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Maps & Textures
2011-01-04, 12:31
31 posts

Mar 2007
Hey! Its a brand new 4on4 map Naughty Brickworks (naughty.bsp). It has been a while since I last built a map. This one took me about a month and it went through several different versions until I got what I wanted. I had a good time mapping and Im very happy with the result. Time well spent.

Last picture will explain the layout and items. Simply put there is a central area with QUAD and then RA side and YA side.

24bit textures and a .lit file for colored lights included.

Map (version 2) and colored lights:

Screenshots and overview:

24bit textures:

update 1:
Its on the servers now. At least - 27510

I have some ideas for possible new version. Heres the deal for now:

QUAD: the place of quad. I (and others) were thinking it might be too hard to defend the quad
when it can be grabbed right from the wind tube. Could move it few meters back next to the wall.

RA AREA: Got some feedback and I agree. The room is a bit large. Im thinking of narrowing the
wide stairs a little to make it more tight.

STAIRS: I got some feedback about the amount of stairs in the map. I could make some of the
stairs into ramps but mostly I dont want to do that.

New screenshots.

New version of the map released (version 2). Also colored lights are now included. Updated all screenshots.
2011-01-04, 13:05
2059 posts

Jan 2006
Looks promising, keep up the good work Wouldn't mind more screenshots though
2011-01-04, 13:24
459 posts

Mar 2008
to Ake: Start up quake and check it out yourself?

And yes, looks really nice. Being a mapper in this community must be a bit unrewarding unless the feeling of completing a map is reward enough itself. I specially like the screenshot from the pent area. Really Diablo'ish feeling. \m/ Gonna check it out when I get home. Naughty mix tonight folks?
2011-01-04, 13:35
2059 posts

Jan 2006
Rikoll wrote:
to Ake: Start up quake and check it out yourself?

You actually made me realize i'm currently sitting on a decent connection, so will do!
2011-01-04, 15:06
889 posts

Jan 2006
looks promising! let's mix it up tonight!
Join us on
2011-01-04, 17:41
459 posts

Mar 2008
Pic with 24bit textures:
2011-01-04, 18:18
685 posts

Jul 2007
Looks awesome!
2011-01-04, 18:31
156 posts

Mar 2007

I'll do some frikbot waypoints, like I have for the rest of your maps.
2011-01-04, 19:31
251 posts

Jul 2007
Flinta to the rescue!
2011-01-04, 23:02
156 posts

Mar 2007
Here are some Frikbot waypoints for the map:
2011-01-15, 19:19
226 posts

Mar 2007
Looks a very promising map! We need a MIX! And a server with this map!
2011-01-21, 21:08
31 posts

Mar 2007
Its on the servers now. At least - 27510

I have some ideas for possible new version. Heres the deal for now:

QUAD: the place of quad. I (and others) were thinking it might be too hard to defend the quad
when it can be grabbed right from the wind tube. Could move it few meters back next to the wall.

RA AREA: Got some feedback and I agree. The room is a bit large. Im thinking of narrowing the
wide stairs a little to make it more tight.

STAIRS: I got some feedback about the amount of stairs in the map. I could make some of the
stairs into ramps but mostly I dont want to do that.

(updated the original post with this info)
2011-07-13, 12:36
News Writer
309 posts

Sep 2006
Any news Zaka? When will you introduce the changes mentioned in the first post?
I'd like to play some mixes there. The map looks ok but imho it's too "close combat" oriented. Perhaps some areas should be more open.
I agree there is too much of stairs.
I very much like the Mega and LG area though.
2011-07-13, 18:39
226 posts

Mar 2007
That windtunnel quad offers some high quality LOL moments, I think it's only good if you've to defend the wind tunnel too, this happened in a mixed I was playing.

Naughty is one the best maps out there, the only thing that bothers me is the RA-shaft area, it should be alot simpler now it's just a mess.
2011-07-13, 23:39
News Writer
309 posts

Sep 2006
Any demos?
2011-07-14, 07:22
459 posts

Mar 2008
I had forgotten how awesome this map looks. Not only the textures, but the architecture as well. The pent area must be one of the most atmospheric areas out there. Reminds me of playing Diablo 1 from level 9 and forth.

