
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I'm not sure if it's just my imagination or if it has always been like this but the last half year or so the QTV bug where no player names are reported from an on-going game seems to have appeared much more frequently. You basically see the frags from the game but not who is playing on the QTV page. Also the specs are listed when this happens (it displayed my ping with a 0 score when observing a duel)
Does anyone know what scenario on the server is causing this? It doesn't seem related to the player names as when a game is over, the player names display correctly and the specs are also not shown. www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
It's atrophied's (spelling?) version running on the metaQTV (qtv.quakeworld.nu). I'm not sure where he get's his data from, I think he just parses some RSS feed from somewhere. Would be nice with some more info about it (I might have missed it though if it's available) and open sourcing the code. EDIT: Looked through some old messages, and actually, the current version running is his C# version of metaQTV. Someone bug atrophy about it, and tell him to release his source too 
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
But i saw the same problem on http://qtv.besmella.com:28000/nowplaying which is not the same version of the QTV website? Or is it?  Naturally it displayed a bit differently but the symptoms were the same, i.e. empty player names and showing me as spec aswell. www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 43 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
I think it's a bug in QTV itself because the same dummy players appear in the RSS and web interface that the QTV server provides. The MetaQTV site is just reading those and displaying them and there's no good way to fill in the missing data (player name, colour, etc).
One reason why you might notice it more is that for some reason it seems to affect some QTV servers more than others. For example, the quakeworld.fi QTV and the qtv.froschroom.com QTV seem to be very reliable whereas qtv.besmella.com and qw.quakeworld.com.br are very unreliable. This might be down to the version of QTV being used, or some configuration issue, not sure.
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Can't connect to brazilian servers without user/pass so can't check whether the clients show up properly when connecting "in game"... Anyone else than can try?
Member 43 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
Try one of the servers on http://qtv.besmella.com:28000/nowplaying/
Member 375 posts
Registered: Sep 2009
(QW Nickname: AL.Kernell)
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
A bit off topic but: Can you upload the source or get someone (I guess mihawk?) to upload the source to github preferably?
Member 375 posts
Registered: Sep 2009
(Edited 2015-03-20, 07:42) (QW Nickname: AL.Kernell)
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
A bit off topic but: Can you upload the source or get someone (I guess mihawk?) to upload the source to github preferably? mihawk is too gay to (take responsability / be famous?) release the code... kkkkk I already suggested to share it (Bitbucket), but i'll CONVINCE him now! we've fixed lots of bugs in Bloodfest, ajusted some other things, fixed a bug in MVDSV, it's LUXURY! (he thinks he is some kind of Ghost/Ninja/Zero-cool hidden-programmer, or something..... kkkkkNEAJADHEDHAEHEDUadeHAIEdhAEdeaHU) He already shared it, i have it at home and can make it available for Dimman. I'm no github guru, or else it would probably already be up somewhere.  Edit: back on topic please!  www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
- Offensive language removed - /dimman This is the last warning you get, your next ban will be permanent.
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Atrophy, any chance you could revert the QTV back to the old layout where servers were listed vertically and the server with the most QTV observers was listed on top?
Member 43 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Yes, exactly... That one provides all the important information and has a way better lay-out. Also the mere fact that it lists the server with the most observers on top is a great deal.
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Yes, exactly... That one provides all the important information and has a way better lay-out. Also the mere fact that it lists the server with the most observers on top is a great deal. While I like the old one I must say atrophy has done a great job with his version making it look like ingame quakeworld basically. I think the new one feels a lot fresher than the old one (and I do really like the old one). The only thing disturbing me a little bit about the new one (I don't know if any sorting is done, otherwise it should be fairly simple to just list the server with most observers first in the new layout too) is that it feels a little bit "dull" and dark. Can we think of some way to bring it a bit more to life and be a bit more happy? 
