llamah dot se will host a bball tourney if there's enought interested people.
games will be played 2x10min
2vs2 with offical llamah dot se turnament configs (rebinds is ok)
and IF the teams are willing to pay 1euro as a turnament fee it would be cool.. _ALL_ money will be delt to the winners(if there's alot of teams, maybe 1,2,3d place prizemoney)
but the fee is only if there's an intressed to pay.. or we just make a free turnament with honor on stake..
volenteers are welcome
im i0h- @ qnet (hanging in #quakehelp)
cools stuff that would be welcome (custom bball hud for the turnament)
more info will come.
get bball mod at http://www.quakeworld.us/phil/bball/
llamah dot se's bball server is at qw.llamah.se:27502
Team #fnu >> Sassa and Empezar
games will be played 2x10min
2vs2 with offical llamah dot se turnament configs (rebinds is ok)
and IF the teams are willing to pay 1euro as a turnament fee it would be cool.. _ALL_ money will be delt to the winners(if there's alot of teams, maybe 1,2,3d place prizemoney)
but the fee is only if there's an intressed to pay.. or we just make a free turnament with honor on stake..
volenteers are welcome
im i0h- @ qnet (hanging in #quakehelp)
cools stuff that would be welcome (custom bball hud for the turnament)
more info will come.
get bball mod at http://www.quakeworld.us/phil/bball/
llamah dot se's bball server is at qw.llamah.se:27502
Team #fnu >> Sassa and Empezar