as many times as possible without fucking up, my record is 8  you must be some machine if you mastered hoppa2, i still havent finished it, maybe i should give it a go now
Member 92 posts
Registered: Aug 2007
hoppa2 is much easier than 2bfree for me. There are way to many turns in 2bfree, in hoppa2 you basically need to know how to jump well and have a clean start. In zjumps I often forget how to do the last turn, i'm too slow and fall into lava, the worst thing is to overjump the last platform though  . ztricks is pure relax.
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
I've done way2ez etc but I don't find that kind of maps as fun as e.g hoppa2 or zjumps, I like the one-way-road that you need to finish by speedjumping and not like doing other tricks. I love the theme in hoppa2 and zjumps, also escape2a. @bent: zjumps is way too easy nowadays so I hardly even go onto that map, ztricks and ztricks2 I've done without failure and zediit as well, currently working on finish zediit 4th lane (grenade lane) without using a single grenade, it's actually possible! If you're fast enough you can jump around the barriers in the way and still finish the 4th lane (apart from opening the portals ofcourse, but thats unimportant), I think I'm the only one in quakeworld who's managed that trick, trying to get it onto a demo now. I've finished hoppa2 continuesly 9 or 10 times, could probably do more if I try for a while, but I want to find something to work with and like, be the only one in quakeworld to finish  @Hooraytio: well, I do play alot of duel and 4on4 when I find an empty spot in mixes, also a few fun-pracs with suddendeath of course, but whenever there's noone to play - I'm easy to be found on trickmaps 
Member 45 posts
Registered: Oct 2009
play q3 defrag instead of qw tricking, it's easily more challenging and the community and resources are far far beyond what qw can offer you speed running wise.
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
ddk I am from q3 defrag cpm mainly, cpma is where I came from before I started quakeworld =) my biggest wish would be (apart from winning every ownage tourney and so on...) that there were dedicated servers as in defrag on quakeworld as well.
But yeah, started out in quake 3 instaunlagged, lateron into ra3, then into cpma, and then into defrag, cpm physics, I however hesitate to start playing that again as I'm afraid it might mess up my quakeworld shape =)
Member 45 posts
Registered: Oct 2009
ahh cool, so you actually prefer the running maps in qw to what defrag has to offer?
defrag was always much more fun to me, and I have to say I really enjoyed the cpm movement for tricking and runs. to me quakeworld movement is all about functionality within 4on4 I guess. I think qw movement is actually quite limited when it comes to runs unlike the cpm defrag or even vq3 defrag, but as far as fighting and moving around qw maps goes, it's truly special!
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
I wouldn't say I prefer the qw trickmaps over pretty much any defrag map, I'd go with the old o3j-veloc1ty rather than hoppa2 really, but I don't want to mess up any shape or anything in quakeworld and as I'm still a rookie in quakeworld, I easy lose my shape and so on and start sucking. If I started with quake 3 again I'd probably lose everything in quakeworld and I don't want that ^.^
But no, defrag > qwtricks indeed
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Andeh, tell me more about defrag plz, I gotta learn how that shit works!
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Better tell me how to finish hoppa2. In zjumps I'm typically too fast, in hoppa2 I never made it after sixth turn or so.
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Haha JohnNy_cz , just give me a message at #suddendeath and I'll help you out if possible ^^ Peppe we'll take that on teamspeak!
Member 133 posts
Registered: Dec 2008
Andeh If you want some crazy tricks you may try Team Fortress trick maps (cj1, povmed2, rjhella1 and so forth and so on). Some of them I have on my disk. You will need local tf server and make binds for grenades. If you are interested do not hesitate to ask for help.
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
I've never played TF so I know nothing about it :X
Member 793 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
tf gives you extra grens which allows for much more tricks. i remember a whole lot of trickmaps in tf, some with really crazy jumps in it. actually i'd love to see a dedicated trick/jumping server with all of them available.
Member 133 posts
Registered: Dec 2008
dEus Probably it is easier to use local server where you can change maps on your own. Of course if someone can host it it would be nice. But I do not think it will be popular :-(.
Member 48 posts
Registered: Aug 2008
it's probably possible to make a theoratically possible trick-map but practictally impossible for a human, someone should do one of those so andeh can have something to do..  example: You have to jump in mixed speeds on invisible 1 pixel platforms that moves around, and in the meantime turn 360 degrees in all directions and hit invisible 1pixel triggers with different weapons, some with sg for direct hit and some that u have too shoot with different delays as in sng or rl/gl to trigger different platforms in the exact times. Also nail-traps are frequently shooting all over the place.
Member 133 posts
Registered: Dec 2008
Nice suggestion. Here is another one. In TFDE movie I have seen player jumping around map while looking backward. Andeh may try to complete ztricks and ztricks2 in such a way. Actually there are 8 styles to do bunnies: (+forward, +back, +move_right, +move_left and combined styles). Thus you have a program for next several years 
Member 61 posts
Registered: Sep 2009
What the heck is defrag  Just looked up a videoclip on google quake 3 defrag runs. Looks nice but also very weird. For instance, they keep some hopping speed when they literally move up on a near 90 degree stairs/single stair. EDIT: And plasmagun LOL.
Member 45 posts
Registered: Oct 2009
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Don't forget to upload all tricks to http://tricks.quakeworld.nu !!! *LER* www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
haha åke actually i had no idea that site even existed ^^
Member 284 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
Defrag seems quite nice for a few reasons: - maps look awesome, not just because of the engine and textures, but many really seem nicely designed - added possibilities with pg, not sure if I ever really liked it, seemed a bit gimmicky to me when I played, except in actual maps - you can actually see where you are going  wtf is up with escape2a and all these maps with fkn teleport floors or abyss where you can't see shit - more multilayered trick runs (more of this as well in qw plz, with runs that actually seem to have some purpose) - and what I really liked was adding the component of weapons + ammo + shooting buttons + touching buttons into the mix, this is something I would like to see a lot more of Outside of that, nothing really seemed all that impressive to me in difficulty, besides nailing the run in terms of time. It's been really long since I've played either vq3 or cpma, so I don't really remember the physics that well (like slope behavior etc). And haha, that skater girls jumping animation looks so eternally retarded when you are thinking about speedruns and speedjumping  When I think about qw tricking maps, most of which I have completed at least at some point (except for some of the really long boring jump from island in abyss to another island, escape2), most of them are very focused on a specific type of trick and don't really seem to have much meaning outside of that. Having a more compound tricking experience in the run is nice, maybe not even have all the tricks be that hard but more entertaining and long. Some maps have this feel, unfortunately I don't remember them, but very few actually allow you to make a real run through the map in a nice flow. I would also like to see the map have a combination of features, so that when you really master it, there is a quick superflow route that you can take, but you can still complete the map in a kind of slower way, phase at a time. Many qw trick maps end / restart immediately if you didn't hit one jump right or didn't have enough speed. Kudos to all you who have the dexterity for that, but outside of the basic trick maps, I really cba to go through that 
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
I actually made a Defrag kinda mod for qw back in 2005, I never got around to releasing it tho... But I did create a bunch of trick maps for it. It has both a race mode where ammo counts and a freestyle mode with unlimited ammo. The difference between my mod and the race mode in KTX is that the timer started when you left the start area, no "3, 2, 1, go" shit. It also included a beachball 2005 edition, 2006 edition
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
wow, that looks awesome zalon