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Yes, exactly... That one provides all the important information and has a way better lay-out. Also the mere fact that it lists the server with the most observers on top is a great deal. While I like the old one I must say atrophy has done a great job with his version making it look like ingame quakeworld basically. I think the new one feels a lot fresher than the old one (and I do really like the old one). The only thing disturbing me a little bit about the new one (I don't know if any sorting is done, otherwise it should be fairly simple to just list the server with most observers first in the new layout too) is that it feels a little bit "dull" and dark. Can we think of some way to bring it a bit more to life and be a bit more happy?  If it's going to be sorted, it should list the servers vertically. Right now it looks like quite the mess in my opinion, and it's hard to find the server with most observers (which usually is the server with the best action at the time) EDIT: i'd also like to add that the old one is way easier to distinguish teams from eachother etc. Scores are also easier to see... pretty much everything is more easy to see on a first glimpse. Maybe I'm the only one who really prefers the old one, in which case I'll just have to bookmark the URL that Atrophy provided :-)
News Writer 912 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Is it worth noting that my problematic QTV was installed just using nQuakesv? Apart from CFG there was no other customisation done by myself
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Bump. :S
Yesterday during D99 vs E in EQL, half of the players were missing when spectating via QTV. It looked really bad. I also don't think it has anything to do with certain player names as i could see nothing special with them and it was also not the same players missing in the first game as in the second game.
I think it also said at some point that "there is no user with id <x>" when autotrack tried to switch to missing players, so perhaps registration of players by QTV is successful at some point but not in others.
Any code ninja who can crack this nut? www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 188 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
Bump. :S
Yesterday during D99 vs E in EQL, half of the players were missing when spectating via QTV. It looked really bad. I also don't think it has anything to do with certain player names as i could see nothing special with them and it was also not the same players missing in the first game as in the second game.
I think it also said at some point that "there is no user with id <x>" when autotrack tried to switch to missing players, so perhaps registration of players by QTV is successful at some point but not in others.
Any code ninja who can crack this nut? server in question (iirc): nl.besmella.com:28501
Member 43 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
Besmella and the Brazilian one seem to be the worst, not sure what the connection is. Maybe how they were compiled or something like that? Maybe something related to nQuakesv?
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
QW community desperatly needs new devs  As good as everyone related to mvdsv/ktx/qwfwd/qtv has left (mosty qqshka for those mentioned) but also for ezQuake. I myself has lost interest for ezQuake unfortunately and would be glad to hand it over to someone else (qualified for the task), otherwise I guess it's the end for the project. (All files etc would still be available of course, so no big change really more than no official ezQuake releases).
News Writer 912 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Perhaps with my nl.besmella.com:28000 qtv this could be fixed if it was compiled locally rather than using the one from nQuakesv? If someone can give me pointers on how to do this I will do it...
Member 405 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Friend show me this thread, my 2 cents:
I don't get how that bug "looks like", but anyway, if one have a demo of the game where that bug occurs, the one who willing to fix it most likely could reproduce it with qtv demo play back functionality (via QTV web interface or with quake client console), just let QTV stream that demo and try reproduce a bug...
Upload demo somewhere at least.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Friend show me this thread, my 2 cents:
I don't get how that bug "looks like", but anyway, if one have a demo of the game where that bug occurs, the one who willing to fix it most likely could reproduce it with qtv demo play back functionality (via QTV web interface or with quake client console), just let QTV stream that demo and try reproduce a bug...
Upload demo somewhere at least. I didn't think about the fact that it's an MVD we're watching.  Below you can find the demo D99 vs E that i mentioned in an earlier post. Both demos have missing players and the E1M2 in particular were several players were missing. Unfortunately this demo is not listed on the besmella qtv page demo listing so i haven't been able to watch it via QTV. When watching it with ezq, all players show up. EQL19 - D99 vs E with QTV name bugwww.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 405 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Perhaps with my nl.besmella.com:28000 qtv this could be fixed if it was compiled locally rather than using the one from nQuakesv? If someone can give me pointers on how to do this I will do it... You should try compile locally, since I tried to stream demo from my own qtv and it works just fine, while besmella stream it with bug. I have no idea where QTV source nowdays, but you could try to get it here: git clone https://github.com/deurk/qtv.git Then "make qtv" or something.
News Writer 912 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
OK I've compiled it locally and restarted using the new binary...
Immediately i can see the names of a current game playing that I couldn't before.... Can someone verify this for me pls?
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
OK I've compiled it locally and restarted using the new binary...
Immediately i can see the names of a current game playing that I couldn't before.... Can someone verify this for me pls? I assume watching this demo can be used to verify that it's gone: http://qtv.besmella.com:28000/watch.qtv?demo=4on4_d99_vs_e%5Be1m2%5D141010-1632.mvdEdit: or maybe not, link doesn't seem to work for me... www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Bug is still there unfortunately.  www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Bug also seen on http://fnu.nu:28000/nowplaying/Edit: or maybe not. Was a player on the server that didn't show up on scoreboard and that i couldn't track but seems harder to reproduce. www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
