
Member 344 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
Ahoi Apple users,
I would like to get some feedback for the Mac OS X port of FodQuake. I would be interested to know if it works for you and of course if it does not. Also how is the experience and impression? Is the mouse and keyboard input working fine for you? How is the delay between mouse movement and feedback on the screen etc..
Since I don't play competitively anymore and only have a 2007 Apple machine with integrated graphics card my testing capabilities are rather limited. I know it works for me ok-ish but I really like to get some feedback from people that play on a regular basis and can spot short comings more easily.
Until there are regular FodQuake builds for Apple on the official site you can grab a binary here:
Member 793 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Member 344 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
I hope you have read the two sentences on that site and followed the instructions? You need to copy the original Quake files to the expected location. All data files like demos and configs will go there. Those files are not inside the App bundle since this could lead to accidental loss of user data across client updates.
Member 793 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Additional required data files from your original Quake™ CD should be placed into the ˜/.fodquake/ directory of the current user.
does that mean I can only install it in to my user folder? if so, it's a bit awkward, i'd prefer application folder.
Member 344 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
You can put the App anywhere you want. The data files are handled on a per user level though. Ideally user files and Quake data files are handled differently. But this is not how FodQuake works currently. It does not help much anyway since we can't ship the required pak files because of obvious copyright reasons.
Member 793 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
mac os tells me i can't create folders that start with a '.' dot. any steps I'm missing here?
Member 344 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
Darn. I guess it requires you open a terminal and create it via the "mkdir" command. I didn't know that the finder doesnt like that dot. It future version this should probably go into the "~/Library/Application Support/FodQuake" folder as other applications tend to do..
I updated the binary with a change of this path in the intention to make it easier. Hopefully this way you are able to create the directory with the finder. Else you can always try to create it via the terminal. You can also open the finder in a specific directory with the "open" command from the terminal.
Keep it coming. This is exactly what I was looking for to make things better!
Member 40 posts
Registered: Feb 2009
This path issue is strange... do not really wanna mix up my folder structure on my OSX... I have SSD and HDD as well, so it makes everthing complicated... would be gr8t to see a fiedx app! woudl be gr8 to have fodqw on OSX!
Member 344 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
There is an updated binary that uses the updated data directory ("~/Library/Application Support/FodQuake"  . Once you have one-time installed the original .pak files into that location it does not matter where you save your FodQuake app bundle. Put it into applications or any other directory. Or what is it you are unhappy about?
Member 40 posts
Registered: Feb 2009
It works, I just dont like to duplicate all the necessary files to the app support dir  Is it feasbily work in the same dir as ezquake? Would be a lot easier to use.
Member 344 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
Well yeah.. kind of. You move everything to the location where FodQuake expects it. EZQuake should probably complain it cannot find its data files anymore and asks where to look for it. Point it to the new location and cross fingers. Then again Mac OS X is a unix operating system. You might want to try to work with symbolic links to accomplish your desired setup. Use the terminal and "ln -s" command to create a symbolic link in the Application Support folder to point to the data files you use with EZQuake. That should do the trick.
Member 793 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
just tried it and seems like a huge improvement from current ezquake port. how do i play on localhost? right now i can only connect to servers with bad ping, so i still get the lag from ping. it says it can't load qwprogs. also, no qtv?
Member 344 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
I think this is due to the current state of FodQuake. There is no single player or local server support (yet?). Also QTV is not as sophisticated as in EZQuake I think. The more people raise interested here and nag the main FodQuake developers the sooner you will get it.. maybe :-)
But glad to hear that even with higher ping you judge its feel nicer than EZQuake. That was the actual goal of this drill.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Gonna try this out later... 
Member 793 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
this could be the ideal client for a lightweight os x package. a la nquake os x light.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I have put pak0.pak and pak1.pak into application support/fodquake/id1 as the website says.
When I start FodQuake, all I get is a white screen.
Member 344 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
Thanks for trying empezar. How many times did you try? I got this once as well but it was not reproducible for me so I could not debug it. There might be some threading issue upon window and OpenGL init I have to track down..
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I tried again, and now I could see the console with the text thingy blinking (as if indicating I could actually type something). However, this time I could not input anything or even quit the application so I had to shut down my computer using the power button. When it booted up again, FodQuake started automagically with the white screen (but now I could press escape + up + enter to quit).
I'm using Lion btw.
Member 344 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
The hot key (alt+cmd+escape) to kill processes should work anytime in case of suckage. The boot up thingie might be related to the new Lion feature that it tries to restore all windows upon reboot. What kind of system do you have? I'd really like to reproduce this one.. it's probably a small thing I have missed here.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I have a Mac Pro QC 2,8 ghz from last year with 12 GB ram and standard gfx.
Member 125 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
Is there any documentation for all of the available commands?
Member 344 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
Not specifically for OSX. If there is one it should be part of the official FodQuake stuff..
Member 28 posts
Registered: Jul 2008
I've tried it, and it worked (with the blank screen when i first ran the app [snow leo]). where is the manual for commands and configuration settings?
Member 344 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
So the error occurs on first run? Interesting, might be related to some directories missing and being created. Might be a hint for tracking it down.
Again documentation is out the scope of this thread :-) since FodQuake is supposed to be based on FuhQuake I would assume the FuhQuake documentation might be a good starting point.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Would it be possible to create an executable and upload it somewhere? FodQuake is now my last hope of playing Quake on my Mac Pro.
Member 344 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
There are now test releases/binaries on the Fodquake homepage. Go to http://fodquake.net/ and pick your favorite osx flavor (x64/i386/ppc32). There have been a couple of fixes since so hopefully you don't get that gray screen freeze anymore.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
And sure enough it works. You're a lifesaver Tuna!
Member 40 posts
Registered: Feb 2009
Hi Tuna, Tested the client, it works on my MBP 4.1 model. I am shocked (in a good way) how good is the mouse and it can be minimized!!! (in a funny way, but I could do it). But, I couldnt exec my config, no matter wherever I have put it. What is the trick here? Thx . I would do further tests!
Member 344 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
Hm.. I haven't tested minimizing yet. So there might something required to be done to be working in a non funny way. What is this funny way exactly?
Did you try to put your config into the .app bunde structure? From my head I would assume is that it looks for configs in ~/Library/Application Support/Fodquake/fodquake/configs or very alike. Can't you just save a config and see where it goes?
I would check and try by myself but my macbook is currently out of power because either the machine is broken or the power adapter.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Is there any way of reducing the mouse latency?
