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Other Tournaments
2015-03-15, 16:07
News Writer
305 posts

Feb 2008
Sunday Spawnfraggin #3 4on4 Draft League!

We picked teams - here is the exclusive highly expensive feature documentary movie production of the actual draft:
(If there is some good mannered bad mouthing going on now and then, take it with a smile, we love you all<3!!!)

Ocoini's team: 'The Flowerpots' - It' aint the fall that kills them, its the sudden stop at the end.
on IRC gather in #caipirinhas
Overflow - Panjabi - Saka-Rauka1 - Cosmos - Skulker - ESDF

Heddan's team: 'The Freshly pressed Orange juices' - Suicidal septuplets, they might kill each other by mistake.
on IRC gather in #020:
Sane - Sae - Diehuman - VVD - Qirex - Smilesythe

Niw's team: 'The Audio Cassettes in Sony walkmans' - Never really grew up, they only learned how to act in public.
on IRC gather in #draftniw:
Greco - Aikon - z0mbie90 - JonSnow - Thor10

Blood Dog's team 'The Americas: North Unto South' (Did you notice?) - They are like women, they might not hit as hard, but they aim lower.
on IRC gather in
BogoJoker - Sned(BLUR<3) - Dev - Turb - Praxismo

Carapace's team 'The Fluffy pillows in bed' - Likes work, they sit and look at it for hours.
on IRC gather in #draftcara:
Locktar - Norules - Klice - Drake - Verro - JoeMaro

* The reversal of this list is how the teams are seeded, (it decides who your team meets first in the round robbin). So from best to lowest: Carapace, Blood Dog, Niw, Heddan and Ocoini.
Placeholder team names - talk to your captain if you want better! =)
If you want to gather in unique different channels like NIW's team is, talk to your captain, otherwise go to the cap's chan. =)

Standins/Replacement list: Paniagua(#paras) 2, Pew(#020)3/4, Stayout(#div99)4/3, Dimman(#slackers)1, Timon (#??)3, Atrophy(#fatalerror)2/3 ...
(You can join this list by still signing up)

12. April 18:00 - 20:00 cet - MEET AND GREET, PRAC DAY!
19. April 18:00 -20:00 cet - Round 1 + 2
26. April 18:00 -20:00 cet - Round 3 +4
3. Mai 18:00 - 20:00 cet - Round 5 + Playoffs (Only the top 4 teams go to playoffs)
(10. Mai 18:00 - 20:00 cet - Playoffs continues if needed (typically just finals, so just two teams)

*captains can make matches outside of this schedule - taking care to prioritize players schedules.

*Realized I haven't written any rules, ill write some basic guidlines here soon:
But it is the usual best of three, on the big three, normal quakeworld tournament etiquette apply and standard nqr/eql rules in matches. Finals best of 5.

Signup here on forum. Leave nick and #irc channel. or pm me on IRC.

6 players per team.
minimum of 4 teams to start.
(so we need roughly 24 players.)

Game time: Sundays 18:00 - 20:00 CET.
League into playoffs. (round robin to brackets)
Two matches, best of three, each Sunday. (maximum of 6 maps).

Four teams takes 3 Sundays to complete the tournament.
Six takes four.. etc.

Free agents: YOU have to signup here on the forum, and be able to play Sundays 18:00 - 20:00. You will either get picked or placed on a team.

YOU MUST BE APPROACHABLE ON IRC. Meaning - You really should be idling on IRC during weekends, so we can leave you a message on what team you are playing on. Channel #quakeworld is a good option. If you are not an IRC idler, and we don't know you very well; you could run the risk of being left out and being a standin player.

33 Signed: / #irc chan (*captain IF WE DO CAPTAINS)
BLooD_DoG - *captain
heddan - 020 *captain
niw - eql.qw *captain
carapace - suddendeath *captain
overflow - experience
praxismo - fatalerror
ocoini - div99
aikon - 020
Diehuman - div99
skulker - quakeworld
Saka-Rauka1 - div99
Sned(BLUR) -
Cosmos - fatalerror
Sae - fatalerror
Dev - div99
esdf - div99
JoeMaro - div99
Jon Snow - mofo
Qirex - div99
verro - div99
z0mbie90 - 020
Smilecythe - fatalerror
Drake - quakeworld
Klice - d99
thor10 - d99
Greco - Quakeworld
Locktar - Suddendeath
Turb - div99
BogoJoker -
Sane -
norules - unload
panjabi - paras

Sunday Spawnfraggin admin crew: Qirex, Ocoini, Klice, Praxismo, z0mbie90

I'll update signed list now and then - be sure to 'unregister' if your plans change. Signing up is a commitment that I hope you honor just as you should with your teammates =)

(Edited 2015-04-09, 01:47)
Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
2015-03-15, 16:16
216 posts

Feb 2011
2015-03-15, 16:16
35 posts

Feb 2011
Thanks for organizing!

