Okay, I'm an old fart. I played Q1 from the day it released, to about 9 years later.
Two nights ago, I played my first QWCA match since 2005. I quickly realized how much I missed this game.
I guess I had finally stopped (unfavorably) comparing Q3's physics & gameplay to Q1. I did that for years.
Q1 is the best FPS ever. Rockets behave like rockets should, not Mento-powered throwpillows.
For so long, Q1 enveloped the entire worldwide online gaming community. There was no other show in town!
Anyway, Googling for recent QW information led me here. Glad there's a forum. Regarding this topic:
My first NQ/QW clan had several memorable matches against the best QW clans at the time (all losses...) like evil geniuses, the outsiders, ruthless bastards, stickmen, etc. but I don't have screenshots of those.
I played Thresh and most of his clan -- "Legends" -- in the Red Annihilation tournament (Netquake, not QW). Killed Thresh once, with a quad rocket, but killed myself at the same time
no time for a screenshot but wished later that I had dropped the console and ss'ed that.
Fragged Killcreek several times in the same tourney . She kinda sucked but she was sortof a quake celebrity at the time.
This was a pickup game but outscoring Crash & Slam from Demolition was a big deal for me at the time. Bonus cameo of the most annoying shit-talker ever (The Best)
I have hundreds of screenshots and many are memorable to me, but I'm looking for some with memorable opponents??
anyway - thanks to all of you for keeping QW alive.