User panel stuff on forum
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General Discussion
2010-12-07, 21:00
347 posts

Feb 2006
And start with Hagge! :p
2010-12-07, 21:02
950 posts

Apr 2006
Hooraytio wrote:
And so we gather around a big bowl of popcorn again

Hahahaa! Thank you Had a good laugh on this one!
2010-12-07, 21:05
1435 posts

Jan 2006
uh, i just notice random people writing insults in random places more and more; there is hardly something more annoying and bothersome than having to give out "official warnings" or even bans to people you know, but recently e.g. some news posts get comments with kind of language i have never seen before on this site, and now this thread .. like if we're turning into some childish cs forum.. maybe it's just my paranoia tho
2010-12-07, 22:35
335 posts

Jan 2006
Well didn't mean to put more fuel on it, just thought there was some general confusion on where we stand today on security (or lack thereof). People still use f_version f_modified, f_ruleset for official games, especially playoffs.

I can follow spike and the other developers thoughts.. it's like the evil trinidy... you got players who want's cheat safe software, you got developers who try to develop it for the users, and inbetween you got partypoopers and troubled teens who jump at all and any oppertunity to ruin it for everyone else by instant cracking everything just "because they can", rendering all the work useless.

And I guess if they don't hack it openly and being an ass about, others with worse motives would do it in silence and noone would be the wiser. my head is still spinning on this, I live in my little bubble world I guess.
2010-12-07, 22:44
115 posts

Mar 2006
you still didn't understand that it was useless from the beginning
one of the good guys! so please don't ban -
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