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Advanced Configuration
2006-04-30, 14:36
129 posts

Mar 2006
My first attempt at a metroid style hud, lots i want to do but not today
2006-04-30, 14:57
2058 posts

Jan 2006
lol thats cool

i cant wait for hud_group_picture to be finished
2006-04-30, 16:21
1754 posts

Jan 2006
I hope that will contain hud_group1_picture so you don't have to use the same pic for every group :\
2006-04-30, 19:05
2058 posts

Jan 2006
of course peppe
2006-04-30, 22:08
News Writer
2260 posts

Jan 2006

GREAT FUCKING hud interceptor!!
2006-04-30, 22:42
1754 posts

Jan 2006
2006-05-02, 17:33
129 posts

Mar 2006
The next stage in ma metroid style hud, still gotta work on quad, pent, ring faces and ammo placement, comments plz

tried to group like weapons together, sg, bs, ng, sn etc, and given larger icons for more important weaps, RL, LG.
Hopefully it's not too intrusive to the view.
2006-05-02, 19:44
129 posts

Mar 2006
Another wee update.
2006-05-02, 20:58
7 posts

May 2006
looks cool, you actually play with it though? looks a little distracting.

are custom huds not supported by FuhQuake? or do you just need the proper commands for it to work (newhud and recalculate and whatnot)

i don't want much different from default, just position things a bit differently x y z wise.
2006-05-02, 21:17
1011 posts

Feb 2006
new huds will only work in ezquake (and possibly mqwcl as the code was originally from there)
2006-05-02, 21:42
7 posts

May 2006
okay thanks.

i've had ezQuake installed for awhile, just never really messed with it.
i was playing with it just now and i think i got it set up and i'll start using that.

prolly shouldn't get off topic here, i'll edit post and make my own topic if asked. but i got some weird things happening when using ezQuake:

when firing weapons it seems like there is a stutter in the animation or something, hard to explain. it's noticable and kinda annoying.

also, in the middle of playing my game freezes for like a second (if that) and then unfreezes and the gamma goes way down and my game is super dark.

the gamma thing happends in FuhQuake also, but it dosn't go quite as dark, in ezQuake it goes so dark it's allmost not playable/visable. the stutter thing while firing actually dosn't happen in FuhQuake though, so not sure what the problem is with that (perhaps setting the graphics to 'movies'?)

using GL and doubt it's graphic lag, my system is quite capable of handling everything set high.
2006-05-03, 06:33
129 posts

Mar 2006
Cyper wrote:
looks cool, you actually play with it though? looks a little distracting.

I'd have to agree with ya, tried playing a few bots last night and found the hud very distracting.
To get the transparency that I wanted I used the "crosshairimage" for the display only problem being is thats as large as the crosshair goes and it's still too central for my liking. Gunna have to scrap it and start again
2006-05-03, 07:20
518 posts

Jan 2006
Cyper you better go with you 're questions to one of the links in my signature, we'd be happy to help you.
2006-05-03, 12:37
54 posts

Mar 2006
Came up with this hud tonight, cheers to Empezar for posting up how to make it compatible for all conres's.. mine *should* be!

