10 posts
Jul 2007
im in the process of creating a kind of ladder site, that i hope to get fully working and release.
but im in need of people wanting to help me test it out and give input.
what it would require of the tester(s) is logging in to a site challenge etc (currently only 1v1) accept games and play them, then update scores.
site should be at least useable very soon.
if you are interested in helping me out contact me either here or on irc (on #quakeworld@qnet)
keep in mind that this is my first ever php scripting and i do this for the reason to learn php so dont be expect any major OMGWTFs.
if i get it all working i will release it for everyone to use as they wish.
1435 posts
Jan 2006
Do you plan to support
10 posts
Jul 2007
Do you plan to support
didn't know that exists but seems cool.
altho i dont know if i can get it to work or not.