
News Writer 34 posts
Registered: Dec 2011
Hey here is a new 1on1 map i found on my hard drive. Me and kloze beta tested it a bit so i tihnk this is final version. Fixed some leaks and lighting that i had forgot about. This map is probably 1-2 years old by now. Plays a little like dm4 http://upload.foppa.dk/files/stroggd.rarQ2 textures used. RL x 2 LG x 1 GL x 1 SNG x 1 SG x 1 MEGA x 1 YA x 1 GA x 1 (Edited 2014-02-27, 04:13)
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
Very nice looking map! I'll waypoint it for sure. Muff1ns, you need to "find" more maps on your hard drive to release.  Does anyone else get stuck in the part shown in the screenshot below? If I walk over this divider, I get snagged on something. I have to jump over it, or I get stuck every time. It only happens if I'm walking down it, not going up it (which seems backwards). It is definitely a nuisance! Also, a readme file would be nice. I always include readme files with my Frikbot waypoint pack. 
News Writer 34 posts
Registered: Dec 2011
So i fixed it!.. You will ahve to download it again, also included a readme file.. yeah i have alot of scrapped ideas and maps that are halfway done and so on =D maybe i can make another one. Mostly got duel maps tho.
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
The problem still happens for me. I downloaded the updated version in the RAR file. If I run right through the middle of the walkway over that divider, I get stopped.
News Writer 34 posts
Registered: Dec 2011
hmm ok , wich version or wich quake are you using ? i have no problem in ezquake or darkplaces
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
I'm using Qrack. You can test using this relatively new version here: http://quakeone.com/qrack/dist/qrack4333.zip
News Writer 34 posts
Registered: Dec 2011
No problems with that client either. I recommend you to use ezquake instead  tho
Member 343 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Lightning Hunte: How are frikbot's compared to Frogbots ? Is it because you play Vanilla Quake and not QW ? ProjectQ1Q3, Frogbot Waypoint and Map Conversion Tutorial @ http://mickkn.mooo.com
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
No problems with that client either. I recommend you to use ezquake instead  tho Hmmm, maybe it's a cvar I have set that is messing around with the physics somehow. I'll look in to it. I prefer Qrack over other ports though. It is extremely fast, has support for my 1000hz mouse, has a random map cvar, a skybox config, an individual map config, great particle effects, and of course support for all the high-res stuff out there. It lacks per-pixel lighting, but I feel that is out of place in Quake anyway. I prefer the classic lighting with high-res textures and skins. Lightning Hunte: How are frikbot's compared to Frogbots ? Is it because you play Vanilla Quake and not QW ? It's not because I play vanilla Quake; it's because I prefer the navigation abilities of the Frikbots over the Frogbots. They can accomplish almost anything with good waypoints. I have personally waypointed nearly 650 maps for the Frikbots, and they can collect about 99% of all powerups, items, etc., and perform almost any button sequence. You can see some videos of their navigation abilities over in this thread (end of the first post): http://quakeone.com/forums/quake-mod-releases/finished-works/5154-definitive-frikbot-waypack.htmlThe Frogbots are good as well, but I just find the Frikbots to be the best at navigating any map. I am currently working on a project with a few other guys to add a zombie mod with the Frikbots.
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
Muff1ns, are you sure the correct version was uploaded? I just ran the map in Qrack with default settings, and it wasn't fixed. I also tried good ol' Winquake and glquake.exe, and the problem was there. I do admit that things are fine in darkplaces, but many other engines have the issue I talked about above.
News Writer 34 posts
Registered: Dec 2011
Uploaded a new version. i have tested it with all my clients that i can test it with, zquake, ezquake, joequake, surmoglquake, q rack etc..
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
Fixed! Thanks. I'll create some waypoints for it. 
Member 55 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
If it's truly fixed (and seems to be the case), I'll add it too on my servers!
EDIT: All BaseQ servers have it now. Just changemap first to make sure it'll be displayed when callvoted.
(Edited 2014-03-01, 12:14) BaseQ.fr Administrator o/
News Writer 34 posts
Registered: Dec 2011
Cool! could you add the ip adress in the comments?
News Writer 912 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I wanna try this out. I have added it to nl.besmella.com and miami.usa.besmella.com servers....
Administrator 114 posts
Registered: Sep 2013
This map is on quake.tdhack.com too now. 
