Hey Empezar et al.
Thanks for all the hard work and dedication to the best FPS in the world
A couple of things I would like to see on the website:
1. Screenshots on the first page, just 2-3 _good looking shots_ that are thumbnails -> click -> boom -> full resolution
1.1 This is really important for people giving the URL out to someone they hope will join the crowd. They need to see what is going on _in the game_ as soon as they get to the site.
2. Include a bot package with good preset configs so that newer players can simply type something like bot-duel-arena, and get povdmm4 3min with a level x bot. This because of two reasons:
2.1 A lot of games lately have come with "singleplayer" modes which mean that you play against more and more skilled bots all the time and finally beat the game. People are used to this kind of paradigm.
2.2 Having the ability to easily test your new shiny settings against players without having to find a server or players is really nice and even I frequently test settings with bots, povdmm4, dm6 dmm4 and dm6 dmm3 to see what the feel is.
2.3 It would be _GREAT_ if this was built-in to the main menu of QW somehow
3. It would be nice to mention even in one paragraph what QW is (first on the frontpage, right above the fQuake-paragraph). And it could be something a bit over-the-top hyping stuff with key points like:
3.1 First and still evolving
3.2 Deepest skillset available
3.3 Super fast gaming experience
3.4 Dedicated and active scene
These are the things involving fQuake. Of course there is still the big problem of fragmented information :/ This has been a plague in QW ever since stuff started to get more complicated. Having made a comeback just 2 months ago I've witnessed first hand how much you have to wade through all kinds of Forums, news sites, other players etc. to get the things that you (might) want. It's kinda like the Linux scene, where there is all this great work being done, but due to fragmentation, it just seems like a big jumble of Yet Another Distro (site, package, what ever). None of the current portals are addressing the kinds of needs that I'm talking about and wading through this Forum is a lot of work - especially considering that I've done a lot of configging since 97 and am somewhat knowledgeable in these things.