User panel stuff on forum
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Rookies' Corner
2010-11-08, 10:18
5 posts

Nov 2010
Hello! I just started playing qw and i absolutely love it! And community is really great and helpful too

So id like to ask if someone has this hud or cfg that was on the stream of qhlan? It was really nice and everything was big, i cant see much on my default which is small

Also i had a problem with server browser. I couldnt refresh list but one guy helped me with that. It turned out that my antivirus was a problem. So my 2nd question is: do i always have to turn off firewall to refresh server list?

Thanks and cheers!
2010-11-08, 10:43
1435 posts

Jan 2006
1) Try changing "font" "width" and "height" in the options menu (system tab).
2) Nope, just disable the functionality that filters network traffic. It might be called "DoS protection" or something like that...
2010-11-08, 12:20
59 posts

Mar 2010
I have seen many people asking for the stream hud cfg (and prolly they want the hud icons too etc). Could someone get it posted somewhere(here)?
2010-11-08, 12:47
5 posts

Nov 2010
Cant find this in my eset smart security. Changing size doesnt really help because those numbers are grey and also this affects menus. I would like something similiar to q3/ql just big white numbers with big clock.

Btw. sometimes qw warps badly i dont know why. I checked on maxfps 0 and my pc can handle 1k+ fps but it really chokes even when maxfps is stable 308
2010-11-08, 13:03
628 posts

Jan 2006
I have the QHLAN-stream hud at home, i could upload it here if Zalon (the maker) doesn't mind, when i get home.
So, check in at ~20cet u'll have the hud.
2010-11-08, 13:21
5 posts

Nov 2010
2010-11-08, 13:27
News Writer
309 posts

Sep 2006
So upload the cfg, the icons and THE SIMPLEITEMS as well pls!!
2010-11-08, 17:39
628 posts

Jan 2006
Here you have the config (put in quake/ezquake/configs - then cfg_load XX - or quake/qw then exec XX.cfg)

Didn't find weap icons, but these are very similar. (put in quake/qw/textures/wad)

Charset should be (put in quake/qw/textures/charsets - then loadcharset XX)

Hud faces/armors should be nquake default.
2010-11-08, 23:01
5 posts

Nov 2010
Ok so i dowloaded it, put everything in right place and it doesnt seem to work heres the screen, my hud is still old and gameclock is weird.
2010-11-09, 00:13
628 posts

Jan 2006
Annihiluzz, the gameclock is just that centered when you are by yourselfe on the server, when someone else enters it's fixed.
And as you can see on the picture, your hud is the same layout as the QHLAN Stream config.

And about those "Q3" weapon icons, check that you putted it in quake/qw/textures/wad folder.

(if it still doesn't work with those icons, check so you dont have double files like example. INV_SRLAUNCH.png and INV_SRLAUNCH.tga - if you have two with same name
but diffrent format it will use INV_SRLAUNCH.tga insteed of the .png that you putted in there)

Try download
and just take out the anum_* files into quake/qw/textures/wad to get white/red numbers insteed of those rusty metal look-a-like.

Hopefully you'll fix it. GL
2010-11-09, 00:27
5 posts

Nov 2010
Ok i messed around a bit and made something like this:

I really like it so i think i keep it. Thanks for your help! Cheers.
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