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2011-02-22, 18:23
1265 posts

Jan 2006
blAze wrote:
rl, lg, gl:

mouse1: "weapon 7 5 3 2 4 1; +attack"
mouse3: "weapon 8 5 3 2 4 1; +attack"
mouse5: "weapon 6 5 3 2 4 1; +attack"

sg/ssg are toggled on the same button with scroll:

mouse4: "weapon 2 5 4 1; +attack"
mouse4: "weapon 3 2 5 4 1; +attack"

mouse2: jump

very similar to my own, i use these kind of binds since 1998 =) working well!! and innovative for the time i think!

i use alias for every weapon fire bind. that way i can mess with fov, sensitivity, crosshair for each weapon =) its very flexible =)
enough of smiling already =)

edit: since i've used this since always, i've slowly improved my teamplay binds and i USE all of them, even the unusual ones (example quad/pent respawn second, "NO/i can't", dropped pack, ask for status report, ask for enemy quad loc, "quad/pent time?", switch position, discharge warning -), _enemyLocation on key areas (map-dependant)...) damn i miss teamplay =)

along with a couple of "switch" binds to change a set of key's binds =) or else i didnt have enough fingers for all =)

edit2: here are some of my secrets:

bind TAB "+showrankings"
alias +showrankings "con_notifylines 2;+showteamscores; bind MWHEELUP _timerInc; bind MWHEELDOWN _timerDec; bind 4 _timerquad; bind 5 _timerPent; bind e _cancel; bind r _report1; bind mouse2 _packs"
alias -showrankings "con_notifylines 5;-showteamscores; bind MWHEELUP mwdw;bind MWHEELDOWN mwup; bind 4 _getquad; bind 5 _getpent; bind e _timerRL; bind r _coming; bind mouse2 +qs"

alias switch "echo SWITCHED ARROWKEYS TO TEAMPLAY;bind UPARROW _enemyLocation1; bind DOWNARROW _enemyLocation2; bind LEFTARROW _enemyLocation4; bind RIGHTARROW _enemyLocation5; bind BACKSPACE switcha"
alias switcha "echo SWITCHED ARROWKEYS TO PROXY;bind UPARROW say proxy:menu up ;bind DOWNARROW say proxy:menu down ;bind LEFTARROW say proxy:menu left ;bind RIGHTARROW say proxy:menu right; bind BACKSPACE switch"

mouse wheel binds
alias mwdw "weapon 3 2; +attack; wait; -attack; fire_sg"
alias mwup "weapon 2; +attack; wait; -attack;fire_sg"

bind 1 "_switch"
bind 2 "_safe"
bind 3 "_lost"
bind 4 "_getquad"
bind 5 "_getpent"
bind 6 "_soon"
bind = "+alt"
bind [ "vol-"
bind ] "vol+"
bind b "tossr"
bind c "_take"
bind e "_timerRL"
bind f "_help"
bind g "_took"
bind h "_trick"
bind j "_trick"
bind o "say |>"
bind p "say |p"
bind q "_weakrl"
bind r "_coming"
bind s "+back"
bind t "_sync" //for team attacks!
bind u "_sync"
bind v "say_team $\$nick ‰‰ quad in 10!"
bind x "_mapStatus"
bind y "_slipped"
bind z "_need"
bind BACKSPACE "switcha"
bind CAPSLOCK "_status"
bind PAUSE "say proxy:menu"
bind UPARROW "_enemyLocation1"
bind DOWNARROW "_enemyLocation2"
bind LEFTARROW "_enemyLocation4"
bind RIGHTARROW "_enemyLocation5"
bind ALT "+movedown"
bind CTRL "_point"
bind LSHIFT "cmd shownick"
bind F1 "_packs"
bind F2 "_qdead;_qdead"
bind F3 "_epowerups;_epowerups"
bind F4 "_soon"
bind PGDN "break"
bind PGUP "ready"
bind WINKEY "shownick;_point"
bind KP_SLASH "weaponstats_2"
bind KP_DEL "proxyon"
bind MOUSE1 "+ttack"
bind MOUSE2 "+qs"
bind MOUSE3 "+qss"
bind MOUSE4 "+gl"
bind MOUSE5 "+aj"
bind MWHEELUP "mwdw"
bind MWHEELDOWN "mwup"
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
2011-03-31, 13:33
38 posts

Nov 2006
i've always wondered about people who use a single fire button (and keys to switch weapon..) if you *always* press the switch first?

like if you have LG selected and you're gonna LG, is it an automatic or 'just in case' thing to still press the switch-to-LG button too?
and if not .. do you ever forget?

mine are..(playing with keypad):

mouse1: RL
mouse1+INS pressed : LG -> SSG -> SG
del: GL
thumbutton: SNG
pgup: SG
pgup + INS pressed: axe
2011-03-31, 13:50
1025 posts

Apr 2006
Hehe reppie, i think i press shift (rl) about 20 times in between fights to be sure i have it selected
Same goes for lg and sg/ssg

Reason is i think unintentionall discharges and bores
2011-03-31, 16:34
485 posts

Feb 2006
You could use a hud item or view weapon to show (pre)selected weapon.
2011-03-31, 21:22
33 posts

Mar 2006
+attack on every bind

Q = bind mouse1 sg, mouse2 ssg
E = bind mouse1 lg, mouse2 rl

mouse3 gl all the time
mouse5 ng/sng all the time

(wasd movements+space jump)
2011-03-31, 22:54
1025 posts

Apr 2006
Kalma wrote:
You could use a hud item or view weapon to show (pre)selected weapon.

