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General Discussion
2010-11-14, 12:17
64 posts

Jan 2009
I'm bored, thus thread.

Feel free to add more questions if you got any.

Which side do you turn to when rjumping forward?
-I always turn to the right and hold left strafe key when rjumping forward.

What movement, jump and attack keys do you use?
-asd for strafe and +back, jump with space and +forward with mouse2, +attack with mouse1.

What's YOUR favorite quadroute on tb3 maps?
-On dm3 I prefer to go window > bridge high > ya > quad > ring > ra or if I am sure ra is safe I go lifts below and look to sng. If I got some time left still I do another attack to ya from quad-ya path.
-On dm2 I just prefer the normal path > low-rl route cause you can see inside of low-rl in a better way compared to going from platforms.
-On e1m2 I usually go cross>bridge then depending on situation I go to either rl or yellow, I prefer going to yellow from gl area so I backtrack from bridge to cross>quad>gl>ya.

When do you feel the most confident in qw?
-For me it would be having gotten quad on e1m2 with 150/100 and having ssg, rl not necessary.
-Also the clichéd 200/100 rl/lg 99 on dm3, but who doesn't feel unstoppable with that?

When do you feel the least confident in qw?
-When I'm anywhere on dm2 in a 1on1 rl fight, even if I got 200/200. I always feel at a disadvantage.

What's your best move/skill or what is your best feature in qw?
-My best skill is probably sneaking into sng with either lg, rl or sng. And killing of enemy rl's who come from ra to get hp, I often tend to get rl pack aswell.
-I also feel very good taking over ra solo with either rl or lg, coming from sng-tele > ra-low.

EDIT: I forgot to mention I currently got the best boomstick in qw, drama begin.
2010-11-14, 17:17
890 posts

Jan 2006
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2010-11-14, 19:09
2059 posts

Jan 2006
rkd wrote:
Which side do you turn to when rjumping forward?

I'm right handed and always move my mouse left when strafejumping and to the right when i'm rocketjumping. Weird that it's not the :p
2010-11-14, 20:32
121 posts

May 2006
Which side do you turn to when rjumping forward?

- left and hold left strafe key when rjumping forward.

What movement, jump and attack keys do you use?

-asd for strafe and +back, jump = mouse2 and +forward = W , +attack with mouse1.

What's YOUR favorite quadroute on tb3 maps?

- no routes here.. just do what the heart (or teammates) tell me to.

do you feel the most confident in qw?
200/100 rl/lg 99 on dm3 yeah, can't argue with that

When do you feel the least confident in qw?
-respawing on dm6 2x2 , while enemies are all red-ed.

What's your best move/skill or what is your best feature in qw?
- Mindfucking.. I tend to concentrate a lot on surprising the enemies.. that often gets me some advantage.. When playing in team, sometimes gets me into trouble becouse not all pple get what i'm trying to do

Also it can get me killed and respawn raped, if not properly done..

I have also been able to do some great grenade combos/floods over the years..
. - - -- Words are stones in my Mouth.. -- - - . [url=][img]
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