User panel stuff on forum
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2010-12-12, 00:13
28 posts

Jan 2007
Hi, my name is Pavel and I am currently playing under the nick XtjE (which is somewhat the same as xatah).

I am still member of a2k (Apocalypse 2000), came back to the qw community after long brake due to playing Quakelive. Seems like a2k is a bit inactive these days so I am looking for stable team willing to play shitload of praccs/leagues. Maybe you who are at least little bit interested in taking me under your wings should/could consider this as somehow longe term relationship since a2k might revive in few years :-)
Anyways, what counts is that I really wanna play and yes, I am able to play almost every day since my working schedule is ok with it.

Skill level is somewhat around div2.5/3. I guess
Nationality: Czech
Pings are quite ok, now I am suffering some packetloss issues, but I am ok with it for now..
I'm ready to talk to you guys in English, on irc and even a little bit on mumble, keep in mind that my english lacks practice lately so I might be a bit rusty when on MM3, anyways... I am quite sure that saying where I am and when is the quad shouldn't be really a problem

If you are interested in me, dont be shy to reply here or on irc, channel #ibh (nick [a2k]Xtje)

Thanks in advance for your feedback guys, QW is awesome and I want to play it seriously this time
2010-12-12, 03:24
55 posts

Jan 2009
Hi Pavel =) Nice to see you back. Hope you find a nice team to play with and get some frags etc.. all the best to you.
2010-12-12, 09:17
309 posts

Sep 2006
And bring some QL friends with u Pavel . Nice to have u back. Greetings from Poland.
2010-12-12, 15:18
28 posts

Jan 2007
Thanks guys very much. Hopefully someone will pick me up
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