First of all lets get everything in order:
All hail The Mighty Omnipresent Hoony god, QuakePhil!
Now sacrifice a qwlamb, so you can continue reading before he deletes you from his universe.Division Ninety Nine was going to have an internal 1on1 tournament - but if you guys want to hop in, welcome =) Otherwise known as The Hoony!
Cast of The Hoony; 2015 directors cut limited offer deluxe editionEntire d99 crew of around twenty, some might not show, as they all got conscripted for now. Sorry guys, we are like a church.. You have to ask to be removed...
Also staring
Praxismo as el presidente - Viva la Revolution!
Cosmos^ featuring as as a wide open space with shiny and not so shiny dots in it.
LocKtar staring in the role of orc.
Paniagua playing the part of bread and water.
Staili as, WHAT THE F, why when i google "Staili" pictures do i see a baby in a pot?! This movie just went PG-50+!
Mushi as the Prince of Darkness
z0mbie90 highlighting the intricate persona of Tom Hanks
QuakeR PROPULSIONATING (look propulsion is a word, allright?!) as "My Left Toe!"
Short info:
Tournament has started - YOU CAN STILL SIGN UP! til 12'april.
1on1 hoonymode tournament, everyone vs everyone once - match: first to 5 wins (maps). Signup here or msg a sunday spawnfraggin' admin. Tournament Starts 29- March, signup ends 12. April. Tournament ends at a random time on 26 April. Meet opponent on irc, #div99.
^Important info:^ During the first two weeks of tournament, league scores will be updated rarely, so make sure you get a confirmation from admin you report scores to. After player signups ends on 12. April, scores should be updated by admins as soon as we receive it Long info:
This will be a
Hoonymode tournament.
Hoonymode is an altered form of 1on1- It has altered spawn and score structure compared to normal 1on1. When one player dies, both players respawn. Killer gets a point. Read more here:
HoonymodeType /hoonymode in server to enable. (if server supports mode)
League structure, everyone plays everyone in one match each. A match is first to get 5 map wins.
Each map win, gives you a point in the league. So 4-5 loss, still gives you 4 points.
Gameplay: Example match:
Start the match by doing /cmd rnd x y (replace x y with player names) to decide who picks first map. (This is done in console in game).
Winner picks first map.
Then players pick maps in turns til a winner of the match is decided-
First one to 5 map wins - wins. (think tennis rules)
You CAN pick the same map repeatedly.You are allowed to give up after the second map is played if you feel like ending the match early.
Winner reports matches - Remember complete scores!
You report matches either here or by msging one of the sundays spawnfraggin admins.
Map pool will include some Q3 CPM conversion maps, some qw-kenya maps, and the standard maps. Check for mappool.
Essence: Everyone should be able to play on their favorite map atleast twice - so you can suggest your favorite DEATHMATCH map here at forum. Map pool is finalized 12. April.
General QW etiquette apply. Be cool, everything can be worked out, life doesn't end..Being a douche, bye bye.. Cheating, bye bye.
If you don't know if you are cheating or not, you are most likely not - double check or ask someone if you are unsure. If you don't know if your a douche or not, you can ask about that as well.
Tournament starts this Sunday 29. march - Signups are open in two weeks after that however. So signup ends 12. April.'
Tournament ends: 26. April and the player with highest score wins.
You can play your opponent whenever you like after Sunday 29. March when site will be up in the evening: So you can see who to play. Idle in #div99 or #quakeworld on IRC to meet opponent.
(Yes, an active rookie level player can win the tournament vs. an Unactive high skilled player.)
You signup by posting here or msging one of the Sunday Spawnfraggin' Admins: klice, qirex, praxismo, z0mbie90 or ocoini on IRC.
***special note to admins:*** The first two weeks(before signups close), you need to keep the reported played games in a notepad as you register them on challonge site. Alternatively you can forward the reported games to me by pm, or we can designate someone else who we send all reported games to. (You can still register the games on Challonge, BUT YOU MUST KEEP A COPY!)We have to do it like this because, as far as I know, there is noway to add players to a currently active tournament on challonge. Which we activate on 29'th of march. So For the two first weeks after 29th, we need to (once or twice a week,depending on activity) reset the tournament and add the potential new signed up players. Then restart the tournament. And then re-register the all ready played games. Which we have conveniently saved in our notepads! (right?!)If we screw this up, we screw the entire tournament up, so please save all reported games. Make sure you give a confirmation to the players that you received their report so they know their job is done. At the same time you receive it, copy/paste their report into a notepad or pm me what they type. Should go fairly quick and easy then =)They get points for every map won, so make sure to get it right for BOTH players.In QW we don't say GG, we say please get me a cup of tea! The please is optional.
(Edited 2015-03-29, 18:48)