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Member 24 posts
Registered: Oct 2009
Custom TF AGR on Sunday's (22:00 GMT) ---> tastyspleen.net:26666
Member 13 posts
Registered: Oct 2008
I’ve explained to Sapphired that the ‘official’ AGR Installer is almost ready, and asked him to NOT present people with this 'package', which for the record, I had nothing to do with. Not only is it insanely huge, it contains an (already outdated) ‘work in progress’ version of fte. The versions of FTE we use at the weekly AGR Sessions are considered ‘experimental’ and are NOT official releases.
I realise there's a need for an AGR package, but I'd ask people to be patient, and wait for the 'Official' AGR v4 install Package which will be ready soon. It will be about 70 mb, and will contain new models, sounds and other surprises, and a fully tested, 100% AGR Compatible version of FTE.
Meanwhile, for those who want to play at this Saturdays 32 player Megamatch (Sat Dec 14th, 23:00GMT @ tastyspleen.net:26666), please check out:
Member 24 posts
Registered: Oct 2009
I’ve explained to Sapphired that the ‘official’ AGR Installer is almost ready, and asked him to NOT present people with this 'package', which for the record, I had nothing to do with. Not only is it insanely huge, it contains an (already outdated) ‘work in progress’ version of fte. The versions of FTE we use at the weekly AGR Sessions are considered ‘experimental’ and are NOT official releases. I explained OMC that my package is only unofficial fun version but it contains all files needed to play on AGR server except buggy FTE yeah that used by 1% of players. Most of us use ezquake. I deleted not used maps and you no need to download ANY files, just join and play. As you may know OMC's server got some bug/issue with server download, so new players should wait literally endless time downloading stuff on 2kb/s speed - due this known fact we loosing new players every week, some of them never back. So i created my own pack to make new players arrive to server and have more fun for me and community, not for OMC. Community have nothing with OMC to my mind who is the only owner of server and d oes not fullfit any criticism - deleting comments on AGR site banning, muting etc under the reason that criticism will distract mystical newbies. During all years of AGR history, AGR owner did not make any package, only now under the preassure of criticism and obvious necessity he realized to announce this package NOW. We are suffering of small number of players and few newbies tryed to join the server faced with real difficulties, so i make this package to help them. "AGR Installer is almost ready" - means that you cannot download it right now and where is no guarantee that with OMC's package you would able to join server without any download. I realise there's a need for an AGR package, but I'd ask people to be patient, and wait for the 'Official' AGR v4 install Package which will be ready soon. It will be about 70 mb, and will contain new models, sounds and other surprises, and a fully tested, 100% AGR Compatible version of FTE. So please release this package if i find it good i will remove my links to package. Meanwhile, for those who want to play at this Saturdays 32 player Megamatch (Sat Dec 14th, 23:00GMT @ tastyspleen.net:26666), please check out: You can 100% guarantee join on Saturdays using my package otherwise you will download all AGR specific stuff (.mlds, pk etc) for hours due the issue with 1-2 kb server speed limitation. So literally if you are newbie and got only basic set of qw stuff, you literally f*ucked off by invitiation above Custom TF AGR on Sunday's (22:00 GMT) ---> tastyspleen.net:26666
Member 24 posts
Registered: Oct 2009
Here is my answer on OMC request to delete the package due reason he described, if you're are stranger to this 'war' just pass by, text posted below is for Custom TF facebook community and some AGR guyz, who familiar with issue. I post it here cause all critics deleted from AGR site under reason of "confuse and frustrate newbies"
"So please release this package if i find it good i will remove my links to package. It's a great motivation to put download link of your package asap. Now what i can see for newbies - fte crashes (even for me it still crashes), new players cannot find files etc to join the server and your talking about future "it will confuse and frustrate them", lol we were great loosing new players for 1 year since AGRv4 released and now u talking about "confuse and frustrate" - what a trolling :-) I want new players arrive to server to have fun time with me and community.
So release it and if i find it ok for newbies i'll remove no problem. Now i cannot see any real reason to remove it. New people still have time download package and join 2fortember"
"yeah thanks for advise but i know better in which way promote AGR and have my own vision on it. It is out you range of banning, muting, deleting comments, bashing outside you kingdom.
