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Advanced Configuration
2010-12-04, 09:53
226 posts

Jun 2006
download (1.24mb)
Image Preview 1 (2010-12-05) - demo with hud_planmode on
Image Preview 2 (2010-12-05) - teamplay messages with hud_planmode on
Image Preview 3 (2010-12-05) - normal in game shot

// Foogs Config Instructions and Information
// Current release: Dec 8, 2010
// First release: Dec 4, 2010
// |


- Put the setup of all the foogs_ aliases in config.cfg
- Changed config load order. Hud gets loaded last and resolution is the 2nd config to get loaded. The rest of the order stays the same. The readme is updated with the order.
- Added vid_displayfrequency variable to foogs_resolution.cfg
- Changed config loading alias names. Prefixed all with foogs_ e.g. foogs_hud.
- Added a black translucent box around the health element to make armor/health more distinguishable at a glance.
- Edited config.cfg. It now contains all the setup for your name/team name/short nick/team colors.

- Fixed the notify element in my hud. Now it lines up on every resolution without adjustment as far as I can tell. Align now to left top, instead of center top.

- Made the qw directory contents a pk3 file to make things cleaner. Can be opened with winzip / 7z / winrar etc. Also added backpack_0.png to the pk3.
- Updated my hardware list.
- Got rid of the thumbs.db files in the textures folders.
- Set the gameclock transparency (/gameclock item_opacity 1) to full.
- Small edits to the readme.


I love QuakeWorld and I wanted to try to create a conglomeration of the best settings for QuakeWorld that have worked for me. I'm also making this because there hasn't been an update to def's quakeworld package in 4 years. There are other great packages out there like nQuake, but I wanted to create something with a personal touch to it. I know when I first started QuakeWorld I loved def's package because it was meant for competitive gamers and it seemed beyond just a config file. It was the game that he was actually seeing. So I present to you QuakeWorld as I see it!


1. Install ezQuake:
2. Extract fgs-quakeworld-2010-12-03 to your "Quake directory". Your file manager will probably ask you to merge folders, continue if asked. I don't think it will ask you if you want to overwrite anything if you followed the ezquake guide on a how to do a clean install.
3. Edit "/id1/foogs_resolution.cfg" and setup your resolution and field of view from there.
4. Run ezquake-gl.exe to test it out THEN/OR read the rest of this readme for more information on how my setup works

//What's included (These files don't come preininstalled with a clean install of ezquake):

- /foogs_readme.txt //You're reading it now

- /ezquake/config/config.cfg //explained later
- /id1/fgs.cfg //explained later
- /id1/foogs_keyboardbinds.cfg //explained later
- /id1/foogs_teamplaybinds.cfg //explained later
- /id1/foogs_hud.cfg //explained later
- /id1/foogs_resolution.cfg //explained later
- /qw/textures/wad/*

The wad numbers were originally just defs found here: I just edited the number so they are just flat white and flat red. The ammo/gun/powerups/armor icons of the hud are all created by Primevil: Although I will say I had to use some of those files to create sb_rocket / cells / nails / shells because he didn't include those at the time of this writing. net.png came from def's setup as far as i can tell.

- /qw/foogs_qw.pk3 //CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING:

- /gfx/conback.png //1x1 console background thats just black
- /skins/2_pink.png 2_white.png //teammate/enemy skins created by Primevil | … bit-skins/
- /sound/items/r_item2.wav //custom mega sound from def's package please help credit
- /sound/misc/menu1.wav menu2.wav menu3.wav //custom menu sounds dunno where i got these help credit
- /textures/aerowalk/ 3 files //texture fixes for aerowalk not sure who did them
- /textures/charsets/graybugs.png //charset created by _KaszpiR_
- /textures/models/bolt2_0.png //A black image that makes your LG beam black
- /textures/models/grenade_0.png //Green grenade model skin by Primevil
- /textures/models/missile_0.png //Pure Redish rocket model by Primevil
- /textures/models/backpack_0.png //purple backpack model skin by Primevil
- /textures/particles/ //particle font from def's setup that I use cause I like the way it makes the rocket trail look

//How the config is loaded

My config is spread into 5 different parts to make it easier to change commonly changed settings like your HUD and Teamplay Binds. If you want to change your controls/config options you should first run the game and change the setting in game to what feels right. Then manually edit my configs with the settings using a text editor. Only try saving your config from within the game if you know what you're doing.

Everything will be executed by ezquake in this order everytime you open ezquake-gl.exe:

1. config.cfg
2. foogs_resolution.cfg
3. fgs.cfg
4. foogs_keyboardbinds.cfg
5. foogs_teamplaybinds.cfg
6. foogs_hud.cfg

--- Config File Reference ---


This is the very start of the configuration loading. It's really simple here's what it contains:

alias loadmain "exec fgs.cfg"

All that does is creates a new alias everytime quake starts then loads it instantly. It's great because it allows you to test other peoples configs. Say you had Miltons "m.cfg" /id1/m.cfg and you wanted to load it instead of fgs.cfg. Just simply replace "exec fgs.cfg" with "exec m.cfg" and it will load Milton's config instead of mine.

