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Server Talk
2010-11-17, 09:16
335 posts

Jan 2006
I remember a finish server many years ago, that ran alongside, or after, eDome Small/Large.
I thought it was pretty remarkable, cause it had adjusting config settings on the fly.
Luckyshot mentioned these servers that also ran in Finland:
But I'm not sure it was any of those. I seem to recall it was someone from Z running this auto config server.. perhaps luny/focu?

So if you were for example <5 players on the server, it would deactivate powerups, maybe also change map cycle to suit the low player count.
If more players joined it would activate powerups and initiate larger maps. That would be great for a server like xs4all, so you don't have to play on dm4 with 16 players.

I still think FFA is one of the areas in QW that has been neglected for many years, and was big part of the community years ago. It brings the "casual" into the game. For that purpose people are pretty much only playing dmm4 maps today. I think it's a shame.

I proposed before some kind of FFA BOT network where we would have several FFA servers hosted around Scandinavia and europe. With various themes and map cycles, enough to suit most needs. So my philosophy was that activity breeds more activity.. and noone wants to join an empty server. Almost all new games know this from the start, and have systems implemented to adress this issue, by quickly matching you with opponents to get instant games.

On these FFA servers you would then have quake bots.. let's say 4 bots on each server, with 4 different skill levels. For every 2 real players that join, 1 bot leaves.

It was an idea I had back then, but no one really seemed to give any response on it.
2010-11-17, 10:29
1329 posts

Apr 2006
KTX FFA has a variable in the FFA configs

set k_pow_min_players

That can be used to finetune when powerups appear depending on the player count. Also at some point during the last year a feature was added that you can use to turn on/off any particular powerup you wish, allowing flexibility (for example large (where noone ever playes) has only ring enabled on death32c) in configuring different maps for FFA.

As for the mapcycle, players could vote for the maps they want.
Servers: Troopers
2010-11-17, 13:41
335 posts

Jan 2006
is there then also an option to disable teamsays like we have on xs4all now? forsberg tried setting up an ffa on but teamsays work there.
2010-11-17, 13:52
59 posts

Mar 2010
Z FFA server also disabled discharges in dm3.
It's really ruining the dm3 game experience in xs4all when some people only try to discharge all the time. In other maps discharge seems fine though.

But can't remember if it was that big problem in edome small though. Xs4all has just it's own special scene ;l.
2011-01-03, 18:32
685 posts

Jul 2007
Speaking of xs4all FFA.... where the hell did the server go?
2011-01-03, 21:49
27 posts

Oct 2010
Dunno, but, the small brother, is there.
2011-01-04, 01:02
685 posts

Jul 2007
t0ma wrote:
Dunno, but, the small brother, is there.

Yes, and so are all the other ones, except the main ffa server...
2011-01-04, 11:21
2059 posts

Jan 2006
I think the bot-compensate-idea that Paradoks mention is really interesting (i actually started thinking about it when reading Vodka's other thread and then i saw that you'd brought this up again ).

Is it doable?
2011-01-04, 17:00
685 posts

Jul 2007
If it's only for a FFA or Dual server, then I don't see why you can't have Frogbots online. I set it up myself for FodQuake once, because the Localhost is broke in FodQuake. That way, I could start my own server on the same PC, connect to proper IP address with FodQuake and pump in some bots.
2011-01-04, 18:16
1864 posts

Feb 2006
frikbots could "quite easily" be added to FodFFA. They might not be as hard opponents as frogbots, but at least you don't get all the NQ and weird behaviour that you get with frogbots.
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