8 posts
Nov 2010
I've been having 60-70 pings to servers i ping 30's to for ages now and just found out why. If you set sb_infospersec 1000 and sb_pingspersec 1000 it will give you higher pings to every server. This is not really suprising since your spamming 1000 servers a second but the odd thing is the pings will stay high IN the sever after you finished pings and have gone and joined a server. Anyway silly as it seems i shaved 20-30 ms off my ping. Hope it helps someone.
Now to find out why i ping 40 to servers listed as 30.

1435 posts
Jan 2006
Hmm, that it stays that way is _really_ odd. Do you use sb_nosockraw (or -nosockraw), also which OS do you use and do you run ezQuake as administrator?
On the other hand the 30->40 raise is easily explainable. Server processes data in 13 ms (1/77) intervals, so if you raw-ping 30, the closest multiplication of 13 is 39.
8 posts
Nov 2010
Hmm, that it stays that way is _really_ odd. Do you use sb_nosockraw (or -nosockraw), also which OS do you use and do you run ezQuake as administrator?
No, it's set at default of 0 and im on win7 as admin.
On the other hand the 30->40 raise is easily explainable. Server processes data in 13 ms (1/77) intervals, so if you raw-ping 30, the closest multiplication of 13 is 39.
Ahh, thanks.

1025 posts
Apr 2006
Time to port jogis new and improved server browser?