News Writer
912 posts
Jan 2006
Hello QW people...
I have my old desktop computer available for anyone who wants it for free. I don't care who, just as long as it goes to a QW player... Maybe you have a friend who wants to start playing or you just want to upgrade...
- Intel Core 2 6600 @ 2.4Ghz
- 5GB Ram
- Geforce GTX 550 Ti
- 160GB HDD
- Keyboard
- (No Monitor and No Mouse)
The only thing wrong with it is that the thermostat on the video card is broken so sometimes it overheats as the fan doesn't spin up when it is hot however I have a program called "OpenHardwareMonitor" where you can manually set the Vid Card fan to run at 100% when you are playing QW and it runs fine. It gets 462fps solid in QW @ 1680x1050.
You want it? It is yours... you just have to pick it up from my house. I am located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
176 posts
Mar 2012
hehe yo markuesy if you still wonna get rid of it you can give it to me .. i personally dont need it but my gf could use it for graphic design stuff...
so you would have to ship it to ger duno how much that is
greets cj
News Writer
912 posts
Jan 2006
Hey man, unfortunately it is quite heavy and I don't think it would really be viable to ship it... but feel free to come and pick it up!

253 posts
Nov 2007
Adrenalin, i tought u have a hardware shop.... haven't u?
176 posts
Mar 2012
ye no problem marky was just a thought .....hopefully u find someone

i dont need it anyways im good
News Writer
912 posts
Jan 2006
Man I can't even give this shit away...
286 posts
Sep 2012
Well as you said it would be too expensive to ship it so....

137 posts
Sep 2006
This would be one of many good reasons to visit Amsterdam.
Im can try get some time off next week, but not sure im able to.
Could you give me a couple days to try?
It would mainly be used for QW!

I hate my present pc..
137 posts
Sep 2006
News Writer
912 posts
Jan 2006
Hey man, sorry I didn't see your reply. The computer is still available. Are you still coming to Amsterdam?
Just sent you a private message with my phone number so we can organise it. Basically any day after 18:00 CET you can pick it up if i know in advance.
137 posts
Sep 2006
Cool! :-)
I've send you a message.