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Team Fortress
2012-04-24, 18:43
24 posts

Oct 2009

(Edited 2013-12-12, 05:22)
Custom TF AGR on Sunday's (22:00 GMT) --->
2012-04-25, 11:06
890 posts

Jan 2006
Great that you TF guys keep it up.
But before I even consider trying this, I'd like to know what "AGR" is, and how this differs from regular TF as we know it.
Join us on
2012-04-25, 12:26
87 posts

Apr 2011
Good news, the old links were dead iirc, searched for the pack all over.
Bps, AGR means red team attacks, blue team defends - scoring works like this
The Red team gets 10 points for every Cap. The Blue team gets 10 points for every 5 minutes that Red DOESN'T Cap.
It's a type of CustomTF
2012-04-25, 13:14
1864 posts

Feb 2006
That actually sounds like great fun, I remember that it was often a bitch to defend the flag in TF, when more than half your team was trying to capture the enemy flag instead
2012-04-25, 17:59
24 posts

Oct 2009
Cheers from Ukraine!

AGR means attackers go red, it's like A/D with 5 minute rounds, red is attacking, blue is on D. AGR based on Custom TF (strickly recommended link plus tons of NEW AGR specific features (weapons, rules, modes, abilities etc) and even funky features like flying observers (you can see spectators like a camera model), vomit grenades, tough mode etc.

We play every Sunday for fun and joy, players are all around the world (mostly USA), age of the players are from 17 to 39. Games are really exciting and GG but not every session, it depends on number of players and more.

Inside the package you can find some demos, also more info you can get from our AGR site. Admin name is OMC, my is Sapphired. Newbies are very welcome, cause we really need new blood in game.

Every year we have Rock2October festival on map Rock2 - it is most excited TF action ever seen. The point of festival is to reach 32 players on server, 2times we did it

Here is list of maps we play most popular is
Rock2, 2fort5, sewer, canyon, caverns, 2night2, qdeth3, tf2k, cloudy etc.

Server location USA (West), Euro ping from 150 to 180, USA ping from 20 to 100.

Believe or not but mod still developing in 2012 - thanks to community members

(Edited 2012-04-25, 18:06)
Custom TF AGR on Sunday's (22:00 GMT) --->
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