User panel stuff on forum
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2010-10-31, 17:38
6 posts

Apr 2010
I have recently sent my config to a handful of people, and they all report back to me that I have a shitty config and it makes them real choppy. One person, ok maybe different settings, but numerous people tell me this, it is starting to lead me to believe i have a shit config that is giving me problems. My computer setup is as follows: Intel Core 2 Duo PC 2.93ghz 2.94ghz, 4gig Ram 512mb Geforce 9400 driver version My fps is usually 360-250 it is very unstable. Any ideas, feedback would be greatful. These are my settings.

//Player Settings
b_switch "1"
w_switch "1"
msg "0"
rate "10000"

//Teamplay Communications
tp_forceTriggers "1"
tp_weapon_order "78653241"

//Skin Settings
teamskin "blue"
enemyskin "green"
enemyquadskin "green"
enemypentskin "green"
enemybothskin "green"
noskins "2"

//Console Settings
con_notifytime "1000"
gl_consolefont "charset_xantom"
gl_smoothfont "0"
log_readable "0"
scr_conalpha "0"
scr_consize "0.7"
scr_conspeed "32700"

//Chat Settings
auth_viewcrc "1"
cl_nofake "0"

//FPS and EyeCandy Settings
cl_deadbodyFilter "1"
cl_fakeshaft ".6"
cl_gibFilter "1"
cl_maxfps "600"
cl_model_bobbing "0"
cl_muzzleflash "0"
cl_nolerp "1"
cl_physfps "77"
cl_r2g "1"
r_drawflame "0"
r_explosionLight "0"
r_explosionType "3"
r_grenadeTrail "0"
r_rocketTrail "12"
r_telesplash "0"

//Particle Effects
gl_part_blobs "1"
gl_part_lavasplash "1"
gl_part_spikes "1"
gl_part_telesplash "1"
gl_part_trails "1"
gl_particle_explosions "1"

gl_shaftlight "0"

//Turbulency and Sky Settings
r_fastsky "2"
r_fastturb "1"
r_skycolor "4"
r_watercolor "50 80 120"

//Weapon View Model Settings
cl_bob "0"
cl_bobcycle "0.6"
cl_bobup "0"
r_drawviewmodel "0"

//Texture Settings
gl_max_size "2048"
gl_picmip "5"
gl_subdivide_size "128"
gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR"
r_floorcolor "0 100 50"

//Config Management
cfg_save_sysinfo "1"
cfg_save_userinfo "1"

//OpenGL Rendering
gl_lightning_size "1"
gl_triplebuffer "0"
gl_ztrick "1"

//System Settings
sys_yieldcpu "1"

//Video Settings
vid_conheight "384"
vid_conwidth "400"
vid_displayfrequency "75"
vid_flashonactivity "0"
vid_hwgammacontrol "1"
vid_wideaspect "1"

//Sound Settings
bgmvolume "0.5"
cl_staticSounds "0"
s_ambientlevel "0"
s_khz "44"
s_mixahead "0.06"
volume "0.4"

//Input - Keyboard
allow_scripts "0"
cl_backspeed "4096"
cl_forwardspeed "4096"
cl_iDrive "1"
cl_pitchspeed "20000"
cl_sidespeed "4096"
cl_upspeed "4096"
cl_yawspeed "7200"

//Input - Mouse
in_m_os_parameters "3"
in_mouse "3"
m_pitch "-.028"

//Input - Misc
sensitivity "2.75"

//Network Settings
cl_crypt_rcon "0"

//Server Browser
sb_hideempty "0"
sb_showmap "0"

//Status Bar and Scoreboard
cl_loadFragfiles "0"
cl_parseFrags "0"
scr_centerSbar "0"
scr_compactHud "1"
scr_drawHFrags "2"
scr_newhud "1"
scr_scoreboard_teamsort "0"

//Crosshair Settings
cl_crossy "3"
crosshair "4"
crosshaircolor "192"
crosshairimage " "

//Screen Settings
cl_clock "2"
cl_clock_y "1"
cl_democlock_y "-5"
cl_gameclock "3"
cl_gameclock_x "22.5"
cl_gameclock_y "-7"
cl_window_caption "0"
gl_gamma "0.35"
r_tracker_flags "1"
r_tracker_streaks "1"
scr_autoid "1"
scr_centershift "12"
scr_teaminfo_low_health "10"
scr_teaminfo_order "%p%n %l‘ %a/%h %w"
scr_tracking ""
show_fps "1"
showram "0"