// Head Up Display Configuration Dump

scr_newhud "1"
hud_ammo1_align "right"
hud_ammo1_align_x "left"
hud_ammo1_align_y "top"
hud_ammo1_digits "3"
hud_ammo1_frame "0"
hud_ammo1_place "screen"
hud_ammo1_pos_x "0"
hud_ammo1_pos_y "0"
hud_ammo1_scale ".5"
hud_ammo1_show "0"
hud_ammo1_style "0"
hud_ammo2_align "right"
hud_ammo2_align_x "right"
hud_ammo2_align_y "center"
hud_ammo2_digits "3"
hud_ammo2_frame "0"
hud_ammo2_place "screen"
hud_ammo2_pos_x "0"
hud_ammo2_pos_y "-9"
hud_ammo2_scale ".2"
hud_ammo2_show "1"
hud_ammo2_style "0"
hud_ammo3_align "right"
hud_ammo3_align_x "right"
hud_ammo3_align_y "center"
hud_ammo3_digits "3"
hud_ammo3_frame "0"
hud_ammo3_place "ammo2"
hud_ammo3_pos_x "0"
hud_ammo3_pos_y "33"
hud_ammo3_scale ".2"
hud_ammo3_show "1"
hud_ammo3_style "0"
hud_ammo4_align "right"
hud_ammo4_align_x "right"
hud_ammo4_align_y "top"
hud_ammo4_digits "3"
hud_ammo4_frame "0"
hud_ammo4_place "ammo3"
hud_ammo4_pos_x "0"
hud_ammo4_pos_y "19"
hud_ammo4_scale ".2"
hud_ammo4_show "1"
hud_ammo4_style "0"
hud_ammo_align "right"
hud_ammo_align_x "center"
hud_ammo_align_y "bottom"
hud_ammo_digits "3"
hud_ammo_frame "0"
hud_ammo_place "screen"
hud_ammo_pos_x "0"
hud_ammo_pos_y "-30"
hud_ammo_scale ".5"
hud_ammo_show "1"
hud_ammo_style "0"
hud_armor_align "right"
hud_armor_align_x "center"
hud_armor_align_y "bottom"
hud_armor_digits "3"
hud_armor_frame "0"
hud_armor_place "iarmor"
hud_armor_pos_x "50"
hud_armor_pos_y "0"
hud_armor_scale "1"
hud_armor_show "1"
hud_armor_style "0"
hud_armordamage_align "right"
hud_armordamage_align_x "left"
hud_armordamage_align_y "before"
hud_armordamage_digits "3"
hud_armordamage_duration "0.8"
hud_armordamage_frame "0"
hud_armordamage_place "armor"
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hud_armordamage_pos_y "0"
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hud_clock_pos_y "0"
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hud_sigil3_style "0"
hud_sigil4_align_x "after"
hud_sigil4_align_y "top"
hud_sigil4_frame "0"
hud_sigil4_place "sigil3"
hud_sigil4_pos_x "0"
hud_sigil4_pos_y "0"
hud_sigil4_scale "1"
hud_sigil4_show "0"
hud_sigil4_style "0"
hud_speed_align_x "center"
hud_speed_align_y "bottom"
hud_speed_frame "0"
hud_speed_place "top"
hud_speed_pos_x "0"
hud_speed_pos_y "-5"
hud_speed_show "0"
hud_speed_xyz "0"
hud_suit_align_x "left"
hud_suit_align_y "after"
hud_suit_frame "0"
hud_suit_place "pent"
hud_suit_pos_x "0"
hud_suit_pos_y "0"
hud_suit_scale "1"
hud_suit_show "0"
hud_suit_style "0"
hud_teamfrags_align_x "left"
hud_teamfrags_align_y "top"
hud_teamfrags_cell_height "8"
hud_teamfrags_cell_width "32"
hud_teamfrags_cols "2"
hud_teamfrags_fliptext "1"
hud_teamfrags_frame "0"
hud_teamfrags_padtext "1"
hud_teamfrags_place "screen"
hud_teamfrags_pos_x "0"
hud_teamfrags_pos_y "0"
hud_teamfrags_rows "1"
hud_teamfrags_show "0"
hud_teamfrags_shownames "0"
hud_teamfrags_space_x "1"
hud_teamfrags_space_y "1"
hud_teamfrags_strip "1"
hud_teamfrags_style "0"
hud_teamfrags_vertical "0"
hud_tracking_align_x "center"
hud_tracking_align_y "top"
hud_tracking_format "%n"
hud_tracking_frame "0"
hud_tracking_place "top"
hud_tracking_pos_x "0"
hud_tracking_pos_y "10"
hud_tracking_show "1"
2006-05-04, 16:57
129 posts

Mar 2006
Yes another version of ma metroid style hud, getting better I feel
Concentrated more on keeping center of screen clear whilst still providing the most important information at hand, RL + ammo, LG + ammo and health n armor.
I really wanted to have a toggle for the weapons and ammo at the bottom, 1 press show next press hide but if I use /hide gun2 etc all the guns disapear and if I create invisble gun pics of guns 1-5 they resize my hud so that it doesn't fit so I've left it as is atm.
2006-05-04, 17:49
1754 posts

Jan 2006
nice man, really nice
2006-05-05, 20:00
200 posts

Apr 2006

Quite simple hud. No fancy stuff, just the absolutelly necessary.

Not sure but I think it works with all hud elements (graphics stuff) you have. I tried to make it work with all resolutions but I had no sucess, so I left the closest I could get.

To make it work with any con-res you want all you need is load it and then type:

group1 width (your conwidth value)

Thats all.

