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Capture the Flag
2011-02-21, 13:49
News Writer
283 posts

Jan 2007
Cool - can the ctf maps be put on cuve please? Have played a few matches there on dm2/dm6/e1m2/dm3 and it's rather fun, but no doubt would be much better with proper ctf maps.
2011-02-21, 13:54
News Writer
283 posts

Jan 2007
Oops doublepost. May as well post a screenie:
2011-02-21, 15:05
1025 posts

Apr 2006
Darff wrote:
Cool - can the ctf maps be put on cuve please? Have played a few matches there on dm2/dm6/e1m2/dm3 and it's rather fun, but no doubt would be much better with proper ctf maps.

Yes they can! And soon they are, in about 20mins or so.
2011-02-21, 18:37
216 posts

Feb 2011
Sweet! If you copied the maps I put together, they include the original ctf1 -> ctf8 maps, plus the original ctf2m1 -> ctf2m8 maps, plus some custom maps that became popular a few years ago.

I'd say ctf5, ctf8 (or softbox, a cleaner remake), ctf1, ctf2m3, ctf2m8 (dm2 on top of another dm2) were played the most. The custom maps are smaller so are probably better for 2on2.
2011-02-22, 12:17
1265 posts

Jan 2006
thx blooddog! i recommend hosting those files on shub hub

i miss ctf. along with 4on4 official matches, its the thing i miss the most in qw games. im positive all ctf'ers feel this way.

life has changed, we're no longer 20 =) and time is limited. with that in mind, I suggest defining at least one (fixed) day per week for ctf night matches. the forum can be used to organize and post results and the stats site as backup.

regarding rules: some hate the hook, saying it makes the game too fast (i can't disagree here); some love it and argue that ctf isnt ctf without it.
i'm more flexible. im willing to play without it. in order to make ctf nights a success (more, MORE players!) imo the rules should be mixed (a couple of games with, a couple of games without hook, according to the ppl on the server).

plz, gather around, define a day, write some topic here at the forum, write a newspost on frontpage, configure one or two neutrally located servers (NL!) and lets play!

marshall and flepser of xs4all servers are very open to ctf!

(Tuesdays or Thursdays or Sundays are best for me)
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
2011-02-23, 14:58
1025 posts

Apr 2006
mushi wrote:

They are up at You should ping that about equal as Unfortunately I can't move it to NL or anywhere else
to make it more fair for more "foreign" players
2011-03-04, 11:55
3 posts

Apr 2010
BLooD_DoG wrote:
In conjunction with 'modern' bunny hopping/air control, (the hook) basically makes the game far far far too fast, and in some ways almost undefendable.

Disagree! The hook takes getting used to and it definitely makes a very fast game even faster, but the hardcore CTF'ers have been playing with it forever and it adds a lot to the game. Defense is totally possible, especially with proper teamwork. I agree that it takes some getting used to, but think of someone coming from another game and trying QW for the first time. They will say it's far far far too fast, even though we all know that's not true. CTF is a different mod and will feel different to DM'ers who aren't used to it with the hook, that doesn't mean it's flawed

After playing some 2on2 without hook but with runes I've to really admire those CTF guys who can play CTF with that shit, I think runes are one of the worst things i've ever seen implemented to Quake.

Hehe, same answer as above for the hook! When you learn how they work and get used to them, the runes add a lot of strategy to the game. If you have strength (give 2x damage, 8x with quad) you should probably play defense, with the resistance rune (take half damage) you should play offense, etc... You can also bring a rune back to a teammate if you're playing set positions, or swap runs with the tossrune command. The worst thing is to lose strength or resistance to the enemy, so you modify your play accordingly. And if you get frustrated because you can't kill an enemy with resistance, just take strength and you're even.

The other thing that bothered me about QW CTF is the scoring. In CTF, I think the scoring system should be based solely on number of captures. Frags and other things shouldn't come into it... But in theory you could score fewer captures and still win, right? That doesn't seem correct to me.

That's a fair point, and I think CTF mods for quake2 and up work that way. In reality, it's very rare that a team will win because of more frags but less captures. Consider that a capture gives 15 points to the one who captures, plus 10 points to each of his teammates, plus there will be a few points for assists (killing the enemy flag carrier, returning the flag right before a capture). That means that in 4on4, each capture gives your team about 50 points. That said, I remember a few matches in the 90's where frags made the difference (either due to same number of captures or one less capture). I wouldn't mind if the scoring system changes to just caps, but the way it is now hasn't been a problem in the past. I know we've had to modify strategy mid-game because frags would have made a difference, e.g. if the game is close with little time left, don't just rush in to steal the flag because the other team will get more points for killing you and defending their flag. Kind of like in 2on2 or 4on4, when the clock is running out or enemy has quad and the game is close, you don't just give free kills. So, the current scoring system makes it a little more interesting in my opinion, even if the main goal is to capture the enemy flag

This weekend I tryed to make ent-files for some favorite TF maps into CTF (with ktx server). With respawns I have a problem. Players spawns were expected just for the 1st time. Next time spawn happens just somewhere in the middle of the map.

In CTF rules, the first spawn at the start of the game is in your base, but after that you can spawn anywhere. I guess in TF you always spawn in your base?

Some maps you can try for CTF are dm4 (for 2on2) and dm6 or e2m2 for larger games. CTF-specific maps that are popular include ctf8 (or "softbox", a remake), ctf2m3, ctf5, ctf2m1, ctf1, ctf2m8 (basically dm2 on top of another dm2), boom, gym... BTW, none of the official CTF maps (ctf1 through ctf8 and ctf2m1 through ctf2m8) really require the hook, although they're much much easier with it.

Msg me, [DP]BLooD_DoG, on irc if you want to play ctf! I can show you all the tricks and teach you how it's meant to be played Here's a high-ping video from a few years ago. It has confusing skin colors (team = yellow, enemy = red) so it can look strange to see a red player attacking the red base in some clips. You probably won't be able to follow all the strategy that's going on (it looks ffa'ish but believe me it's not), but it should give you an idea of how a real match looks.

Very nice vid! A lot of my former clan members are playing in the vid, we are still real life friends (Caes, Zilv, Unex, Dekh) All from former vvv clan Really nice to see.
Are there any active CTF servers around? WOuld really love to play some CTF again and i'm sure my friends will also play along...
2011-03-04, 12:27
693 posts

Jan 2006
Tell the VVV lot to start playing 4on4 TDM again and signup for EQL
2011-03-04, 12:36
3 posts

Apr 2010
We always sucked in DM Many players don't have time to play regularly in a league
2011-03-04, 12:59
693 posts

Jan 2006
Trev, Zilv, Caes, Unex & Dragon played DM in NQR6 onwards and did pretty well. By the time they stopped playing they were a solid division 2 team. It would be good to have them back.
2011-03-05, 23:15
29 posts

Jan 2009
Where are you playing!? its primetime on saturday and no ctf servers in my gamescanner!!
2011-03-06, 00:21
1025 posts

Apr 2006
HellTiger wrote:
Where are you playing!? its primetime on saturday and no ctf servers in my gamescanner!! has support for CTF...
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