
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
COMMANDS!startmix [mode] [map] (!start !mix) Start a mix. This will announce the mix on .spam. Mode and map is optional (the only allowed mode on #mix.qw is 4on4). !ready (!join) This command adds you to the mix lineup. !break (!leave) This removes you from the mix lineup. Changing nick, leaving the channel, quitting IRC or getting kicked from the channel will automatically remove you from the mix. You can also be kicked from the mix by the admin or the channel operators. !promote (!broadcast) This forces a .spam announcement to be sent out. Can be sent out every 3 minutes. This resets the automatic announce's flood protection. !help (!commands) This displays all the available commands. /msg rpickup reply <message>Send <message> as a reply to the admin's msg. Only 1 reply per admin message. The admin has to send his message first for reply to work. ADMIN COMMANDS!kick <player name>Kick a player from the mix. !ban <player name>Kick a player from the mix and ban him from using the bot !commands for 5 minutes. /msg rpickup msg <message>Send <message> as a private message to everyone who is signed up for the mix. Abusers will get banned from the Mix bot completely. CHANNEL OPERATOR COMMANDS!haltTemporarily disables mixing on the channel. !unhaltTurns mixing on the channel back on. !statusView the mixing status of the channel (enabled/disabled). Channel operators can use all the admin commands too (and !promote), without being participants in the mix.INFORMATIONServer choiceThe admin will get to choose the server once the mix has been filled. This is done by messaging the bot /msg rpickup server <serverip>:<port>. If the admin does not provide a server within 2 minutes, the first server provided by the mix lineup will be the one used. If nobody provides a server for 5 minutes, the mix will get terminated. Only the players who are signed up for the mix will receive the server IP. Announcementsrpickup will announce the mix on .spam when the mix has just been started. Every 10 minutes a .spam broadcast will be sent out. The first broadcast however requires that 4 or more players have signed up. The second (and third, etc) requires that 6 or more players have signed up. Inactivity20 minutes of inactivity (no new players) will terminate the mix. No .spam announcements will be sent out if the mix is being terminated within 2 minutes. Source codeThe source code can be downloaded here. CHANGELOG (last 2 versions) 2006-06-07, v1.4.8 Changes: 1.Added an error message when people try to !promote too early. 2006-06-04, v1.4.7 Changes: 1.Added !add and !remove aliases (!ready/!break). 2.Bot is now more clear about who got the server IP when suggesting a server.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
A mix on #mix.qw can look like this:
[12:35:09] <@fnu[Empezar]> !startmix [12:35:10] -rpickup- Mix #7 started! Use !kick to kick players from the mix and !ban to ban them from using the !startmix and !ready commands. [12:35:12] <@rpickup> Mix #7 started! Use !ready to join the mix. [12:35:14] * rpickup changes topic to 'Mix #7 [!ready to join] (admin: fnu[Empezar]) (1/8 players) Lineup: fnu[Empezar]' [12:35:16] <@rpickup> .spam Mix gathering in #mix.qw (no fakers) [12:35:44] <[ServeMe]11> mnet: Message sent to 1283 users in 93 channels. [12:35:49] * dive (~dive@nosnd.users.quakenet.org) has joined #mix.qw [12:35:59] <dive> !ready [12:36:02] * rpickup changes topic to 'Mix #7 [!ready to join] (admin: fnu[Empezar]) (2/8 players) Lineup: fnu[Empezar] dive' [12:36:04] * Ake_Vader (Ake_Vader@h102n2fls33o1102.telia.com) has joined #mix.qw [12:36:12] <Ake_Vader> !ready [12:36:14] * rpickup changes topic to 'Mix #7 [!ready to join] (admin: fnu[Empezar]) (3/8 players) Lineup: fnu[Empezar] dive Ake_Vader' [12:37:25] * xer0^ (xer0_@h74n2fls310o1049.telia.com) has joined #mix.qw [12:37:29] <xer0^> !ready [12:37:32] * rpickup changes topic to 'Mix #7 [!ready to join] (admin: fnu[Empezar]) (4/8 players) Lineup: fnu[Empezar] dive Ake_Vader xer0^' [12:38:59] * Grass_ (~star54@a81-197-112-63.elisa-laajakaista.fi) has joined #mix.qw [12:39:04] <Grass_> !ready [12:39:06] * rpickup changes topic to 'Mix #7 [!ready to join] (admin: fnu[Empezar]) (5/8 players) Lineup: fnu[Empezar] dive Ake_Vader xer0^ Grass_' [12:39:20] <@fnu[Empezar]> !promote [12:39:20] <@rpickup> .spam Mix in #mix.qw 5/8 (no fakers) [12:39:47] <[ServeMe]11> mnet: Message sent to 1308 users in 93 channels. [12:40:07] * hlt (~hlt@a84-231-6-86.elisa-laajakaista.fi) has joined #mix.qw [12:40:32] <hlt> !ready [12:40:34] * rpickup changes topic to 'Mix #7 [!ready to join] (admin: fnu[Empezar]) (6/8 players) Lineup: fnu[Empezar] dive Ake_Vader xer0^ Grass_ hlt' [12:43:43] <@fnu[Empezar]> .qw come on 2 players missing for a morning mix on #mix.qw [12:44:14] <[ServeMe]11> mnet: Message sent to 1535 users in 107 channels. [12:45:00] * nakoz (nakoz@c80-217-82-78.cm-upc.chello.se) has joined #mix.qw [12:45:08] <nakoz> !ready [12:45:12] * rpickup changes topic to 'Mix #7 [!ready to join] (admin: fnu[Empezar]) (7/8 players) Lineup: fnu[Empezar] dive Ake_Vader xer0^ Grass_ hlt nakoz' [12:45:13] * RJ (~ime@addr-82-128-219-144.suomi.net) has joined #mix.qw [12:45:41] <RJ> !ready [12:45:44] <@rpickup> Mix #7 is now full. To start a new mix, type !startmix. [12:45:46] * rpickup changes topic to 'No mix game is currently gathering. Type !startmix to start a mix.'
