
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
I'm back! Hahaha, had a bit troubles logging in and all that. But now I'm back again. Huzzah. I still have no new website (only the old half broken www.carolmulder.nl) and also my weblog is totally broken. Or hmm. Oke maybe its not totally broken but I just have no clue how it works since they changed and moved things. Soooooooo........ I'm hopelessly behind with pasting doodles, drawings, paintings and whatever creativity comes up. I did some things though, and I will paste some pics. But first I have to find them  )
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
During the summer holidays i've been busy with changing the livingroom to create better work/play spots etc. I bought a coffee table for 10 euro, gave it some paint and voila.... nice table for little money. In between of course plenty of time for coffee.... there is always time for coffee!
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
And also, for some promotion for taiji I painted some pans. Pans? Yes, old pans. Didnt know what else would fit for attracting people in the outside to learn more about taiji. So I took some old pans and painted something....chinese-ish on it.
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
and the inside of the wok pan
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Then..... I got myself a Sparta Rabbit bike.....cute cute but not such a nice colour, champagne-ish. bit boring. So I painted cute little yellow orange and red flowers all over it  (Yes, I'll spare you the pics of that..) And I made some cards here and there for birthdays and births.
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
After all that, or during, I got the brilliant idea to do something with the boring walls along the stairs to the attic. So I bought for 5 euro a huge pile of very old Donald Duck magazines, torn them up, cut bits out and glued it as wallpaper. Now.... it is a bit much when you see the whole, but it is extremely funny to pick out one little picture every day and yell constantly whats said on there. The yell for today is: KLOINK KLOINK KLETS KABOEM!! I'm not done yet, it takes lots more time then i imagined, but it's great fun. When all is done, pic will follow of course. 
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
And just to be complete, a few in between doodles. Nothing much..
Member 70 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
During the summer holidays i've been busy with changing the livingroom to create better work/play spots etc. [...] Nice pictures, but I wonder what the spanish flag is supposed to mean... you've become a fan of the furia roja? In the mood for some lekker paella tonight? Just fiddling around with the new forum bits? 
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Hahah, I have no idea either. I probably misclicked with my ultrasupersonic magic technical skills.
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Another birthday card coming up
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
In the meanwhile....... I'm still not done with my Donald Duck wall. But it's totally fun to see the little bits and pieces coming together.
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Made a moving home card today. Where I actually like the inside better....
Member 70 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I love it!  Beautiful, warm colors, happy chap in his new apartment, you can really see how content he is with his new home  Inside your calligraphy, also so much detail work with the leaves and the shrooms and background and everything "just" for a card, wow  That's one lucky person to receive that card, will certainly be cheered up and feel better about the move  Is the crack in the bottom of the mushroom the entrance to the woning?
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Yeh  The crack is the opening inside is a little light and some stairs to go up. Thanks for the compliments 
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Comic book yellings (that's the best way i can translate stripboekkreten)
Member 49 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
I'm currently drawing something but It won't be ready for ages. I'm a very slow worker and a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to drawing. we'll see what happens
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Show what you are making? The progress?
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
another waitingroom doodle doesnt feel finished yet but this is how far i came today would be fun to take waterpaint and brushes to dreadfull appointments eh
Member 344 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
Seriously... I wonder how a GPL Quake would look like if "The Buu" would be responsible for all GFX.. I'd be scared.. It reminds too much of Alice in Wonderland which scared the shit out of me :-)
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Still fiddling with the weird bits. *shrugs*
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
I'm stuck a bit, for how to go on. So I started with some colouring.
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Member 94 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
Nice and surreal BuurVrouw  I have a question, what pencils do you use?. The color in your drawings seems so beautiful. And do you use ink? the borders seems so nicely black 
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Hoi Zombie  Thank you. I use ink to draw, sometimes the old fashioned way with crowns pen dipping in a bottle of indian ink, and sometimes with the Faber Castell Pitt Artist Pen, wich also has real indian ink. The Pitt pens are more easy to use because you not get accidental spots and dots and the line is all equal. At the other hand, I can find it most charming to work with crowns pen and have more shaky lines and differences in thickness. The accidental spots and dots and smudges are then a package deal.  Then I colour it in with aquarel pencils.  They look like normal colour pencils but are a bit more ...hmm... fatty, greasy, oily.... (And there are gradients, depending of the brand, make sure you use high quallity aquarel pencils for lively colours containing enough pigment.) if you go over them with a brush with water it turns into paint. But I like using the aquarel pencils because they keep a sort of transparancy. Also it's great to mix and match and mingle the colours. 
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
And the fishes and so are coloured too now.
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Seems to be coming no end on this one 
Member 1732 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Need to think of one more colour to fill up the white bits between the red lines and a name and then it's done.
