This is how I do these things:
First I decide what I what gametype I want. If you want 1on1, type 'bot_1on1' (without quotes). Then powerups are already disabled etc. For ffa, 'bot_ffa' or just load a map and type 'addbot'. Then you automatically have skill10 I think. So these cfg's are already part of nquake.
I also created a bots.cfg for ffa wich looks like this:
"timelimit "12"
fraglimit "0"
drop // needs restart
// map order
localinfo ztndm3 ukooldm2
localinfo ukooldm2 rwild
localinfo rwild pkeg1
localinfo pkeg1 ultrav
localinfo ultrav schloss
localinfo schloss ztndm5
localinfo ztndm5 e1m2
localinfo e1m2 e1m5
localinfo e1m5 e2m2
localinfo e2m2 cmt4
localinfo cmt4 spinev2
localinfo spinev2 frobodm2
localinfo frobodm2 debello
localinfo debello qffldm5
localinfo qffldm5 dm2
localinfo dm2 dm3
localinfo dm3 dm4
localinfo dm4 dm6
localinfo dm6 ztndm4
localinfo ztndm4 ztndm3"
That's for ffa and I bound a key to it in my ezquake cfg:
bind i "exec bots.cfg"
So, when I play ffa, I first type 'bot_ffa' and then press 'i'.
However, as mentioned, to really enable or disable drop, it requires a restart of the match. So I also have this in my cfg:
bind p "restart"
Ofc, if you want to be able to change the 'drop' status all the time (why???), you can also just bind a key to just the drop thing:
bind o "drop"
You can also bind a key to skillup or skilldown.
There's one problem with the bot_1on1 and bot_ffa commans in my nquake:
When I play ffa AFTER I've played 1on1, then my gameclock won't count. It's freezed. So then I just quit ezquake, and restart it. Probably a bug.
As far as I know, there's no way to really have everything completely setup in the autoexec.cfg for all gametypes at once, because the bot & drop settings totally depend on the gametype you choose. So just use the bot_1on1 or bot_ffa commands and these other things I've mentioned so you can always change 'drop' on the fly. However, you could try to add some of this stuff to your autoexec.cfg according to what gametype you play most and just use the extra binds I've mentioned for skillup/down and drop.
You could also just add your fav settings to the bot_1on1 or bot_ffa configs.... which are in the frogbot.pak as far as I know, located in: nQuakeEZquake\qw
Suit yourself