I would like to participate.
2015-03-15, 16:16
News Writer
105 posts

Sep 2014
I'd like to put my name down tentatively if that's ok. It will be my mother's birthday on that day but the chances are fairly good that the celebrations will be over by the time the tourney starts.
2015-03-15, 16:19
News Writer
305 posts

Feb 2008
praxismo wrote:
I'd like to put my name down tentatively if that's ok. It will be my mother's birthday on that day but the chances are fairly good that the celebrations will be over by the time the tourney starts.

6 players should be able to overcome birthdays, unless randomness strikes.
Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
2015-03-15, 16:20
18 posts

Sep 2014
I'm in!
2015-03-16, 04:39
21 posts

Dec 2014

(Edited 2015-07-27, 01:35)
2015-03-16, 18:03
News Writer
305 posts

Feb 2008
Quake ONE Network wrote:
Hi ocoini

I've added your event to our

I thought I could play and made the announcement via IRC but after checking the time (or timezone I should say) I won't be able to play.

Best regards,
Supporter (Organizing)

thanks =)
Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
2015-03-18, 21:45
14 posts

Feb 2007
count me in! probably I will rage the entire matches but I can play :x
2015-03-19, 16:38
11 posts

Mar 2015
sign me up then
2015-03-19, 18:37
News Writer
305 posts

Feb 2008
skulker wrote:
sign me up then

What channel do you frequent on irc skulker? #quakeworld ?
Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
2015-03-20, 10:49
News Writer
283 posts

Jan 2007
Love the draft format, hope the league is a success! Can't commit the time to it yet myself unfortunately...
2015-03-24, 09:35
News Writer
105 posts

Sep 2014
Now posted in the news section of ESR; frontpage has been requested.

link to post here
2015-03-24, 10:14
News Writer
105 posts

Sep 2014
frontpage achieved

ESR frontpage
2015-03-24, 10:21
68 posts

Jul 2013
ill be in
2015-03-24, 10:48
1265 posts

Jan 2006
praxismo wrote:
frontpage achieved

ESR frontpage

Ty prax!
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
2015-03-24, 11:40
News Writer
105 posts

Sep 2014
mushi wrote:
praxismo wrote:
frontpage achieved

ESR frontpage

Ty prax!

Don't thank me, just front page SS#3 on!
2015-03-24, 14:32
18 posts

Feb 2015
Add me in please! #fatalerror
2015-03-24, 15:52
38 posts

Jan 2014
Add me to the mix.

Is it possible to just update this forum thread with team assignments for those of us who aren't often on irc?
2015-03-24, 16:14
News Writer
305 posts

Feb 2008
sned wrote:
Add me to the mix.

Is it possible to just update this forum thread with team assignments for those of us who aren't often on irc? right?

I'll have it here as well, but you have to be on IRC during weekends - it will be far to frustrating for your teammates if you are not on irc. Ally yourself with someone that is on IRC all the time perhaps- and that is also signed up.

The admins will need confirmations from everyone that they have understood teams and know when to show up.
Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
2015-03-24, 17:04
17 posts

Dec 2014
i wanna play and i'm very low skill... motivated by the ESR post i will risk a try.
will put #div99 on my autojoin list...
cu there!
2015-03-24, 19:00
253 posts

Nov 2007
In! #mofo
cheat 2 win!
2015-03-25, 00:42
1 post

Mar 2015
in #div99
2015-03-25, 10:09
41 posts

Nov 2013

greetz veRRo
2015-03-25, 12:26
94 posts

Oct 2011
Sign me up. #020
2015-03-25, 16:58
4 posts

Jun 2013
Sign me up!
2015-03-25, 17:21
News Writer
305 posts

Feb 2008
im in too ocoini d99!
Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
2015-03-26, 18:10
142 posts

Jul 2013
This seems fun,, =)
2015-03-26, 20:36
152 posts

Feb 2012
Count me in
“If I wanted you to understand it, I would have explained it better.” (c) Johan Cruyff
2015-03-27, 00:00
News Writer
305 posts

Feb 2008
Drake wrote:
Count me in

what channel do you frequent? #quakeworld?
Street Vendor Crack down Princess Cop
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