226 posts
Mar 2007
There's some hot information on:
Rikoll + Milton! Squeeze + Sane! Para + Zero!
Who's gonna win? What are your favorites of THESE CANDIDATES:
I think Rikoll and Milton are going to be CRUSHED (CRUSHED I SAY) by Sane and Squeeze who've the ping advantage! And on current form Milton is no match for Para + Zero!
So, in my books:
1.) Quantum Mequakenics
2.) Slackers
3.) Kpteams
4.) Swedish Meat
793 posts
Feb 2006
team FUN ftw, they have adrenalin!
253 posts
Nov 2007
It's still possible that Fiend will sign up with Kovaak or Ziel. in this case my money on Fiend's team

80 posts
Jan 2006
Haven't seen sane or squeeze play enough of 2on2 to even justify their level, pingadvantage, sure. But with antilag I would say both para+zero and milt+rikoll can put up a real nice fight.
Not sure about zeros level in 2on2, para seems rather hot lately. Hard to predict games with high ping but my bet is still on rikoll+milton even with disadvantage.
Experience and duel skills weigh up alot in 2on2 and I would say none of the players signed up can pose any threat what so ever to either rikoll or milton individually.
I don't think para and zero would stand much of a chance against rikoll and milton though. Dm6 feels like the only realistic map for them to even have a slight chance on, the experience of milton and rikoll on dm4,aero and ztn should be too much for any team. I can't judge their level on A2 since I haven't seen them play that map at all. My bet would be sqz+sane vs milt/rik in the finals unless they meet earlier. Para and zero would def. struggle on a higher ping vs a good opponent. Milt and rik however seem to adjust much better + stronger tactics/more experience. Time will tell I guess
335 posts
Jan 2006
zero has no form atm and more important NO MONITOR. Won't get another gaming monitor for a month. So our participation is more to show support for this project and show the yanks how to play =)
That is, if we get the chance and won't get insta-knocked out by miltontrain before that.