This file is also where you would set up your nick/teamplay nicks/team name/team colors as well.


The meat of my quakeworld config. It contains video mode/gfx/mouse/skins/console settings. Most of the settings are originally based off/taken from Miltons config. ( But There definitely is a lot of settings that I have added in that are my personal preference. I'm not going to document all the changes though. If you want to see which one is better go try out his config and then mine. You could even mix and match since my config is so modular with 4 different files. smile At the end of this file it calls the alias loadmainbinds which execs foogs_keyboardbinds.cfg

You also setup your mouse sensitivity in this file. Use your text editors search function to find "sensitivity".


It is the config for all of my my controls like chat/weapon binds/screenshot hotkey/ready/movement. My teamplay binds aren't setup here but rather in the foogs_teamplaybinds.cfg file.


Credit to murdoc for the config and the great Slackers clan ( . This is just the teamplay config that I'm using. The config is pretty well commented by Murdoc if you want more information open it up in your text editor. At the very bottom of the file is where you will find the binds setup specifically for teamplay only. Movement/weapon binds reside in the foogs_keyboardbinds.cfg file.


It's my own hud that I'm proud to say I created. The wad numbers were originally just defs found here: I just edited the number so they are just flat white and flat red. The ammo/gun/powerups/armor icons of the hud are all created by Primevil: . Although I will say I had to use some of those files to create sb_rocket / cells / nails / shells because he didn't include those at the time of this writing. But everything was moved around and placed on the screen by me.

The iarmor element of the hud is what everything is relative too. Its on the very bottom center of the screen. If you have a different resolution than me this hud config should be really easy to get to look right. All you should have to do is change the scale of the elements.

Example: startup quake and type /iarmor scale . It should return what the scale of the armors icon is at for my config (its at 2). So say you are running a smaller resolution than me like 800x600, you would probably want to change the scale to 1 or so by typing /iarmor scale 1. You would just do this for the rest of the elements. To get a list of the hud elements that I use type /show into the console. The hud uses relative positioning and I reccomend you use that too instead of using the move command (This ensures that everything is centered on your screen if you have slight OCD) For more information on editing huds check out the ezquake manual online or message me on quakenet.


The config for setting up the resolution the game should be run at. Simple as that. Extra commenting in the file itself.

//Keyboard Binds Reference - most taken from def's setup

--- BASICS ---

W = move forward
S = move backward
A = strafe left
D = strafe right

Mouse1 = shoot
Mouse2 = jump / swim up
Mouse4 = show your LG and RL percentages (only works when connected to a ktx/kteams server)
Shift = select RL
Space = select LG
F = select GL
E = select SSG
Q = select SNG
R = select SG


[ = public chat
] = team chat
Tab = scoreboard
~ = toggle console
ESC = toggle menu

PGUP = ready
PGDN = notready
F12 = screenshot

-- TEAMPLAY MESSAGES -- credit Murdoc from Slackers -

4 = get quad
5 = get pent
z = point items or shownick(status) if you point on teammate
2 = enemy powerup
h = quad over
u = replace me
3 = coming
1 = nmy @ location depending on map (dm2-high,dm3-tunnel,e1m2-spikes)
n = reports what you need or/and team powerup
ctrl = took item
v = status report health/armor weapon
b = safe
c = help
x = lost

////////// | #na.qw.pickup | - for the active North American Scene - The Greatest QuakeWorld client made. Read the manual. - Great information on achieving a smooth quakeworld - Read his readme for his setup and his reccomendations, it is dated but the information is still useful - Primevil is one of my favorite QuakeWorld contributers. - This is THE quakeworld communities website. - Great server browser

My hardware I'm using just in case you wanna try to be me:

Mouse:Logitech g9x
Mousepad: Steel Series S&S
Monitor: View Sonic VX2265wm-fuhzion @ 120hz
Keyboard: Filco FKBN87M/EB
CPU: AMD Phenom II x3 720
Video Card: nVidia GTX 275 896MB

..And my mitz. and #QWL | foogsQuakeWorld Ladder
2010-12-04, 23:46
115 posts

Mar 2006
one of the good guys! so please don't ban -
2010-12-05, 08:16
25 posts

May 2006
jogihoogi wrote:

i grew up doin dumb shit that made me wise
coulda died ten times that made me live
2010-12-05, 17:24
888 posts

Jan 2006
could we see any screenshot of this?
Join us on
2010-12-05, 19:32
518 posts

Jan 2006
check first line start post
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