
Member 343 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
ProjectQ1Q3, Frogbot Waypoint and Map Conversion Tutorial @ http://mickkn.mooo.com
Member 343 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
New conversion of the Quakelive map Elder The mechanism for the delayed doors and gold key is not possible, but let me know what you guys think  and tell me about bugs. ProjectQ1Q3, Frogbot Waypoint and Map Conversion Tutorial @ http://mickkn.mooo.com
Member 1 post
Registered: Sep 2016
hi there, two maps to your collection q3tourney2 conversion map, there are two versions of the map, the metal (e3 metal theme) and Daikatana(hexen2/heretic2) src file(s) included, as well as frogbot waypoint file
Member 343 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
hi there, two maps to your collection q3tourney2 conversion map, there are two versions of the map, the metal (e3 metal theme) and Daikatana(hexen2/heretic2) src file(s) included, as well as frogbot waypoint file
http://www.quaketastic.com/files/multiplayer/maps/q3tourney2_spy.rar Looking good  ProjectQ1Q3, Frogbot Waypoint and Map Conversion Tutorial @ http://mickkn.mooo.com
Member 5 posts
Registered: Oct 2016
could someone upload Trinca's src379.rar file somewhere please? I can't find a copy on my hdd and old links are dead.
Administrator 284 posts
Registered: Sep 2015
could someone upload Trinca's src379.rar file somewhere please? I can't find a copy on my hdd and old links are dead.
cheers, src379.rar
Member 5 posts
Registered: Oct 2016
News Writer 912 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Hey Mick, can you please update the main projectq1q3maps.zip to include all of the latest maps? I notice there is a heap missing.
Member 343 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
ProjectQ1Q3, Frogbot Waypoint and Map Conversion Tutorial @ http://mickkn.mooo.com
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
The links are dead :S I've backup all (i hope most) of the maps, hereThe lightning on some of the maps is fucked up, too bright. And in others the scale is wrong. But some are really nice, and deserve more love. I've restarted q1q3project servers:  fr.besmella.com:2915  fr.besmella.com:2916 play on! i've included muffins too. type /maps on the console to list available maps never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
News Writer 912 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Thanks Mushi. Is that muffin's fix of lost world you are referring to? I have somehow lost that map and wish to get it again.
Mick - many of these maps have since been refreshed in QL since Q3 and are a lot better than the original Q3.... Is it possible to also convert QL maps?
Member 343 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Thanks Mushi. Is that muffin's fix of lost world you are referring to? I have somehow lost that map and wish to get it again.
Mick - many of these maps have since been refreshed in QL since Q3 and are a lot better than the original Q3.... Is it possible to also convert QL maps? I've done a few QL maps, but it's not that easy  ProjectQ1Q3, Frogbot Waypoint and Map Conversion Tutorial @ http://mickkn.mooo.com
Member 343 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
The links are dead :S I've backup all (i hope most) of the maps, hereThe lightning on some of the maps is fucked up, too bright. And in others the scale is wrong. But some are really nice, and deserve more love. I've restarted q1q3project servers:  fr.besmella.com:2915  fr.besmella.com:2916 play on! i've included muffins too. type /maps on the console to list available maps Links are now alive again  it's hosted on my Raspberry Pi, that tend to crash now and then ProjectQ1Q3, Frogbot Waypoint and Map Conversion Tutorial @ http://mickkn.mooo.com
News Writer 912 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I've done a few QL maps, but it's not that easy  Is the process much different to Q3 to Q1?
Member 343 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
The links are dead :S I've backup all (i hope most) of the maps, hereThe lightning on some of the maps is fucked up, too bright. And in others the scale is wrong. But some are really nice, and deserve more love. I've restarted q1q3project servers:  fr.besmella.com:2915  fr.besmella.com:2916 play on! i've included muffins too. type /maps on the console to list available maps You should update the maps mushi  https://www.dropbox.com/s/oz0k40rkdvy80xn/projectq1q3maps.zip?dl=0 ProjectQ1Q3, Frogbot Waypoint and Map Conversion Tutorial @ http://mickkn.mooo.com
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
done  had good fun yesterday playing these maps. some of them are really good for FFA. never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Member 17 posts
Registered: Jan 2018
Hello all. Just returning to the Quake1 community after a long absence (since the 90s). Played a bunch of new SP mods and then my son (9 years old) decided he wanted to play, so we did a coop run of the original game, and then proceeded to do some team deathmatch on most days when he gets home from school. All that to say... it takes a little digging, but it's been amazing to find so many modern maps being made (or converted) for Quake. The projectq1q3 maps are pretty exciting, and I'm familiar with several of them from playing a lot of QuakeLive. I had recently started to manually build a variation of Overkill (using original Quake textures) in order to try out my mapping skills. I ended up (accidentally) making a narrow version of it, which cranks up the navigation speed quite a bit. Anyway, was pleased to find a zip here of QL maps that are to the proper scale. I did a little run through with bots on several of them already. Can't wait to try them out with live players. Well done! P.S. Screenshots of my "NarrowKill" port of Wiebo's Overkill HERE (Edited 2018-02-09, 20:52)
Member 343 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Hello all. Just returning to the Quake1 community after a long absence (since the 90s). Played a bunch of new SP mods and then my son (9 years old) decided he wanted to play, so we did a coop run of the original game, and then proceeded to do some team deathmatch on most days when he gets home from school.
