28 posts
Jul 2008
We are looking for 2 players to our div3 team.
- willing to play 3-4 nights/week (especially on sundays)
- willing to use mumble
- decent pings to eu servers
- some qw teamplay routine
- instant knowledge of stealing items before your mates arrive
- pre-binded hotkey for ragequitting
- honest hate of Smoke and me.
If these fit to you, don't hesitate!
News Writer
1267 posts
Jun 2007
Ask oldones? perhaps you can merge since both clans have few members?
28 posts
Jul 2008
oldones have 4-5 players now.
it seems we wont play in this eql in despite of trying almost everything..
News Writer
1267 posts
Jun 2007
Well, you have 6 players signed up now and oldones arent even signed. So it looks like things got sorted out for you anyway! Welcome to EQL14!
28 posts
Jul 2008
no, we've just signed up because we dont want miss the signup deadline. and aspire to get late adds and able to play.
so we are still here to hire 2 more players, and if we failed, sadly our team would go idle.
/or smoke did some ninja action by adding snow and matyee/

News Writer
1267 posts
Jun 2007
Yeah well, you will have to check if snow and matyee will play with oddballs or +forward

3 posts
Mar 2010
Talked with OldOnes, they are already 4, and they are praccing. But im sure you know that well, cause you need to check the strenght of each teams to put them into right divisions.
Dib failed, his family with 20 members created 2 teams, almost 10 ppl each of them, so if everything goes well matyee and snow will play with us.
Others in the roster are just to accept the signup, or maybe if they come back to play ( 0.5% chance ) they could do that.
News Writer
1267 posts
Jun 2007
I know about oldones but I also know that 2 of those 4 are questionmarks so we will see

I hope both you and them will be able to play. But if shit happens, i guess you could merge forces? Good Luck!
9 posts
Nov 2009
The more teams in EQL the better for QW. We were more than willing to accept maniac and smoke and make a thrid team. Not sure what happened there. So good luck with your new team. It's a Shame two of our latest recruits were reluctant to say anything to us before joining you instead. The same thing happened last season with one of those players. We will not consider that member again.
Just so everyone knows where MOFO and ODD are with all our members. We have registered everyone who has shown interest in playing EQL. The final lineups are still being considered. Also div2 is also being considered by MOFO. A few of the oddballs players are quite inactive so thats why we have a long EQL lineup. We may move some players around again.
There is no failure on dib's part. He is doing a grand job, we all are very pleased he has taken up leadership and we all support him.
Our main priority is to have fun.
Our final lineups will be decided soon.
andro. oddballs