17 posts
Oct 2007
Niw and I will arrive @ Arlanda @ 13.05. We have arranged with Zalon to come pick us up, however, as Zalon drivers a two-seater it would be better if someone else could pick us up. Naturally we would be happy to pay for the ride
News Writer
1267 posts
Jun 2007
What kind of 2 seater? If its a caddy or smth then just get a matress and one of you ride in the back!
17 posts
Oct 2007
As I know EVERYTHING in Sweden is illigal, I am sure this is too and it is also deadly..... Could you please ask someone if they can pick us up at around 13.30-13.45. Last year a bearded guy in a very nice BMW picked us up
News Writer
1267 posts
Jun 2007
Dunno what is more deadly, riding in the back on a matress or going with random bearded guys in BMWs
398 posts
Feb 2006
Yes, even having any passengers in a car is illegal in Sweden. Like you said, EVERYTHING is illegal and you will probably end up in jail during your visit
347 posts
Feb 2006
And if they don't manage to put you behind bars while you're here, they can always have you extradited.