
Member 5 posts
Registered: Oct 2010
Still playing EVERY DAY quads & 3v3, and on the weekends (maybe ) even bigger games  We got about 15 active players in Finland and couple of from Sweden and Russia. Every now and then someone new pops up in the scene and finds it strange that someone is still playing this awsome game  But theres a lot of room in the scene and we need every single one of you to join us to make it bigger and stronger ! You find us in Irc, Quakenet on channel #gizmo.fi We play tf in chosen.servegame.com and gizmo.fi servers. No matter where ur from or how skilled or unskilled you are, ur always welcome to join us. - Moonstone Admin edit: Double posting is not necessary, so removed your other post.
Member 5 posts
Registered: Oct 2010
Lot of ppl have checked this msg but only couple of u guys have made it into our channel, so stop idling and move ur asses  We need YOU to help us keep the scene alive, so please join us and give the good ol' team-fortress a one more change to prove its worthy.. - Moonstone
Member 226 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
Moonstone, why would anyone start playing TF again? I'd suggest you guys move your asses forward and start playing some DM where there're still players and some scene left.
How many of those who've moved from TF to DM have had second thoughts?
Member 485 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Or play both! For me TF was 8vs8+. Never got exited with small games.  How many former TF players are there left on the DM side? Maybe some kind of flashback tournament could work.
Member 129 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
I played my first quad in many many many years last night. So it does happen!
I don't think they're necessarily looking for exclusivity. You can have an open relationship with TF and DM.
Member 459 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
I would personally like to play both TF and CTF now and then. Both mods have been embraced for over a decade now and the concepts copied to a bunch of other games . A substained TF community, even when at a minimum as it seems it is now, is only a good thing for the scene and probably benefits even the DM scene in some way. I've never tried TF tho, in any game, so I probably suck a bit. How does the cfg work? I would guess you need a bunch of other binds etc depending on class you pick (as I've understood, you pick a certain class at the beginnng of a round?). Ah, guess I have too many questions, but I would like to test it anyways. I'll drop by your channel one day 
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
You will need binds to execute stuff like throwing grenades, build, disguise as a spy, feign death etc etc A cfg for each class is recommended i guess
Member 312 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
You'll just need to modify your dm config a bit, like removing team and color settings and binding grenades and such. The class specific configs don't need too much stuff in them.
Member 5 posts
Registered: Oct 2010
Moonstone, why would anyone start playing TF again? I'd suggest you guys move your asses forward and start playing some DM where there're still players and some scene left.
How many of those who've moved from TF to DM have had second thoughts?
None Heh, may i ask u why not? Believe me, everyone active now on the scene has tried other games like tf but everyone says the same that theres that 'something' that is missing from other games that u find in tf and what keeps u coming back every time  I have to agree them, theres still not this day a game that can even get close to the speed and exitement playing online that good old team-fortress  And suggesting us who love playing team-fortress to go on and play DM is like saying someone to drive a Fiat instead of his Ferrari cos it's made by the same company. It's just not the same and theres something missing from it. We know that lots of ppl would like to play team-fortress again but are too afraid that they might suck on it or that the game they loved playing in teenagers isn't the same or that it should stay in their memories as good as i was.. Sure, i can understand them but still i would say that u can have almost as good fun playing it as u did back then. At least give it a shot..won't kill ya 
Member 226 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
I'd say DM is faster than TF, that is what made me to change. Used to play TF as "[NG] shame"  TF players in DM atm: Fix Focu (?) Fifi Mel Mipa Miroslav (rgf) Moje (napalmiz) Pektopah Quinn Rage Votary Overdose I dont know if there're still old TF players in Chosen. There used to be more though, like Oyf, Joulukuu, Kzuu and the whole Elintarha crew.
Member 5 posts
Registered: Oct 2010
Lol Shame  i remember u ez. But still dm and tf r so different games, not many like them both. We get active atm: Moonstone Tonde Ilex Mipa Egi Ihmemies Artize Rz Btmn Pa3bath Ironman Zando Puh MQM-Dani bw Atleast what i could remember at this point 
Member 485 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
I dont know if there're still old TF players in Chosen. Just me. A bit sad that we went from 100% to kalma% tf-players, but what can you do.