Here is small list of "please do"
-map selection procedure -t-mode changes -reducing amount of custom money -re-considering and optimizing items prices -ubersolders -shuffling players before match by skill -punishing game trolls like Doc/Cloud -making downloadable package client for AGR for newbies and putting link on main page -tons of small annoying bugs
Even 1% of it was not taken in consideration and now your asking to remove something from internet. Looks not fair. You had a chance to give registered (proven) players like me or Wolf, (who is actually heart and core of AGR - who makes matches decent quality and 'shape') chance to be heard, just simple thing - putting test map poll before session started to know what map actually players prefer more (did u ever asked them via poll?), No, never, instead of it you've been deleting comments with poll link - showing us your KING vision...that's i define 'tiranny', taking care of mystical newbies instead of real people joining every week and who literally make session possible, who interested and perform quality gameplay and deliver fun.
Instead of them one day possible to have bunch of retards on server who doesn't care about anything. Yeah ofc i realize that you as an owned and father of AGR want to make all decision - it's like private property - if you on it respect the rules of owner otherwise leave but realize one thing we are people who make your PROPERTY possible, you can make your PROPERTY better by sharing it with others in some way. It's not about full democracy but just respecting us players, why you implementing game rules without any asking community? How you know what is better for them? How you better know what map prefer they play at present time? Did you even run poll? or ask any feedback? Bashing AGR, discructing newbies, read the rulesю
Ofc you may still ignore the issue and consider Sapp - retarded, troll or 'foreign culture human' but Wolf, Stan 100% share my thoughts, may be many of other players do but they prefer not to talk.
Imagine the situation me or any euro timezone player join once a week deep night to play and what they see? maps they don't like and they like forced to play them.
You can make 1-2 maps presсheduled but on second map put pre session poll, like it will sound like 3th map is community chosen or during 2nd intermission ask players 'ok what map you want next' instead of it you put OMC chosen map. If you forcing us play on you own rules, so don't ask for 'why u specing' or 'why not serious play' etc. yeah but you may still ignoring the issue - go on." Custom TF AGR on Sunday's (22:00 GMT) ---> tastyspleen.net:26666
Member 24 posts
Registered: Oct 2009
(Edited 2013-12-14, 13:29) Custom TF AGR on Sunday's (22:00 GMT) ---> tastyspleen.net:26666
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
I'm just heading out with a heads-up warning here; keep it objective and informative and everything's fine. Not interested in a war or personal insults of any kind.
Member 223 posts
Registered: Aug 2011
I can´t imagine the TF scene being so big that you can afford to work against eachother like this. Rise above it. carrier has arrived - twitch.tv/carapace_
Member 24 posts
Registered: Oct 2009
I can´t imagine the TF scene being so big that you can afford to work against eachother like this. Rise above it. It's a long long story from Custom Tf 2006 or so. Its not kinda so much big war. For any critics - banned by AGR admin, so forced to write here. May be i'll write special topic here on it in readable format. The base line is that we are old community, OneManClan is server admin and only one person who decides rules, implementing new features in Custom TF AGR mod and make changes in game play. Those changes affect on players and some (not only me) of players don't like others just don't care. 100% of features implemented without any asking is it good for us players or not it was like 5 years long. Some of us asking for some 'changes' but as AGR mod become OMC's personal toy - he prefer to decide what is good and what bad for community. The issue really exist, its not my imagination or something. I'm just heading out with a heads-up warning here; keep it objective and informative and everything's fine. Not interested in a war or personal insults of any kind. Ok, ok if it will be needed will create separate topic with more interesting/informative format on "AGR issue" Custom TF AGR on Sunday's (22:00 GMT) ---> tastyspleen.net:26666
Member 3 posts
Registered: Oct 2007
I can´t imagine the TF scene being so big that you can afford to work against eachother like this. Rise above it. Been playing 'AGR' (Quad but on a bigger scale) a long time and I've always thought this. Unfortunately the reality is there has been a long history of infighting and internal power struggles over what is in reality a tiny player base. People looking in on the almost insular world of Custom Team Fortress must be baffled by it all. It's my personal opinion that most of the friction has been caused by different ideals. AGR is and always has been OneManClan's mod, he makes all the decisions on changes to the code, server and rules. The mistake some players make (I'm guilty of this as are many others) is believing that AGR is an open community mod. It simply is not. Players turn up, play some Quake and then leave. If OneManClan implements something you don't like you either put up with it or go find somewhere else to play. Constructive criticism against AGR is listened to and entertained by OMC but ultimately he makes ALL decisions. OneManClan has a vision for AGR in the future and if you find you're the kind of player who doesn't really mind which direction a mod goes then turn up and play every Sunday. Myself and OMC have had many disagreements over the direction of the mod (BunnyHop restrictions etc) but I still turn up and play because it's an organised TF game in 2013. The beatings will continue until morale improves!
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