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2011-11-15, 05:24
112 posts

Nov 2010
For those that enjoy playing frogbots (not many do, for good reason), this is an unofficial dm6 competition to see how many frags you can get in 10 minutes. Try to break 200! The challenge of this competition is not about playing difficult bots, it is about moving fast, killing fast and frequently, and dominating the map. The faster you move the more frags you will likely get.

Here are the rules:

Map: dm6
Bot skill: 0
# bots: 5
timelimit 10
deathmatch 3
'match' mode
powerups (ring) optional

Demos should be submitted to my email: kevin at quantumbitdesigns d0t com (expanded to avoid email trolls). All scores and demos will be posted here in this forum.

I am a US div2.5 player and when I returned in 2010 from 10 years off I got around 135 frags. After much improvement over 2 years and getting a feel for how the bots behave, I now get around 170-190 frags per match.

I have been trying to reach the holy grail of 200 frags. I challenge a div1 player to tear it up and beat 200, as that will make for a great demo.

Current DM6 Scoreboard (11/14/2011):
cyan1de - 196

How to start a dm6 frogbot match
1. Make sure you have frogbot.pak in your qw directory (
2. Start ezquake
3. Type "map dm6"
4. Wait a few seconds for commands to load
5. Type "skilldown" 10 times
6. Type "addbot" 5 times
7. Type "timelimit 10"
8. Type "deathmatch 3"
9. Type "fraglimit 0"
10. Type "match"
11. Type "map dm6" to start match mode
12. Type "ready" to start

1. Get every single RA
2. Attack/spam mega health area for many frags
3. Do not ever die
4. Move fast and be aggressive
5. Always open LG floor so bots get lg so that you get their ammo when you kill them

Next month the competition will be on a different map.
2011-11-15, 08:48
News Writer
69 posts

Sep 2006
I remember playing countless dm4 duels against Omicron bots back in the days. It's funny how after a while you learn all the movement patterns the bots have and can throw them to lava every time etc. I might give this a go later :p.
2011-11-15, 17:02
811 posts

Jan 1970
this is cool.
2011-11-15, 20:49
3 posts

Oct 2008
I think I have some competitive demos back from -98/-99 with exactly this set-up!
2011-11-18, 09:20
383 posts

Jan 2006
Tried once today and got only 174.
I think you need to play vs bots a lot to be used to they moving and tactic.
With best wishes, B1aze.
2011-11-18, 10:17
48 posts

Aug 2008
Excuses b1aze! You were probably constantly killed and outaimed/outsmarted by the bots!

Bots bring back some memories, i probably played vs only bots for like a year before I even got my 56k modem.
But it was reaperbots and I tried get as many frags as possible on 'start' in 10 minutes.
2011-11-18, 10:42
370 posts

May 2006
Good ol' bots!
Custom maps for the show, episodes for the pro.
2011-11-19, 00:36
80 posts

Jan 2006
Managed to get 210 frags after 6 tries. Died once from a telefrag... demo, looks terrible not used to bots movement at all haha
2011-11-19, 00:43
News Writer
646 posts

Mar 2006
I can't even get to 150 yet!!! I need to not be sloppy with the red armor and not die
2011-11-19, 04:03
112 posts

Nov 2010
b1aze: that is very good for first time without practice, I bet you would get 200 after a few more tries.

nit: You made it look so easy, but at the same time, made it look like 220 or 230 is even possible. Another impressive result for only a few tries.

Yes those bots move in very random ways so it requires much focus. Another tip is that they often do not move to the spot where you are aiming. For example if you wait for them to tele out of lg, they typically won't until you look away. Then they will come out. So, I just look to the side then pop 'em when they come out.

Or if you are at RA and RA is up, as long as you are aiming towards ra (and preferrably firing) often they stay away from it (but not always).
2011-11-19, 04:13
335 posts

Jan 2006
did 208 on 2nd try, was kinda ez on the dm6, but too few bots. should be 8 player game for sure.

I have another challenge, dm4 7 bots with quad. my 6th attempt, 313 =)
Definitely room for improvement there as I didn't manage to get all quads.

2011-11-19, 23:14
384 posts

Dec 2006
Yeah it feels like 5 bots is too few for dm6, if you are unlucky they don't spawn near you and there isn't enough 'throughput' of frags. Might watch demos of people getting over 200 to see where they tend to do their fragging, RA seems a bit too 'quiet' and on skill 0 the bots shoot you so rarely that you don't need much armour.

