rl, lg, gl:
mouse1: "weapon 7 5 3 2 4 1; +attack"
mouse3: "weapon 8 5 3 2 4 1; +attack"
mouse5: "weapon 6 5 3 2 4 1; +attack"
sg/ssg are toggled on the same button with scroll:
mouse4: "weapon 2 5 4 1; +attack"
mouse4: "weapon 3 2 5 4 1; +attack"
mouse2: jump
very similar to my own, i use these kind of binds since 1998 =) working well!! and innovative for the time i think!
i use alias for every weapon fire bind. that way i can mess with fov, sensitivity, crosshair for each weapon =) its very flexible =)
enough of smiling already =)
edit: since i've used this since always, i've slowly improved my teamplay binds and i USE all of them, even the unusual ones (example quad/pent respawn second, "NO/i can't", dropped pack, ask for status report, ask for enemy quad loc, "quad/pent time?", switch position, discharge warning -), _enemyLocation on key areas (map-dependant)...) damn i miss teamplay =)
along with a couple of "switch" binds to change a set of key's binds =) or else i didnt have enough fingers for all =)
edit2: here are some of my secrets:

bind TAB "+showrankings"
alias +showrankings "con_notifylines 2;+showteamscores; bind MWHEELUP _timerInc; bind MWHEELDOWN _timerDec; bind 4 _timerquad; bind 5 _timerPent; bind e _cancel; bind r _report1; bind mouse2 _packs"
alias -showrankings "con_notifylines 5;-showteamscores; bind MWHEELUP mwdw;bind MWHEELDOWN mwup; bind 4 _getquad; bind 5 _getpent; bind e _timerRL; bind r _coming; bind mouse2 +qs"
alias switch "echo SWITCHED ARROWKEYS TO TEAMPLAY;bind UPARROW _enemyLocation1; bind DOWNARROW _enemyLocation2; bind LEFTARROW _enemyLocation4; bind RIGHTARROW _enemyLocation5; bind BACKSPACE switcha"
alias switcha "echo SWITCHED ARROWKEYS TO PROXY;bind UPARROW say proxy:menu up ;bind DOWNARROW say proxy:menu down ;bind LEFTARROW say proxy:menu left ;bind RIGHTARROW say proxy:menu right; bind BACKSPACE switch"
mouse wheel binds
alias mwdw "weapon 3 2; +attack; wait; -attack; fire_sg"
alias mwup "weapon 2; +attack; wait; -attack;fire_sg"
bind 1 "_switch"
bind 2 "_safe"
bind 3 "_lost"
bind 4 "_getquad"
bind 5 "_getpent"
bind 6 "_soon"
bind = "+alt"
bind [ "vol-"
bind ] "vol+"
bind b "tossr"
bind c "_take"
bind e "_timerRL"
bind f "_help"
bind g "_took"
bind h "_trick"
bind j "_trick"
bind o "say |>"
bind p "say |p"
bind q "_weakrl"
bind r "_coming"
bind s "+back"
bind t "_sync" //for team attacks!
bind u "_sync"
bind v "say_team $\$nick ‰‰ quad in 10!"
bind x "_mapStatus"
bind y "_slipped"
bind z "_need"
bind BACKSPACE "switcha"
bind CAPSLOCK "_status"
bind PAUSE "say proxy:menu"
bind UPARROW "_enemyLocation1"
bind DOWNARROW "_enemyLocation2"
bind LEFTARROW "_enemyLocation4"
bind RIGHTARROW "_enemyLocation5"
bind ALT "+movedown"
bind CTRL "_point"
bind LSHIFT "cmd shownick"
bind F1 "_packs"
bind F2 "_qdead;_qdead"
bind F3 "_epowerups;_epowerups"
bind F4 "_soon"
bind PGDN "break"
bind PGUP "ready"
bind WINKEY "shownick;_point"
bind KP_SLASH "weaponstats_2"
bind KP_DEL "proxyon"
bind MOUSE1 "+ttack"
bind MOUSE2 "+qs"
bind MOUSE3 "+qss"
bind MOUSE4 "+gl"
bind MOUSE5 "+aj"
bind MWHEELUP "mwdw"
bind MWHEELDOWN "mwup"