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Client Talk
2010-12-02, 17:27
693 posts

Jan 2006
A couple of problems for Osams guys.. they're too shy to post though.

Steppa has a recurring issue where he can't start Mumble & Ezquake at the same time. Doing so crashes Ezquake, and most of the time when we play he has to try 4 or 5 times before he can get it going. I'll get him to post his client version, windows, etc.

Meanwhile, lunna cannot play QW at all because he has a large widescreen monitor and it gives him motion sickness. Has anyone had this and been able to remedy it? I don't think he used to get it on his CRT.
2010-12-02, 17:59
628 posts

Jan 2006
gaz, lunna can play with vid_widescreenaspect or just resize the image and play crt 4:3 style with black edges?
2010-12-02, 21:29
384 posts

Dec 2006
Motion sickness in FPS games is often a symptom of FOV being too low. Which would fit with moving from a 4:3 to 8:5 screen or whatever.
As for running mumble and ezquake at the same time, does the problem occur using default config and no cmdline? Something like -primarysound would probably screw it up.
2010-12-03, 07:22
386 posts

Apr 2006
Problems with EZQuake/mumble can usually be traced to positional audio in mumble. Toggling that usually solves the problem, though I don't know how to fixing the underlying issue.
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