I am trying to set up ezquake on a Lenovo T60 running Windows XP Professional SP3 with 3 GB RAM.
I used to get ping 12 on my old P3-850 MHz pc with 512 MB RAM and a Geforce 1 card from the year 2000, but I cannot seem to get this above ping 17-18 and it's unstable.
I have just copied my fquake folder from my old PC to this, and the command line in the shortcut is:
D:\QUAKE\ezquake-gl.exe -width 640 -height 480 -bpp 32 +set vid_displayfrequency 60 -conwidth 640 -conheight 480 -ruleset smackdown -norjscripts -heapsize 512000 -zone 8096 +cl_independentPhysics 0 +cfg_load kemo.cfg
And from my cfg:
//FPS and EyeCandy Settings
cl_deadbodyFilter "2"
cl_fakeshaft "0"
cl_gibFilter "1"
cl_hidenails "0"
cl_hiderockets "0"
cl_lerp_monsters "1"
cl_maxfps "0"
cl_model_bobbing "1"
cl_muzzleflash "0"
cl_nolerp "0"
cl_physfps "0"
cl_r2g "0"
gl_detail "0"
r_chaticons_alpha "0.8"
r_drawentities "1"
r_drawflame "0"
r_explosionLight "0"
r_explosionLightColor "0"
r_explosionType "3"
r_flagColor "0"
r_grenadeTrail "1"
r_lerpframes "1"
r_lerpmuzzlehack "1"
r_lgbloodColor "225"
r_lightflicker "1"
r_powerupGlow "2"
r_rocketLight "0"
r_rocketLightColor "0"
r_rocketTrail "2"
r_telesplash "1"
//Texture Settings
gl_anisotropy "1"
gl_ext_texture_compression "0"
gl_externalTextures_bmodels "0"
gl_externalTextures_world "0"
gl_lerpimages "1"
gl_lumaTextures "1"
gl_max_size "2048"
gl_miptexLevel "0"
gl_picmip "0"
gl_playermip "0"
gl_scaleModelTextures "0"
gl_scaleTurbTextures "1"
gl_subdivide_size "1024"
gl_textureless "0"
gl_texturemode "gl_linear_mipmap_nearest"
r_drawflat "0"
r_floorcolor "161 208 113"
r_wallcolor "255 255 200"
//OpenGL Rendering
gl_affinemodels "0"
gl_buildingsparks "0"
gl_clear "0"
gl_clearColor "0 0 0"
gl_cull "1"
gl_cutf_tesla_effect "0"
gl_detpacklights "0"
gl_extratrails "0"
gl_finish "1"
gl_inferno_speed "1000"
gl_inferno_trail "2"
gl_lightning "0"
gl_lightning_size "3"
gl_lightning_sparks "0"
gl_motiontrails "0"
gl_motiontrails_wtf "0"
gl_nailtrail "0"
gl_nailtrail_plasma "0"
gl_nailtrail_turb "0"
gl_nocolors "0"
gl_smoothmodels "1"
gl_triplebuffer "1"
gl_ztrick "1"
r_farclip "4096"
Here's some screenshots of the video adapter installed and the opengl settings.
It's jerky when I jump around and make turns in qw even though the fps is high. A timefresh on DM3 days 378 fps and a timedemo demo1 is 192 fps.
I really hope you have some ideas to help me out here. As far as I remember, I had qw on this machine previously when it had an other XP installation and back then I had ping 12 so I think the hardware is able to do it.
I used to get ping 12 on my old P3-850 MHz pc with 512 MB RAM and a Geforce 1 card from the year 2000, but I cannot seem to get this above ping 17-18 and it's unstable.
I have just copied my fquake folder from my old PC to this, and the command line in the shortcut is:
D:\QUAKE\ezquake-gl.exe -width 640 -height 480 -bpp 32 +set vid_displayfrequency 60 -conwidth 640 -conheight 480 -ruleset smackdown -norjscripts -heapsize 512000 -zone 8096 +cl_independentPhysics 0 +cfg_load kemo.cfg
And from my cfg:
//FPS and EyeCandy Settings
cl_deadbodyFilter "2"
cl_fakeshaft "0"
cl_gibFilter "1"
cl_hidenails "0"
cl_hiderockets "0"
cl_lerp_monsters "1"
cl_maxfps "0"
cl_model_bobbing "1"
cl_muzzleflash "0"
cl_nolerp "0"
cl_physfps "0"
cl_r2g "0"
gl_detail "0"
r_chaticons_alpha "0.8"
r_drawentities "1"
r_drawflame "0"
r_explosionLight "0"
r_explosionLightColor "0"
r_explosionType "3"
r_flagColor "0"
r_grenadeTrail "1"
r_lerpframes "1"
r_lerpmuzzlehack "1"
r_lgbloodColor "225"
r_lightflicker "1"
r_powerupGlow "2"
r_rocketLight "0"
r_rocketLightColor "0"
r_rocketTrail "2"
r_telesplash "1"
//Texture Settings
gl_anisotropy "1"
gl_ext_texture_compression "0"
gl_externalTextures_bmodels "0"
gl_externalTextures_world "0"
gl_lerpimages "1"
gl_lumaTextures "1"
gl_max_size "2048"
gl_miptexLevel "0"
gl_picmip "0"
gl_playermip "0"
gl_scaleModelTextures "0"
gl_scaleTurbTextures "1"
gl_subdivide_size "1024"
gl_textureless "0"
gl_texturemode "gl_linear_mipmap_nearest"
r_drawflat "0"
r_floorcolor "161 208 113"
r_wallcolor "255 255 200"
//OpenGL Rendering
gl_affinemodels "0"
gl_buildingsparks "0"
gl_clear "0"
gl_clearColor "0 0 0"
gl_cull "1"
gl_cutf_tesla_effect "0"
gl_detpacklights "0"
gl_extratrails "0"
gl_finish "1"
gl_inferno_speed "1000"
gl_inferno_trail "2"
gl_lightning "0"
gl_lightning_size "3"
gl_lightning_sparks "0"
gl_motiontrails "0"
gl_motiontrails_wtf "0"
gl_nailtrail "0"
gl_nailtrail_plasma "0"
gl_nailtrail_turb "0"
gl_nocolors "0"
gl_smoothmodels "1"
gl_triplebuffer "1"
gl_ztrick "1"
r_farclip "4096"
Here's some screenshots of the video adapter installed and the opengl settings.
It's jerky when I jump around and make turns in qw even though the fps is high. A timefresh on DM3 days 378 fps and a timedemo demo1 is 192 fps.
I really hope you have some ideas to help me out here. As far as I remember, I had qw on this machine previously when it had an other XP installation and back then I had ping 12 so I think the hardware is able to do it.