171 posts
Jan 2006
How do I change so that the kill messages turn up like that my teammates' name is in green, and the enemy is in red? And, an icon which shows which weapon was used?
For example, if znappe is my team mate and paradoks is my enemy:
"[green] znappe (rl icon) [red] paradoks"
Can't seem to find it, I guess it has something to do with r_tracker ?
130 posts
Jan 2006
cl_useimagesinfraglog 1
r_tracker_color_bad "090"
r_tracker_color_fragonme "090"
r_tracker_color_good "777"
r_tracker_color_myfrag "777"
r_tracker_color_suicide "777"
r_tracker_color_tkbad "777"
r_tracker_color_tkgood "090"
171 posts
Jan 2006
I can get the colors to work, but there is no icon showing of which weapon being used to kill somebody.
Maybe there are additional commands that are supposed to be used as well?
130 posts
Jan 2006
qw/fragfile.dat gives the image names in the last column on weapon_class defines. I had to edit that file a bit to get everything working the way I want, with different images for quad kills etc.
After that is setup you need to have those icons in qw/textures/tracker/ directory. I have no idea whether ezquake/nquake has any by default.
171 posts
Jan 2006
Sounds like a hazzle, sounds weird that it's that difficult just getting those icons...
EDIT: Ok, problem solved, it now works. Had an old fragfile.dat from 2006 in the ezquake dir hehe.