//Screen & Powerup Blends
cl_demoplay_flash "1"
v_contentblend "0"
v_damagecshift "0"
v_pentcshift "0"
v_quadcshift "0"
v_ringcshift "0"
v_suitcshift "0"

//View Settings
cl_rollalpha "0"
fov "124.073059"
v_kickpitch "0"
v_kickroll "0"
v_kicktime "0"
v_viewheight "-6"

//Match Tools
match_auto_logconsole "0"
match_auto_record "1"

//Demo Handling
demo_format "qwd"
qizmo_dir "."

//Screenshot Settings
sshot_format "jpg"

and i use 640x480 resolution. My monitor is built into my computer, it is topped out at 60hz. It is a Dell All in one XPS i believe.
2010-10-31, 18:21
485 posts

Feb 2006
GND wrote:
//System Settings
sys_yieldcpu "1"
2010-10-31, 18:42
793 posts

Feb 2006
cl_maxfps 600 - make sure your fps is stable rather than as high as possible. you should set it to the highest possible multiple of your screen refresh rate that is still *stable*.

also you should get a lot more fps with that hardware. have you tried different drivers? omega drivers maybe. try to play with r_dynamic off.

what os do you use anyway?
2010-10-31, 19:03
6 posts

Apr 2010
ok. whats with the sys_yieldcpu 1 reply? isnt that the correct settings?

i am on windows vista 64bit. omega drivers? dont even know what those are. r_dynamic, i will try that.
2010-10-31, 19:05
6 posts

Apr 2010
well i tried the r_dynamic. helped quite a bit. im now up to "360" cl_maxfps stable.
2010-10-31, 19:59
793 posts

Feb 2006

it's a bit of a hassle but you could try those instead of the stock drivers. might be worth it if qw underperforms significantly on your hardware. many modern drivers are not optimzied for old software like quake 1.
2010-10-31, 20:08
1435 posts

Jan 2006
cl_nolerp 1 makes things choppy
2010-11-01, 01:19
1329 posts

Apr 2006
dEus wrote:

it's a bit of a hassle but you could try those instead of the stock drivers. might be worth it if qw underperforms significantly on your hardware. many modern drivers are not optimzied for old software like quake 1.

I wouldn't touch 3rd party modified setting drivers with a long stick.

The problem with such drivers as "omega drivers" is the fact that they in no way differ from the NVIDIA drivers carrying the same version number. How could they, since only NVIDIA is able to build driver binaries for their hardware, some third party will definitely not have access to the driver source code.

So in the end the difference is in default settings that ship with the driver. There are experimental and otherwise undocumented settings that normal user can't change within the driver interface (or control panel if you wish) for a reason. Sure, you can change something like LOD bias from the driver to make filtering look better subjectively.

Long story short: There is no real benefit from using 3rd party packaged drivers with slightly modified driver default values. More like there is some setting wrong with your config or possibly in certain situations with certain OSes the framerate might not be stable (xp+dualcores+threaded optimization in NVIDIA drivers is a great example of it).

If you have fps drops with NVIDIA hardware, you shouldn't turn off dynamic lights like you would probably do with ATI. Instead try disabling threaded optimization from the drivers (make it global or for ezquake only (a profile)) in case you have:

1) driver newer than 182.50 when using
2) Windows XP and
3) dual- or more cores.

Also if you have AMD cpu (which you don't obviously) installing AMD dual-core optimizer for XP solves a lot of problems about unstable fps in ezQuake. Core i7 with XP doesn't really like hyperthreading either with all NVIDIA drivers.
Servers: Troopers
2010-11-01, 02:02
793 posts

Feb 2006
well i've had pretty good results with omega drivers, i guess the tweaking of the settings does make a difference at least on my system. more importantly i found it easier to get older versions of the drivers as downgrading can actually make quakeworld run a lot faster in some cases.

but yea, definitely try the threaded optimization that Renzo mentioned. not sure what the settings for that are though.
2010-11-06, 15:30
405 posts

Jan 2006
JohnNy_cz wrote:
cl_nolerp 1 makes things choppy

listen to this post.
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