
Member 212 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Hi, Most players have played for more than 1 team throughout their QW "career". But I'd like to know what team you had (or still have) the best time with and reasons why. Hopefully, it will not be much of a problem of telling the truth...it's not like you're telling your current girlfriend that your favourite girlfriend was an Ex or something like that 
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
all my friends + e3m7 = winning formula
Member 212 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Is e3m7 still played today? In leagues or pracs or whatever.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
nope, it's just another piece of qw history
Member 693 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 212 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
That's really sad Empezar  e3m7 was always one of my favourites. And, a decent team with a little understanding of teamplay could easily beat a clearly better team - who refuse to learn/play the map. Beating "better" teams was always cool  And yes, Gaz, you're right. TSW was always number 1. Was a tough call for me though, because I really really enjoyed the time in Denial as well. But that was a totally different approach of the game (more serious and success-orientated). I loved that, too and I somehow miss those days. But when it comes to the fun-factor, TSW is numero uno.
Member 1011 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Member 231 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
old pt clan ]666[ rockzzz but i dont have time now for qw 4on4  wife,kid and work eat me alive!!! some 1on1 month to month and i may thks to god!
Member 47 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
every clan has had its charm; NBI - where some of my former idols were playing. spartacus - only irl friends, playing on lan. (RAF) - CS clan, basically same players as spartacus, was fun for a change. X - my comeback-clan after the CS-action, two former spartacusplayers were in. BGSR - Two mates from X, a legend (mrlame) and link/locktar, could it go wrong? cmf - my first finnish clan, gr8 atmosphere and if we want to win something, we do.
All in all, I probably had the most fun when playing in spartacus, hard to beat playing on lan. But then again, we never had any clash with big dave at that time, _THE_ game with bgsr was probably the one I've felt the gr8est after, that one or sparta - Z...
But now, I don't think I could be in a better clan, everyone is laid back and we have gr8 fun during games.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
e3m7 is very cool indeed. How about a e3m7 league?  You could even play 7on1 there - once you camp at fort only a penta guy can stop you! if you are 1 player, they can have 7 players with 200/100 and RL, and one of them with quad. not likely to be stopped by 1 person 
Member 59 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
I played for TTC/COD, AOD, SX, Ravage, TFP and Dybbuk. Looking back on my QW career i seem to be quite a clanhopper :rolleyes:
All clans but the second were great to play with. The clan i most enjoyed playing for was TFP (The Fragging Pumpkins) during the first half of 2001 when we had our own server and enough active members to practice 4on4 regularly and within the clan.
Member 212 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Yeah, I was part of that team, too. I quite enjoyed playing for TFP, but the problem was that one half was very serious about playing and the other half was not  I guess a mix of that doesn't work out too well.
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
have played for Maniacs Fnu and now Suddendeath Maniacs - all of us were new to 4on4 and it got me great point of view in teamplay specially when puzler joined us and learned us how to play 4on4 Fnu - e3m7, what can I say? Was simply the time for mm3 whine and lots of more whine but lots of win and more whine  Suddendeath - coming from div3-5 to a div2 clan and making it in div1 with four player playing almost all the games is just fantastic, the best team I have ever played in with the best chemestry. wouldnt change it for the world
Member 693 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Sassa do you still have the famous mp3 of Empezar whining on voice? 
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
those mp3s are long lost and long forgotten
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
they are someplace secured on empezars hd! 
Administrator 891 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I could easily paste some nice ventrilo whine if you wanna heart it  Join us on discord.quake.world
Member 518 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
bps, how did you record vent ?
Member 693 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
bps, how did you record vent ? Set your line out to be your recording device and hit record in any audio editor. You'll need to use a 5th person (or your own 2nd computer, e.g. laptop) otherwise you won't be able to speak yourself.
Member 35 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
bps, how did you record vent ? Set your line out to be your recording device and hit record in any audio editor. You'll need to use a 5th person (or your own 2nd computer, e.g. laptop) otherwise you won't be able to speak yourself. Or... Use the vent recording system... much easier... Right click -> View -> Record/playback
Member 693 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
bps, how did you record vent ? Set your line out to be your recording device and hit record in any audio editor. You'll need to use a 5th person (or your own 2nd computer, e.g. laptop) otherwise you won't be able to speak yourself. Or... Use the vent recording system... much easier... Right click -> View -> Record/playback That must be in new versions, and after version 2.2.0 you have to pay for the server version otherwise you can't have more than 4 people connected at once. The vast majority of people I know that use ventrilo stick with the older version because of the above reason.
Member 23 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Zoo cause we're all pals 4 life 
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Set your line out to be your recording device and hit record in any audio editor. You'll need to use a 5th person (or your own 2nd computer, e.g. laptop) otherwise you won't be able to speak yourself. Or... Use the vent recording system... much easier... Right click -> View -> Record/playback That must be in new versions, and after version 2.2.0 you have to pay for the server version otherwise you can't have more than 4 people connected at once. The vast majority of people I know that use ventrilo stick with the older version because of the above reason. paying isn't enough, you need to be a licensed voicecom company or whatever to buy vent server
Member 8 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
I've only played in one clan, FFF... Never been much of a clan guy, but it was nice. If I remember correctly their HBP division was pretty good.
Member 98 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
it is hard to say, MereMortals was probly the first decent clan i was in and where i learnt a lot of stuff about tp, then joined XZ with my bro swoop and we had a lot of good players that joined us and beat a lot of good teams this is the clan i would most look back on for old demos and screens etc.. also played for german clan trash while i was in xz and we won some german leagues which was nice  lot of cool peeps. Also 4k as i always wanted to play for them and then ended up happening so it was nice lot of sound people in it too. Boefje was also a good laugh had good fun and we had a good team quality ppl Beofje will never die :> , having fun in rot atm also ex 4k/boefje dudes that are sound and couple of other sound peeps, the admins where to scared to let me and amen join in leagues with them this season so have to wait till next hahrha oops almost forgot freedom , all dead on ppl as well :}
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
The clan i most enjoyed playing for is Veterans of course! It's my second clan (played one season in "John Bauer Quakers" in division 5 of NQR7 or so) and i've met many nice guys there. Started off by playing with Its4real, Legio, Icce, Speed, Sephy, Ztorm and had a very nice start there. It feels like we've gotten a bit more serious on the Quake side of things lately which has paid off (more wins) while still retaining a quite good spirit withing the clan. I guess the funny MM3 conversations adds a lot to the "team feeling" experience and the bullshit that comes out of it really is hilarious at times.  www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 3 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Member 39 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I have to say Veterans is the clan I most enjoyed playing in so far. We had a pretty good team and very nice players, had alot of fun there. I played two seasons with Veterans, before I left them for Wunderbar.
This season with Wunderbar have been great aswell, we placed second in the nqr9 silver cup and I got to play with some old mates from Suspected. We have a very strong lineup and I enjoy playing with these nice guys.
Moderator 383 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
"4honor" with my irl friends.
Member 4 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