Member 793 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
can you shoot people on the bridge? or is that 'forbidden'?
there's all kinds of funny meta-rules evolving in mods that are so old. just want to make sure what i'm getting myself into ;(
Member 485 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
can you shoot people on the bridge? or is that 'forbidden'? At least heavily frowned upon. But the small games are played offense vs defense.
Member 793 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
i don't think i'll come back to it any time soon. my idea of a fun game of tf were these anarchic 16v16 well6 games where you plant a sg on the roof of the other teams base.
i'd love to spec some 'modern' games though, it's a shame you're not playing on qtv-enabled servers.
Member 312 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
can you shoot people on the bridge? or is that 'forbidden'?
there's all kinds of funny meta-rules evolving in mods that are so old. just want to make sure what i'm getting myself into ;( I play TF and I really hate these unwritten gentleman rules. You should be allowed to defend anywhere (or shoot/conc/etc any enemy you see), and the enemies would punish you for defending a shitty place by being played out of the situation. But instead they just stop and cry that you have to def at positions x, y or z and not further than 16.45 quakemeters away from the flag.
Member 459 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
There's some of these unwritten rules in casual dm games as well. Two examples: - Taking YAs in POVs - Camping low rl in combination with tele camping on dm2 2on2. I think unwritten gentlemans rules are stupid and a sign of resignation. If a tactic is too superior and can't be countered (which I in MOST cases think simply is laziness / lack of creativity), then the map with current settings simply don't work for competetive gaming. Then the map itself either be removed or adjusted, or some settings changed. Easy work around in pov is just "/no_items", but on DM2 it can seem really hopeless at times if your opponent plays really "serious" in 2on2. If theres plenty of these gentlemans rules in TF... Well, not so motivating 
Member 133 posts
Registered: Dec 2008
:-) There was an epic thread in russian tf-forum several years ago about fighting on the bridge. I partially agree with arguments that it makes game less funny but what I completely cannot understand is that how someone can blame not himself or his teammate but opponent that he cannot get into enemy fr and take flag. What physically possible should be allowed or game settings changed.
Anyway TF is greater than casual dm ;-)
>>i'd love to spec some 'modern' games though, it's a shame you're not playing on qtv-enabled servers gizmo.fi is probably qtv enabled but not on qtv.quakeworld.nu list. Update: It has qtv port. qtvplay 1@gizmo.fi:27500 I thought mvdsv with qtv enabled = qtv server. I was wrong. I is more complicately organized Simplier is to connect and play
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
what's the address of their qtv?
Member 485 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
... then the map with current settings simply don't work for competetive gaming. Then the map itself either be removed or adjusted, or some settings changed. ... That's the thing with TF, it was left hanging when devs left to make TF2. Such a mod would require continuing development as players improve. Sniper was too strong, so class restriction setting was used to limit him to one per team and then ban the class altogether. That's why it's possible to have fights at yard/bridge in the first place.
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
Haha, I remember when I started to hear news about TF2. Must have been in 1998-1999 something we where playing qw, starcraft and teamfortress mostly at that time. It sounded and looked so cool and we, the guys at our lans, awaited it with great expectations. Some pictures also came out that looked alot like Half Life, it was tanks, helicopters and "normal" looking soldiers. Then it just died and years later we started to get news about the TF2 that actually was released. I guess TF could have needed some more development, we abandoned it as soon as we discovered dm 4on4.
Member 2 posts
Registered: Jun 2011
I will try to stop by and play sometime, but I admit since I take TF very seriously as a competitive game it will be VERY frustrating for me with a 200 ping.
Member 793 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
o wow KillJoy, I seem to remember that name.
Member 24 posts
Registered: Oct 2009
Custom TF AGR on Sunday's (22:00 GMT) ---> tastyspleen.net:26666
Member 7 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
woo, this server still exists  I had a ezquake error when I joined, but gizmo.fi totally works. Maybe see you guys around...?
Member 5 posts
Registered: Oct 2010
Gizmo.fi is the only server that we play nowdays, you find us there daily  Also if u need some help with your ezquake etc join our irc-channel #gizmo.fi @quakenet, we are happy to help you if it means we got 1 new player 
