
Member 139 posts
Registered: Feb 2011
Just a small remake on dm3 with updated brushwork. Tell me what you think. If you like it i can update more original dm maps. Let me know if you find any bugs or text ure issues. Download Link: http://upload.foppa.dk/files/DM3remake.bsp
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Looks curvy!  ZIP with txt file included please. And make sure you lowercase the filenames or Linux won't be happy (and by that, the server admins (who in return hate zip files with a passion because they are so lazy)). Also rename the map title and make sure you include your nick. 
Member 309 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
Good work as usual. The refreshed look of the classical map feels good: I like some of the details throughout the map. But some of the corridors seem wider? Or is it just me?
Member 212 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Nice work!  I guess the map will play just exactly like the original except for one difference. The pent spot is basically 100% defined in your map, whereas in the original the player needs a little "luck", here it can be clearly seen where it spawns
Member 139 posts
Registered: Feb 2011
yeah i felt that it could be refreshing to see where the pent spawns, also the sng tele is a bit more "open" because of the curved corners. Spirit, will do!
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Certainly like it, even tho I doubt it will ever get accepted. Certainly like the pent area - the large wall on the back now actually has at least some architecture in it. What will be criticized is the possibility to shoot through whole sng-tele corridor from stairs under sng-mega - that is not possible in dm3. Perhaps there's too much rounded corners now, not as extreme as in Q3, but perhaps "too close".
Member 309 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
yeah, there are some new possibilities. However, the map can still be updated so that it stays perfectly the same when it comes to gameplay. Just the new looks. Perhaps all the classical maps could use some "fresh air" on them (without changing the gameplay that is)
Member 485 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Roundness looks silly, especially with the original textures.
Maybe this is good for quake3+ players so they don't hurt themselves on sharp edges.
Member 230 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I like it, visuals looks great imo! Feedback: Texture alignment problems on both curves over water going into YA. Texture suggestions: Both the pent and rl window could probably look better if they have a 'frame' in e.g. tech04_X textures. This frame principal could probably also be used whenever the big tech textures are not aligning that well to corners. E.g. when using stairs going up from water opposite rl, the wall hiding the stairs could in both ends be framed similar as the windows maybe? Another thing, coming from mega low and before going into water room maybe the red tech texture could be replaced by the other brown/green tech instead, keeping the same color theme at the lower section? Updating the visuals like this is something I would have liked to do if I had the time and knowledge to do it 
Member 364 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
Wow, impressive, I didn't realize you could do something like this to an existing map.
The filename definitely needs to be lowercased!
Member 139 posts
Registered: Feb 2011
Yeah i wil fix the name and some other stuff, this map is not intended to replace the originals, just a test too see if it could look better. I will probably make others aswell when i get the time.
Member 793 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
amazing, impressive work!
Member 226 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Curves for futuristic style maps would be nice, think vdm3v3 with the blueish texture set.  www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 364 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
Maybe this is good for quake3+ players so they don't hurt themselves on sharp edges. Ahaha rofl
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Great work Muff1n, you should do the same with dm2, dm4 and dm6 then maybe someone will use them in a fragmovie 
Member 685 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
Looks cool, but for a 'remake' it would be cool to see more changes in architecture and perhaps just a totally different theme. But, as said, I probably wouldn't be accepted so I totally understand why a mapper wouldn't want to spend time on it 
Member 309 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
I don't see why it shouldnt be accepted if there were absolutely no changes in gameplay (no open corridors like in SNG area etc). It's worth making I reckon: the fresher QW looks, the better! After all, it's often the looks of a game thats hits you in the beginning (an incentive for newbies). All in all, go for it Muffin! Make more graphical changes. But don't change anything that might alter the gameplay&tactics 
Member 685 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
I'm all for it too, but it would be a shame if a mapper would put much work into it and it won't be accepted, that's all I'm saying.
