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Capture the Flag
2012-03-06, 11:08
11 posts

Oct 2010

Some sort of CTF Guide for CTF without the grapling-hook , but with Runes
... for those who are new to CTF.

... I don't know how to call it so I called it a guide
... It is not a real guide, just some (incomplete) information which can be handy if you are new to CTF.

CTF is goal orientated, the goal is to capture flags.

In CTF, Runes play a big tactical role. So I start with them :

Some random and not so random things about the Runes.

A rune is a powerup
As long as you hold a rune, it wil not expire (like a quad for instance)
You can carry one rune at a time.

There are four runes:

[1] Resistance
... lowers damage done to you by half.

[2] Strength
... doubles the damage you inflict.

[3] Haste
... it raises the rate of fire of weapons : axe, shotguns, grenade launcher, rocket launcher... but not of the nailguns and lightninggun.
... (it increases the velocity of the hook : : it does increase player speed)

[4] Regeneration
... It slowly (5% per second?) increases your armor, if you have armor, and health levels to a maximum of 150...
... If you pickup the megahealth with this rune, the extra health you received will not slowly decrease automatically...

- Rune Respawns
A rune that is not picked up after 90 seconds respawns: They respawn at a random player spawnpoint (info_player_deathmatch)


At map start your team should rush to find the best runes...
... you then either all go back to base to check rune status among your team members and powerup your health/armor levels... and weapon arsenal.
... or one lonely attacker can try to get a quick first capture... if he is fast and 'lucky'...

Rune_Resistance and Rune_Haste should be used offensive...
Rune_Strength and Rune_Regeneration should never be used offensive but kept in base for defense...

Using the Regeneration for defense purposes has more advantages over using it offensive to get the enemy flag. Generally speaking.

Attacking with the Regeneration is not recommended, it regenerates to slow to compensate for the damage you take when entering a well defended enemy base.
The "Regen" could be used by a midfielder, and then drop it for his own flagrunner if he passes midfield...

The defender that has the Regeneration rune should share it with teammates, to power them up... the teammate gives it back to the defender...
Attackers should powerup at base with the Regeneration, and give the rune back to the assigned defender before heading towards enemy base.
[Bind the command "tossrune" to a key to drop the rune you have, so you can exhange them.]

The defender that is in charge of the the Strength rune must power-up, if needed, with the regeneration rune, when available...
So both rune-carriers should do some rune exchange ("juggling" , and change back when ready... when powered-up.

If you are about to pickup a megahealth, pick it up while you have the Regeneration rune... if possible.
If you pickup the mega with this rune, the extra health you received will not slowly decrease automatically... [and the mega respawns soon again if I recall correctly]
So if you are an attacker, powering up in base, and there is a megahealth, request the Regeneration rune first, and then pickup the mega... and return the rune.

... Capture the Runes

When your team DOES NOT have the "defensive runes" (Strength and Regen)
Your team should launch a "capture the runes" attack wave instead of focussing on getting the enemy flag, the focus is on getting runes from the enemy.
If there is a Quad in the map... the Quad should be handy for this kind of attack...
You can hear if an enemy is using a rune, especially the Strength rune... you can hear it when the enemy player fires : so you can identify who you must target.


Basically... (there could be exeptions ;p) : The defender with the Strength rune should NEVER leave base... !
If the flag gets taken, this defender should NEVER pursue the enemy flag carrier (E-FC) all the way...
There is the risc of losing the Strength rune, and, leaves the base unmanned at the same time... that can be very dangerous... (depends on the opposition)

[It can be tempting to take quad when you have strength rune, because you become even more powerfull. --- It makes a distinct sound in this scenario.]
[Be sure not to 'discover splash damage'.]

I said the defender with the strength rune should never leave the base, but, even when he does not have the rune, he should not leave the base... basically.
If this defender dies, and there are no team mates in the base, others should step in until the defender returns : the base should be manned at all times.
[The base is where your flag is based... and you can only capture when your own flag is at base.]

Quadrunner should use the Resistance Rune. [wipe out enemy base and take the flag and/or Strength rune if the enemy has it ] [Bring Strenght to own defender.]
... or the haste rune.

... You better use custom textures for the rune models (the green, red, yellow, blue ones) to be better able to distinct between them.


Quad should be used offensive, if you take it back to your own base and get killed there, it can be a problem ;p [edit: if quad drop is on that is]

... basically... you don't want ANY quad in your own base [there are, as always, exeptions to the rule]

Midfielders should try to kill an enemy quad heading to your own base as soon as possible ::: at least stall and damage him as much as possible.

[... see also: Runes]


Attackers should sync their actions : attack enemy base at the same time, or create a diversion first.
One should take flag, the other create havoc / help the Flagcarrier.

