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Other Tournaments
2011-08-15, 19:07
226 posts

Mar 2007
There's some hot information on:
Rikoll + Milton! Squeeze + Sane! Para + Zero!

Who's gonna win? What are your favorites of THESE CANDIDATES:

I think Rikoll and Milton are going to be CRUSHED (CRUSHED I SAY) by Sane and Squeeze who've the ping advantage! And on current form Milton is no match for Para + Zero!

So, in my books:

1.) Quantum Mequakenics
2.) Slackers
3.) Kpteams
4.) Swedish Meat
2011-08-15, 19:10
793 posts

Feb 2006
team FUN ftw, they have adrenalin!
2011-08-15, 20:05
253 posts

Nov 2007
It's still possible that Fiend will sign up with Kovaak or Ziel. in this case my money on Fiend's team
cheat 2 win!
2011-08-15, 20:09
80 posts

Jan 2006
Haven't seen sane or squeeze play enough of 2on2 to even justify their level, pingadvantage, sure. But with antilag I would say both para+zero and milt+rikoll can put up a real nice fight.

Not sure about zeros level in 2on2, para seems rather hot lately. Hard to predict games with high ping but my bet is still on rikoll+milton even with disadvantage.

Experience and duel skills weigh up alot in 2on2 and I would say none of the players signed up can pose any threat what so ever to either rikoll or milton individually.

I don't think para and zero would stand much of a chance against rikoll and milton though. Dm6 feels like the only realistic map for them to even have a slight chance on, the experience of milton and rikoll on dm4,aero and ztn should be too much for any team. I can't judge their level on A2 since I haven't seen them play that map at all. My bet would be sqz+sane vs milt/rik in the finals unless they meet earlier. Para and zero would def. struggle on a higher ping vs a good opponent. Milt and rik however seem to adjust much better + stronger tactics/more experience. Time will tell I guess
2011-08-15, 20:50
335 posts

Jan 2006
zero has no form atm and more important NO MONITOR. Won't get another gaming monitor for a month. So our participation is more to show support for this project and show the yanks how to play =)
That is, if we get the chance and won't get insta-knocked out by miltontrain before that.
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