
Member 343 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Guide with some picturesI made a Guide from Erazor's old guide == KEY ==== IMPULSE ============ FUNCTION ============== -------------------------------------------------------- O.......................120...................Manual mode ON/OFF -------------------------------------------------------- MOUSE1.........119...................Spawn_Marker -------------------------------------------------------- N......................125....................CheckAllGoals -------------------------------------------------------- M......................126....................CheckAllZones -------------------------------------------------------- I........................127...................ToggleActiveMarker -------------------------------------------------------- P......................128...................RemoveActiveMarker -------------------------------------------------------- H......................129...................DisableActiveMarker -------------------------------------------------------- J.......................130...................ToggleOneWayMode -------------------------------------------------------- MOUSE2........131...................ToggleConnectMarkersMode -------------------------------------------------------- G......................132....................DefaultMarkerMode -------------------------------------------------------- F1.....................133...................SaveMarkers -------------------------------------------------------- F.......................135...................ToggleClosestMarkerMode -------------------------------------------------------- T.......................137...................ClearActiveMarker -------------------------------------------------------- Y.......................138...................MoveActiveMarker -------------------------------------------------------- U......................139....................VerMoveActiveMarker -------------------------------------------------------- (.)......................140...................IncGoal -------------------------------------------------------- (,)......................141...................DecGoal -------------------------------------------------------- ENTER............142...................SetGoal -------------------------------------------------------- C.......................143...................PrintGoal -------------------------------------------------------- V.......................144...................CycleDescriptionMode ...................................................- jump ledge mode ON ...................................................- dm6 door mode ON ...................................................- disconnect mode ON ...................................................- reversible display mode ON ...................................................- water path display mode ON ...................................................- rocket jump mode ON ...................................................- path mode OFF -------------------------------------------------------- B.......................145...................DisplayTravelTime (DONT USE) -------------------------------------------------------- Z.......................146...................CycleDisplayMode -------------------------------------------------------- X.......................147...................DisplayReachable --------------------------------------------------------
****** Requirements: ****** -Quake (I use joequake.exe not GL, SW is more stable) [remember -condebug in cmdline] -Frogbot (progs.dat) using v0.85 -A good portion of patience.
****** Getting started: *******
*** Step 1: ***
To start with, you should find out what level you wan't to create waypoints for. (eg. ztndm1)
The following things can NOT be on the level. (Don't know if these actually do work now, talking 2013 and v1.01)
-Lifts (Well, It can have lifts, the bot just don't handle them very good :-) -Water (It can have water, the bot just drowns in it.) -Buttons (The level can have buttons, but NOT floor buttons, that is, buttons on the floor
*** Step 2: ***
Creating zones:
Start joequake.exe -game waypoint -condebug
Open your map (ztndm1). Switch to 'Manual Mode', impulse 120, then some player models should popup.
Type: impulse 135, a text should print out this message: 'Toggle Closest Marker On'.
Move to some items, let's say you start by the GL. Move over to the GL, and type impulse 141 until you reach a message that says: 'Zone Index = 1'. Now, hit impulse 142. (It is a good idea to bind some of these impulses).
Move to the health box, and hit impulse 142 again. Give all the other items in this area 'zone 1'.
Placing some markers: Then you have to place some markers. (impulse 119)
You've created markers and zones to the first room on the map !
Well, now you have to create markers to another room. ! Move to the YA/RL room, it's right next to the GL room.
*** Step 3: ***
Creating zones again:
Give the items in this room 'zone index = 2', do NOT jump down the platform, yet ! Now, all the items in this room have been 'zone'd'. Let's place some markers here too !
Now you know how to create markers and zones on a level. You do exactly the same on all the other places on the map. Be aware that too many markers can cause bugs. And be aware that too few markers can cause bugs too.
Now you're ready to move on to the next step: 'Making goals' ! (The easiest part of this tutorial !)
*** Step 4: ***
Making goals:
Let's say you stand by the GL. Hit (impulse 141) until you reach 'Goal Index = 1'. Now hit impulse 142. A text should read something like this: "Goal 1 Set (1 Total)" Translated into english: "Goal 1 is placed on the item, and there's one "Goal 1" on the map."
Please note, that it's not a good idea to give the same goal to more than one item, only if they are right next to each other, that is, 2 health boxes side by side etc.
*** Step 5: ***
Making the bot use teleports:
First, you should select the teleport marker (The one inside the teleport brush) Then, give it a zone (if it hasn't one :-) Hit 'One Way Mode ON' Hit 'Toggle Closest Marker OFF' Hit 'Active marker ON' Now 'Toggle Manual Mode OFF' (impulse 120), you should be teleported to the teleport destination. Then 'Toggle Manual Mode ON' (impulse 120) again. Now, hit 'Toggle Connect Markers Mode' (impulse 131), and there... the teleport marker is connected.
*** Step 6: ***
Making the bot jump off ledges:
Select the marker, where the bot should jump FROM. Hit 'One Way Mode ON' Hit 'Toggle Closest Marker OFF' Hit 'Active marker ON' Move to the target marker. Hit 'Toggle Connect Markers Mode' (impulse 131), and there, now the bot will jump to the target.
*** Step 7: ***
Connecting markers:
It's important NOT to just connect Markers random. But to think of 2 way routes between markers. A idea is to make a route through the hole map, and then make some cross points out to the goals/items. Ex. in YA on ztndm3, there could be a marker in the middle lower room floor, and that marker could be connected to YA, Stairway, LG corridor and Teleport, markers.
Hit 'Default Marker Mode' (impulse 132) before making the routes, that makes sure, you are NOT using ONE WAY MODE. And then use 'Toggle Connect Markers Mode' (impulse 131)
It is a good idea to use 'Toggle Closest Marker ON/OFF' to make sure the wanted marker is marked. When it's marked then, when 'Toggle Closest Marker' is OFF, you can move to the next marker and use 'Toggle Connect Markers Mode' (impulse 131).
Play with it, and test the bot's movement on the map.
*** Step 8: ***
Saving the map_mapname.qc file:
There is no command for saving the specific file, for the compiler. But that is why you need -condebug in the command line. It will make a log file for all the commands typed in the console. And save that log file to quake\joequake\qconsole.log.
When you think you're finished making the waypoints, you can save all the info by hitting 'SaveMarkers' (impulse 133). It's a good idea to do this a couple of time, to avoid loosing all the work, if the game crashes (for testing purpose).
*** Step 8: ***
Compiling the qwprogs.dat:
I use Trinca's excellent Source SRC of Frogbot 1.01. The version is now SRC379. To add a map to this source, you simply make a map_mapname.qc file for your map. And add it to the src379\maps\ folder. Then hit the genlist.bat. As I understand it, it will then add your map_mapname.qc file to the right files in the source. And then you will have to compile the qwprogs.dat, by using the fteqccgui.exe.
Simply just open the compiler, go to Options, press the O3 button and tick 'VectorCalls' and press USE. And it will compile the qwprogs.dat, who you should add to the Frogbot dir.
Happy Gaming!!
Remove markers: Before using 'Remove Marker' (impulse 128) remember to 'Clear Marker' (impulse 137). You'll have to clear paths, going from the marker, and to the marker, that you want to remove. Most clients will crash if you don't do this.
**** END ****
Thanks for reading. Sorry for typos or grammatical errors
If there is any mistakes or other info that should be in this Guide. Please feel free to mention it. ProjectQ1Q3, Frogbot Waypoint and Map Conversion Tutorial @ http://mickkn.mooo.com
