User panel stuff on forum
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2014-05-28, 00:26
110 posts

Mar 2010
alright finally left XP behind for Win 7. Got a 144hz monitor too.

2 questions:

1. I have acceleration in Quake. I've set acc to 0 in the razer settings. I also ran some registry fix that was supposed to wipe acc from Win 7 altogether. Still have acc. I tried in_mouse 1-3 and in_restart and still no differance. edit: no acc in any other game

2. Do i have to do any special setting for 144hz? It still feels like 60. The vid_modelist has no mention of @60 or @75 like it did on my old computer. Tried some settings in the nvidia control but never got that smooth feel. Might be related to the mosue issues though.

grateful for help
2014-05-28, 03:12
386 posts

Apr 2006
1. Make sure /m_accel is set to "0".
2. The relevant command is "/vid_displayfrequency", followed by a "/vid_restart" for it to take effect, but there should be something for it in the system submenu too.
2014-05-28, 06:19
73 posts

Oct 2010
Quake? what kind of quake... ezquake, fodquake, joequake, or mb quake.exe ?)
sometimes sensitivity in windows control panel needs to be centered to get 0 accel..
i have razer too - tryed all stuff even win xp compatibility mode for quake app, finally got all i need from win7, don't remember how).
may be you are one reboot from happiness..
may be you ran too much registry files.. only one is needed..
2014-05-28, 15:55
110 posts

Mar 2010
ill check out your suggestions.

only ran 1 regfix.

its ezquake
2014-05-28, 16:07
654 posts

Nov 2008
For one, you should always use windows sensitivity 6/11. To change sensitivity, either change your DPI or the in-game sensitivity.

144 hz = vid_displayfrequency 144 and then vid_restart. Should be as simple as that. I also advise you to use your native resolution in quake.
2014-05-28, 16:23
110 posts

Mar 2010
vid_displayfreq fixed everything. had it on 60 and then it felt like i was playing drunk, couldnt take sharp corners etc.

strange, but fuck yeah it works now!
2014-05-28, 20:52
73 posts

Oct 2010
Yeeehooo! Quake is not the shit any more!))
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