I remember years ago talking about frogbot comps with fuh, one suggestion he had which I tried for a few rounds and was actually quite good, was 1on1 aerowalk duel vs skill 10 bot but you are not allowed to die at all. Means you have to be a bit more cautious than usual if the bot gets LG as you could be winning 50-0 with 10s to go, if the bot kills you it invalidates your demo
2011-11-20, 03:39
112 posts

Nov 2010
Yeah I agree 5 bots is too few. It is what I did back in 98/99, and then in 2010, so in order for me to compare myself to prior attempts (to see if my aim has improved over the years) I continued to use 5 bots.

But, along the lines of ParadokS, perhaps I/we start a new thread (maybe deleting this one) and make a general Frogbot Competition that consists of 7 bots on various maps. And each map we can place a 'ranking' system, kind of like at a carnival where people use the hammer to see how high they can bounce the 'object' to hit the bell. Something like, 300+ = Guru, 260-300 = Master, 220-260 = Expert, 180-220 Average, 140-180 = Noob, 0-140 = Keyboarder.

Or something like that. I like the idea of skill 0 bots, because any skill level can try the competition and reach a final frag value. Although that is true for playing skill 10 or higher bots, the less skilled really have little chance, and it would be little fun for them to attempt the challenge.

There are a million possible frog challenges that could be designed. This one originates from the desire to have one that requires constant movement and aiming, as fast as the mind can process.

It is not like many will choose to try such a competition, but at least it may be fun for the few who are actually interested.

Maybe the maps are 7 bots on:

Thoughts anyone?
2011-11-20, 04:55
112 posts

Nov 2010
ParadokS, that demo was awesome. You went insane at around 7 min mark with quad.

I've been trying a few times with 7 bots, and that is definitely the way to go. It is a much better test as those bots are everywhere.

I converted it to MVD for a more smooth POV:
2011-11-20, 07:08
811 posts

Jan 1970
dgCyanide wrote:
Yeah I agree 5 bots is too few. It is what I did back in 98/99, and then in 2010, so in order for me to compare myself to prior attempts (to see if my aim has improved over the years) I continued to use 5 bots.

But, along the lines of ParadokS, perhaps I/we start a new thread (maybe deleting this one) and make a general Frogbot Competition that consists of 7 bots on various maps. And each map we can place a 'ranking' system, kind of like at a carnival where people use the hammer to see how high they can bounce the 'object' to hit the bell. Something like, 300+ = Guru, 260-300 = Master, 220-260 = Expert, 180-220 Average, 140-180 = Noob, 0-140 = Keyboarder.

Or something like that. I like the idea of skill 0 bots, because any skill level can try the competition and reach a final frag value. Although that is true for playing skill 10 or higher bots, the less skilled really have little chance, and it would be little fun for them to attempt the challenge.

There are a million possible frog challenges that could be designed. This one originates from the desire to have one that requires constant movement and aiming, as fast as the mind can process.

It is not like many will choose to try such a competition, but at least it may be fun for the few who are actually interested.

Maybe the maps are 7 bots on:

Thoughts anyone?

i love it, good stuff
2011-11-20, 07:20
485 posts

Feb 2006
dgCyanide wrote:
I converted it to MVD for a more smooth POV:

Use -fps 77 when converting. Unless you want the default 30 fps for some reason.
2011-11-20, 11:58
401 posts

Mar 2006
HangTime wrote:
I remember years ago talking about frogbot comps with fuh, one suggestion he had which I tried for a few rounds and was actually quite good, was 1on1 aerowalk duel vs skill 10 bot but you are not allowed to die at all. Means you have to be a bit more cautious than usual if the bot gets LG as you could be winning 50-0 with 10s to go, if the bot kills you it invalidates your demo

Not dying on aero at least once or twice is hard lol. My best score on aero is 92 : -2 but 1 death Highest I ever did was 94 with 2 or 3 deaths.

I'm sure I can do 100+ frags BUT stupid bots often suicide just when you are about to make a frag. Its annoying and these bot comps especially 1on1 are mostly about luck.

EDIT: Just tried this on dm4. 108 : -3 no deaths. dm4 is much easier tho
2012-01-19, 17:17
188 posts

Feb 2008
damm, i am a keyboarder!
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