3 posts
Mar 2011
When I play teams with bots all the skins are the same. I've tried changing the enemy skin, top and bottom color, and I'm at my wit's end. What am I doing wrong?
2059 posts
Jan 2006
First of all; make sure you have the correct team set by using the "team" command. Typing "team blue" in console will make you join the blue team for example. You probably already did this, but just to be sure.

After that you have two main options to decide what the enemies are going to look like; using brightskins or using the original skins. 99% of the players nowadays probably use brightskins. You control what brightskins to use with the "teamskin" and "enemyskin" commands. By just typing those commands in console you can see what skins are currently used and if i remember correctly it's "2_red" for teammates and "2_white" for enemies. There are probably more brightskins available in nQuake, you just have to figure out their names (a good guess is "2_green" if that exists

If you don't want to use brightskins then you can set "enemyskin off" and "teamskin off" - then you can control the colors of the players with the "enemycolor" and "teamcolor" commands instead. "enemycolor 4 3" gives a red torso and brown pants for your enemies for example.
Hope it helps somewhat and if you want to dig more on your own then don't forget that there's the
ezQuake manual available where there are
chapters on the player skins topic.
Good luck, and welcome to the forum btw!
386 posts
Apr 2006
It is also possible that "gl_nocolors" is enabled, which would strip team mates and enemies alike of their colours and skins. Make sure it is set to 0.
3 posts
Mar 2011
it was gl_nocolors. thanks guys