Solo attacks (without hook) will most likely fail...

... get armor and get healty before attacking...


Depending on the teams size you can have fluid roles for the main positions, especially the midfielder(s)

The main positions look something like this :

- Defense - Midfield - Offense -

Especially the midfielder 'role' should be more fluid :

- quad control on maps with quad

- go defensive : when the base defense is in trouble

- go offensive : when a the flagcarrier is about to try get the enemy flag ...
- go offensive : when the team is in "capture the rune" mode : trying to get runes from the enemy (the more important ones: Strength, Regeneration)



Every map requires different messages, depending on the map.

If you have a map with a sewer pipe going from mid into base, its handy to give information to your defenders at base when some enemy is going trough that pipe.
"incoming enemy : pipe"
or, when you are a FC [Flagcarrier] : "returning to base : Pipe"
etc... things like that.


This is what you do not want [!] ... a "cross-steal".
... it can be nerve wrecking... and then weird things happen

When both teams have taken the enemies flag, the flag carrier tries to survive in its own base most of the time :
The defender who has the Regeneration rune should share the rune with the flag carrier to keep his health and armor up...

Or : the Flagcarrier [FC] must drop the flag [or suicide] so that the defender can takeover the flag.
The former flagcarrier can now go to get the teams own flag back so the defender can capture it.
[or switch 'roles']


A solid and dedicated CTF team has predefined 'roles' or 'positions' for each player.
something like : defender, midfielder, attacker.
And all 'read the game' individually and ussually do what must be done based on experience, which comes with play-time.

If you play a mix-type of CTF game the players should determine to some degree what the roles/positions will be.

oh and keep in mind on which side you are, red or blue.
In a long distant past I tried, after a respawn, to take my own flag thinking I was in (an empty) enemy base... and thought "wtf bug ? the flag doesn't stick ?"


In CTF each player scores points (frag points so to say)
and those points add to the team total, team with most frag-points win when the timelimit or whatever limit hits.

A player does score points by :

* fragging : 1 pt
* capturing the flag : 15 pt ---> all of his team mates gets 10 pts for it --> and all the points of individual players add to the total team points [!]

So this already shows a big difference between non objective teamgames and CTF.

Then there are the so called bonus points :

2 points : for killing the enemy flag-carrier
1 point : for returning the flag [when enemy-fc got killed, he drops your flag, when you run over it returns to your base]
1 point : flag-return-assist : when your team just captured the flag, and you were recently involved in returning your own flag: so your fc could cap = bonus.
2 points : for defending your flag-carrier against an aggressive player (enemy who damaged your FC recently)
1 point : if you kill an enemy who is in a certain range of your flag-carrier
2 points : defending the flag [at base] ... these are mostly scored by the base defender(s)

You should not be to occupied to much about getting these bonus points : keep the focus on capturing the enemy flag and defending your own flag/base,
and those points come 'automatically'.
... just look at how many frag-points the team gets just by capturing the enemy flag...

... Happy Capping
2012-03-06, 11:14
226 posts

Mar 2007
Nice read, great job!
2012-03-06, 11:25
11 posts

Oct 2010
2012-03-06, 11:40
188 posts

May 2007
That are really some great basics. Thx a lot!
2012-03-06, 11:50
309 posts

Sep 2006
That's what we need man! GJ!
I've played only a couple of rounds on one of Muffin's maps (the mirror one) and ii surely was fun as hell and lots of laughter on mm3! I may give it a more thorough try.
2012-03-06, 13:17
950 posts

Apr 2006
SLU99ISH wrote:
- Rune Respawns
A rune that is not picked up after 90 seconds respawns: They respawn at a random player spawnpoint (info_player_deathmatch)

KTX doesn't work like this. Runes spawn anywhere on the map afair.
2012-03-06, 13:54
News Writer
1267 posts

Jun 2007
You talk about defenders, midfielders and attackers.. What is the optimal number of players with regards to the maps being played? 3on3, 4on4? more?
2012-03-06, 14:17
188 posts

Feb 2008
Well written guide, thx. Especially for RUNE-noobs like me
2012-03-06, 14:30
188 posts

May 2007
Hooraytio wrote:
You talk about defenders, midfielders and attackers.. What is the optimal number of players with regards to the maps being played? 3on3, 4on4? more?

For mctf1 it is 3on3 for the Q3 port it is 4on4 or 5on5 maybe even more. I haven't tested gym yet, but it is sizewise similiar to mctf1.
2013-07-13, 18:11
10 posts

Jun 2009
Thanks, great guide/help. Any chance to expand this to install how to setup Threewave CTF with nQuake/ezQuake? I know how to set it up with original Quake... but can't seem to get it working under ezQuake...
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