Download: here
2006-05-05, 20:26
1011 posts

Feb 2006
jkn: jediknight? nice crosshair - upload that plz
2006-05-05, 21:02
200 posts

Apr 2006
oldman: yeap, thats me =)

Here you go: crosshair

Do you have any ideia how I could make my hud work with all resolutions?
2006-05-05, 21:16
129 posts

Mar 2006
Should work as long as u use conwidth/conhieght on your cmd line, the u can use any resolution...

ie -width 1024 -height 768 -conwidth 512

That works for at least, I'm forever playing with ma rez
2006-05-05, 21:58
200 posts

Apr 2006
Thats not the problem.

The problem is that the group1's width is set to 400 so it works with con-res 400x300 (and game res 800x600), but if you try to use it with, for exemple, your resolution the frame wil not cover all the bottom of the screen. Then you will have to set it's width to 512.
Worse happens if you try to use it with conwidth 320, then the group1 is not shown anymore because it's wider then the screen itself.

I want a way to set group1's width to be ALWAYS the value of your conwidth. Haven't figure it out yet. =/
2006-05-05, 22:43
129 posts

Mar 2006
Beyond me mate, why would you change your conwidth?

Latest version of ma metroid hud, torn apart and put back together, why are quake players never happy?

The only ammo shown is rox(left) n cells(right), personally I couldn't care less how many nails I have
2006-05-06, 03:24
200 posts

Apr 2006
I keep changing my resolution/conres all the time. Why? No ideia

I just wanted to make this hud compatible with all resolutions, to make easier to send them to my friends without having to tweak it every time someone asks for it.

And there are other nice things that I would be able to do if I could resolve the problem that I point out on my previous post.
2006-05-06, 10:12
129 posts

Mar 2006
Metroid hud final version.
-conwidth 512





Full armor/weapons:

/hud config

show face
align face center center
face scale 16

show iarmor
align iarmor center bottom
iarmor scale 1
move iarmor 0 0

show health
align health center bottom
health scale 1
move health 50 0

show armor
align armor center bottom
armor scale 1
move armor -50 0

show gun2
align gun2 center center
move gun2 -50 -57
gun2 style 1
gun2 scale 0.7

show gun3
gun3 style 1
gun3 scale 0.8
move gun3 2 -6

show gun4
gun4 style 1
gun4 scale 0.9
move gun4 3 -5

show gun5
gun5 style 1
move gun5 5 -3

show gun6
gun6 style 1
gun6 scale 0.9
move gun6 5 3

show gun7
gun7 style 1
gun7 scale 0.8
move gun7 4 5

show gun8
gun8 style 1
gun8 scale 0.7
move gun8 3 5

show ammo3
align ammo3 center center
move ammo3 -70 -45
ammo3 scale 0.5
ammo3 digits 2

show ammo4
align ammo4 center center
ammo4 scale 0.5
move ammo4 70 -45
ammo4 digits 2

Whoops forgot to add the crosshairs...

I don't use a crosshair for LG so there are 2 crosshairs for my setup, place the code below in your config.
If you prefer 2 have the crosshair with LG then omit the f_weaponchange alias and just use metroid.png crosshair.

crosshairimage "metroid.png"
crosshairsize "20"
crosshairalpha "0.8"

alias f_weaponchange "if $qt_$weapon$qt = $qt_$tp_name_lg$qt then light else na"
alias light "crosshairimage metroid2.png"
alias na "crosshairimage metroid.png"

2006-05-06, 11:44
2058 posts

Jan 2006
impressive hud
2006-05-06, 11:47
129 posts

Mar 2006
Is it possible to add these effects to ezquake?

1) transparent hud icons?
2) increased size for crosshair up to fullscreen?
3) animated hud/crosshair icons?

At the moment the animation for the face is done by face1,face2 etc would it be possible to use an animated gif for each icon so as to make some nice animated effects, blinking lights, fade effects that sort of thing?
2006-05-06, 11:49
129 posts

Mar 2006
Cheers Empezar, I'm already planning ma next hud based round mechwarrior
2006-05-06, 11:54
2058 posts

Jan 2006
you should go to their sourceforge page and request these features

they are good suggestions
2006-05-06, 14:34
163 posts

Jan 2006
2006-05-06, 14:44
811 posts

Jan 1970
intercepter fantastic hud m8, love those weapon icons
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