I do have that, kind of doesnt look at it too much i guess
2011-04-01, 08:38
21 posts

Apr 2007

mouse1 +rl
mouse2 +lg
mouse3 +sg
mouse4 +ssg
mouse5 +sng
shift +gl
space +jump

mouse razer deathadder
2011-04-01, 14:51
85 posts

May 2007

mouse1 +rl
mouse2 +attack
mouse3 +lg
mouse4 _point
w impulse 5
r impulse 6
g impulse 3
space +jump
Str8 Outta Ritoniemi!
2011-04-01, 20:00
384 posts

Dec 2006
I've used a fairly straightforward config for years:

TFGH to move
Space = jump
M1: rl sng ssg ng sg ax [more priority for particle weapons]
M2: lg ssg sng sg ng ax [more priority for hitscan weapons]
M3: gl sng ssg ng sg ax
M4: sng ssg sg ng ax
wheelup: status
wheeldown: sg [this is kinda lol... if I have sng or ssg then it's the only way I can fire it, so in long-range fights I'm there flicking mouse wheel, can't be the best for aim!]

Recently I added a toggle on mouse5 that makes mouse1 jump and shoot at the same time, which helps for rocket jumps e.g. dm2 bigroom. I think I might do something else to let me have a quickfire boomstick.

One of the useful things I did a few years back was changing my mouse2 priorities to put ssg above sng for when I don't have LG - this is useful on e1m2 as I can then fire both weapons even when I've got a full stack,
2011-05-11, 15:45
1265 posts

Jan 2006
HangTime wrote:
I've used a fairly straightforward config for years:
TFGH to move
Space = jump

i've tried a similar config when q3 was out, i took the idea of having the movement keys on the middle of the keyboard from sujoy roy's q3 config. Ive used it in q3, but not in qw. Its good because you have the left part of the keyboard full of keys for you to bind. the bad thing about a typical wasd config is that to the left you only have capslock, shift and ctrl keys to bind.

sujoy used 0iop if im not mistaken, which is an improvement of yours tfgh imo simply because your thumb finger can use so much more keys.

HangTime wrote:
Recently I added a toggle on mouse5 that makes mouse1 jump and shoot at the same time, which helps for rocket jumps e.g. dm2 bigroom. I think I might do something else to let me have a quickfire boomstick.

Like you, I use mousewheel for this. boomstick/shotgun is fired with mwup/mwdown. i dont think its lol, as it doenst interfere with my aim. works great, i can hit any1 on sight very easily. the only thing im not happy with my config is that i have a dedicated button to rjump and other to fire gl. this can be improved, but i don't have the need, because its so tweaked already.. =)
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
2011-05-11, 18:09
212 posts

Apr 2006
OMG movement scripts!!!!! Both of you shalt be quartered and executed.
2011-05-11, 18:43
891 posts

Jan 2006
sorry for offtopic here, but did you know that LethalWiz (using wasd) is constantly keeping button "Z" pressed, which is bound to "run"?
Old, bad habit from the days of "always run off" or something
Join us on
2011-05-12, 13:59
News Writer
1267 posts

Jun 2007
that sounds awkward as hell
2011-05-29, 19:45
1435 posts

Jan 2006
As a result of this poll, following feature has been added to ezQuake (inbuilt +fire alias, basically) details here
2011-06-01, 11:07
401 posts

Mar 2006
Every time I buy a new mouse I have to change/experiment with wep bind
2011-10-12, 03:17
37 posts

Jan 2007
how can I make this:

1) i want to fire lg (space) and when i hit mouse1, shaft stops e fire other weapon (right now i must leave space to fire on mouse1).
2) when stop firing lg, return to previous weapon.

a.k.a. doob/db/oldb | O Clã [6] member & founder |
2012-01-12, 14:39
48 posts

Jan 2010
Single fire button, different keys for gun select except for ssg

mouse1 - +attack
mouse2 - +forward
mouse3 - instatnt ssg attack

shift - bind mouse1 lg
space - bind mouse1 rl
s - bind mouse1 gl
a - bind mouse1 ng,sng
d - bind mouse1 sg
alt - +movedown
ctrl - +jump

z,x,c - left, back, right
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