[12:45:48] <rpickup> Mix #7 is now full, please hold while the admin selects a server. [12:45:50] <rpickup> The lineup for Mix #7 will be: fnu[Empezar], dive, Ake_Vader, xer0^, Grass_, hlt, nakoz, RJ [12:45:52] <rpickup> Please select a server for Mix #7 by typing /msg rpickup server <ip>:<port> [12:45:58] <fnu[Empezar]> server [12:46:00] <rpickup> The server for Mix #7 is:
The bold messages are only shown to the mix admin.
If the admin does not select a server within 2 minutes, this will happen:
Query (example):
[12:47:52] <rpickup> The admin for Mix #7 seems to be inactive. Suggest a server by typing /msg rpickup server <ip>:<port> [12:48:23] <Grass_> server [12:48:24] <rpickup> The server for Mix #7 is:
Anyone in the mix lineup can suggest a server when this happens, the first server to be suggested will be the one used.
If nobody suggests a server within 10 minutes, the mix will be terminated.
Member 68 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Nice work indeed Empezar! _________________________________________________________________________________ There's so much stupid ppl in this world, I tried to figure out why there's so much of them and came to realize that t
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
PLEASE do not go idle after joining a mix on #mix.qw.
if you do, the whole purpose of the channel is ruined.
Member 693 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 192 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
I really hope the community will use it, because this is the best way to get even mix Teams!
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
6 mixes were started today. however, 2 of those did not get a server selected. people still paste the server IP in the channel.
sure the lineup is sent to the participants but fakers can join under someone in the lineup's nick..
EDIT 2006-05-17
since i don't want to bump this thread, i'll just update my last post:
rpickup will no longer be deopped/banned from #mix.qw (q auth + q scripts)
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
big update today people who !ready up and then !break within a short period of time will learn their lesson (hopefully) custom modes support (only 4on4 on #mix.qw, but i can basically add any mode I want now in seconds) individual channel settings (now each channel can have totally different rpickup settings!) not much difference on #mix.qw though, but if you want rpickup on your channel - msg me. I will add these commands shortly: !halt - halts the mixing stuff on rpickup !unhalt - starts the mixing stuff on rpickup !status - shows the status of the mixing stuff on rpickup this way rpickup can keep his op all the time and only be activated when he's needed EDIT 00:39 : !halt !unhalt !status added  v1.4.1 latest version
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
another big update internal messaging has gotten a huge bump: when the mix is full, the admin can use "/msg rpickup msg what server?" to ask the participants what server they want to play on. the players can reply using "/msg rpickup reply wargamez!!" the admin can then decide what server he wants to use  the admin must however send his message before anyone can reply. i might change this if it causes trouble. this function is held open even if the mix is full and a server has been chosen, 30 minutes after the mix is full, this function no longer works.
Moderator 383 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Choose server after mix full is sux from my pov. I wanna to know server before i up for mix. For example i can play on most swe servers(iop, blt, and so on), but not on wargamez.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
then you should join all the "mix at iop41" mixes, cause this bot doesn't work that way
Moderator 383 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I think ppl will rather join mix.qw, up for mix and not start to play on unlike server cos they have 70ms or more here.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
every mix i have seen on #mix.qw has been on wargamez
it's not easy getting 8 random people from the qw community that all wants to play on iop
if someone doesn't show up, the spot usually gets filled within a minute
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
i thought this bot script was eliminated in my server crash but apparently it wasn't
is anyone interested in seeing this bot up and running again?
Member 258 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
I am 
Member 79 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
i am too, can host it you're not able anymore either pm me here in that case, or send an email 
Member 113 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Member 14 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
_________________________________________________________ Save a cow, crucify a christian!
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
yea, this bot was great :> just like the pickup-bots for cpma and dota
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
rpickup is online again you can probably start using him again tomorrow... and report bugs here of course 
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
btw rpickup supports multiple channels, so if anyone wants a mix bot on their channel, give me a shout. rpickup can be opped when you want to gather a mix, and announces can be avoided by temporarily banning serveme or whatever 
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
rpickup is once again online
#mix.qw is up and running again!
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
#nordicmix.qw is also up
for mixes with a swedish server -> #nordicmix.qw (finns, swedes and danes can play here!) for other mixes -> #mix.qw
that way the finns can play in mixes with <40 ping! wohoo!
Member 69 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
great stuff. gotta love irc bots and their botty bot goodness.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
there, i've added a script now that...
* regains op if deopped (through Q/L) * unbans self if banned (through Q/L) * auths when joining and/or Q/L joins (in case of netsplit)
so basically rpickup will be pretty much untouchable!
(meaning he will be able to arrange mixes even during takeovers!)
Member 68 posts
Registered: May 2006
the source link is broken... is there any other mirror that i can download the source?
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
i'll get one up during the weekend
Member 68 posts
Registered: May 2006
k thx empezar, im looking forward to it 