I haven't even played this map, but my fingers itch just by thinking of it. I hope this is a candidate to vote for (if thats how the admins gonna roll) in EQL14.
2011-07-14, 08:21
News Writer
309 posts

Sep 2006
Penta area sure does look cool but I'm not so sure that Penta is necessary on this map.
LG-Exit area looks a bit empty, the same with with SSG area just above it.
The thin bars in front of the RA area may make the Qruns quite easy I reckon (Quad is just 2 clicks away). Thicker bars perhaps?
The ring placement seems random a bit: perhaps somewhere at MEGA/GL area or down the WIND TUBE corridor?
Is it just me or there are absolutely no shells ??
Nonetheless, great work, the map seems quite nice!
2011-07-15, 09:05
226 posts

Mar 2007
Zaka! Your map is considered to be in the next EQL so get your ass back here and finish the map!
2011-07-16, 10:40
31 posts

Mar 2007
My ass is back here. Very nice to hear something is happening with this map. With this amount of testing and feedback its easy to get worse if I implement every suggestion though. I did put in a lot of thought to the map like I allways do.

Im going to a spiritual island retreat for a week now and then check this again.

Kloze: Yep, no shell packs. Who needs them? MEGA/GL was my other option for RING placement but I felt its better for the balance of the map to have it at GA/TELE corridor.

I updated first post with new screenshots and put 2 demos from January to ch-tv.
Demos here:
2011-07-16, 10:57
News Writer
309 posts

Sep 2006
Thx for the demos Zaka
I thought that some shells and/or HP packs might get rid of some emptiness in some places mentioned above. But make sure that different areas of the map have different sort of textures (at least a bit different) because now it may be hard to learn for some ppl.
Waiting for the things to develop now!
2011-07-16, 12:52
226 posts

Mar 2007
After a few mixes these are my feelings:

Atm it feels that the YA-RL side is better, so the you'd probably wanna control that, so the side in control would be on RL-YA side. One of the problematic things is that pent is there. So the side who's in control has easy access to it. Maybe solve this by replacing pent with ring?

Quad+windtunnel is great. I wouldn't change it, it's just good that you've to defend the windtunnel as well.

Bridge area: Atm this seems to be a bit dull, time will show if it has importance. I could imagine that defending the bridge area could be good idea. But nevertheless it lacks something, maybe change ssg to GL?

RA-area, MEGA-maze and shaft areas are all fine but the problem is the stair corridors that connect these places. Could it be simplified? I'd get rid of those stairs since it's mostly wasted space without any purpose and it's pretty bothersome to wander there.

I think the brushwork is good in old-fashioned way: this map looks good if you're using r_drawflat and the architecture is well balanced size-wise.

About the textures: One of the worst things is mixing different textures that don't mix. This is not a problem here and I'd be carefull mixing different textures. I'd say that more important is the architectural personality that makes it easy to identify rooms, what i mean is that every room should have architectural personality. And I think Zaka has succeeded in that very well.
2011-08-03, 02:16
370 posts

May 2006
Is this map final yet?
Custom maps for the show, episodes for the pro.
2011-08-04, 17:36
31 posts

Mar 2007
Im trying to get a new version out today or tomorrow..
2011-08-04, 21:03
370 posts

Mar 2008
Map looks great so far
2011-08-05, 11:45
31 posts

Mar 2007
Naughty Brickworks 2 is out there!

It`s right here:

It is a new version with some changes. RA area got a bit smaller and many ramps added next to stairs.
Also some items changed:
- RING found a new place at LG entrance
- 1 GL moved from MH warehouse to bridge area to accompany the lonely SSG there.
- 12CELLS pack removed from PENT/RL area. The only CELLS pack is now at the warehouse.
2011-08-05, 13:47
1864 posts

Feb 2006
Why rename it, if it's just a revamp?
2011-08-05, 18:22
226 posts

Mar 2007

Where's FLEPSTER we need to get this to XS4ALL!
2011-08-06, 05:43
31 posts

Mar 2007
Filename is different for different versions to avoid confusion.

Oh, and the first post got updated with new screenshots and links..

I will be out of internet for a bit over a week now. Hope to see some demos after that!
2011-08-06, 08:01
1102 posts

Jan 2006
Thank you for releasing maps the proper way! :-)
2011-11-17, 19:48
171 posts

Jan 2006
I just made a loc file for it, but have no where to put it online :p
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