User panel stuff on forum
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Other Tournaments
2012-05-15, 15:53
News Writer
437 posts

Jan 2006
So finaly we got servers up running my new race maps. All infos you need you find here:

(Edited 2012-08-31, 08:54)
2012-05-21, 15:10
News Writer
437 posts

Jan 2006
Timetables are up-to-date now! So check out your place here and try to climb up the ladder
2012-05-29, 16:56
News Writer
437 posts

Jan 2006
Tables got its weekly updates! So start racing and beat that times.


(Edited 2012-05-29, 16:56)
2012-05-29, 17:27
647 posts

Nov 2008
Dat spam...
2012-05-29, 17:27
647 posts

Nov 2008
Dat spam...
2022-07-19, 12:45
386 posts

Apr 2006
I'd be curious to know if anyone still has the leaderboards or the old demos from this tournament.

Both sites that hosted this have long since disappeared into the mists of time, and the results are conspicuously missing from the wiki. I can't find any mention of it in the news archive, either.

It's a shame; I have fond memories of grinding out times on the first 8(?) of Anni's race maps during this event just before injury forced me into retirement.
2022-07-22, 08:08
News Writer
437 posts

Jan 2006
Unfortunately i lost all data for this tournament. Some records might still be up on badplace. The only thing i still have is the teaser:
2022-07-22, 10:15
386 posts

Apr 2006
Aw! Lost to the sands of time.

Was it Deurk who hosted the original leaderboard on ... I remember he was very active in race mode development.

It was good times. I remember finishing third, and Ethad was one of the people who came in above me, but I can't remember the other person.

Thanks for putting the tournament together and making all those maps. It gave me and many others hours of entertainment.

I found this thread where Deurk confirms he was hosting the leaderboard, and it reminded me that Fur Q ( I think?) was the other podium finisher.
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