All that to say... it takes a little digging, but it's been amazing to find so many modern maps being made (or converted) for Quake. The projectq1q3 maps are pretty exciting, and I'm familiar with several of them from playing a lot of QuakeLive.
I had recently started to manually build a variation of Overkill (using original Quake textures) in order to try out my mapping skills. I ended up (accidentally) making a narrow version of it, which cranks up the navigation speed quite a bit.
Anyway, was pleased to find a zip here of QL maps that are to the proper scale. I did a little run through with bots on several of them already. Can't wait to try them out with live players. Well done!
P.S. Screenshots of my "NarrowKill" port of Wiebo's Overkill https://imgur.com/a/Ia288 Thanks mate, really appreciate some nice feedback  I'm very busy with personal life atm. so the progression is running very slow  ProjectQ1Q3, Frogbot Waypoint and Map Conversion Tutorial @ http://mickkn.mooo.com
Member 343 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Your Overkill map looks VERY nice  ProjectQ1Q3, Frogbot Waypoint and Map Conversion Tutorial @ http://mickkn.mooo.com
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
sadly theres no servers running these maps afaik.
visit us at discord
mick is the zip updated with the latest versions ? and can you share the .map ? never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Member 343 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
sadly theres no servers running these maps afaik.
visit us at discord
mick is the zip updated with the latest versions ? and can you share the .map ? I could make a GIT repos with the maps. But don't know if that is allowed in any way :-/ ProjectQ1Q3, Frogbot Waypoint and Map Conversion Tutorial @ http://mickkn.mooo.com
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I don't see any problem with that. but if you're afraid of the Quake police, just send them to me  never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Member 343 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
ProjectQ1Q3, Frogbot Waypoint and Map Conversion Tutorial @ http://mickkn.mooo.com
Member 17 posts
Registered: Jan 2018
Update: I have followed your tutorial and figured out how to convert maps and fix textures and whatnot. I'm having a little trouble with some of the jump pads. Testing in single player mode and on NetQuake-based servers give different results for how far these jumps can send the player. I think it may have to do with maximum velocity settings in multiplayer. So I end up cranking up the jumps quite a bit. Dunno if that's a problem for QuakeWorld servers as well, or if it's just a configurable thing that I could fix if I wanted to. I'm still learning all the things as I get back into the scene. Anyway, I practiced on the intro level for Q3A, which was kind of a disaster, but I get better results from my second attempt, in which I converted a personal favorite user map called Chiroptera. Dunno the policy on distributing ports of other people's user-created levels, so I haven't put this up anywhere, but I have screenshots. Images here: ChiropteraTA Q1 Port
Member 17 posts
Registered: Jan 2018
Regarding the above, this is a pretty big map (for my experience level). Lots of angles, and now that I've posted screens, I still see a lot of places where texture alignment is way off.
The other porting issue I've had thus far is what to do with map concepts that Q1 doesn't support. Namely the following: curve patches and CAULK texture brushes/faces.
I'm using J.A.C.K. Hammer editor, which had editing modes for both Q3A and Q1. One thing that has saved me a lot of trouble is that I can open the converted map in Q3 mode and copy all the entities. Then I can open it in Q1 mode and paste them all in, and position them all at once. There are a couple utilities in JACK that let me look at the map's entities, select and edit groups of them at the same time. That helps with converting weapons and pickups and such to the proper entity name.
For curve patches, I ended up rebuilding certain areas of the map since those patches don't import properly in Q1 mode. But I wanted to ask... do you have a particular strategy for handling curves? Do you build them by hand? Just wanted to see if there's an easier way.
Member 17 posts
Registered: Jan 2018
Your Overkill map looks VERY nice  Thanks 
Member 343 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
I pretty much do the missing things by hand. There is a few tools to make kind of round/curved brushes. But it takes forever sometimes  ProjectQ1Q3, Frogbot Waypoint and Map Conversion Tutorial @ http://mickkn.mooo.com
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Anyway, I practiced on the intro level for Q3A, which was kind of a disaster, but I get better results from my second attempt, in which I converted a personal favorite user map called Chiroptera. Dunno the policy on distributing ports of other people's user-created levels, so I haven't put this up anywhere, but I have screenshots. Images here: ChiropteraTA Q1 Portwow that looks *very* nice join discord if you havent already never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Member 17 posts
Registered: Jan 2018
wow that looks *very* nice join discord if you havent already Thanks Mushi- much appreciated! The real credit goes to SimonOC aka Sock, who did these textures, and Nunuk who designed the original version of the map. http://www.simonoc.com/pages/design/mp/chiroptera.htmBut I am pleased with how well this map translated into Quake's palette and how the lighting took shape. I'm on discord and just took a look around Quake.World. Looks like a good community. Thanks for the recommendation! I'll be sure to stop by #mapping when I've got content to share (or questions to ask).
Member 715 posts
Registered: May 2006
I can setup a cspree FFA port running these in rotation. ---Where can you see lions? Only in kenya! Come to kenya we've got lions.
