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Member 124 posts
Registered: Apr 2012
(NOTE: The content of this forum post belongs to the North American player known as BoldHugeCrunch. I'm posting on his behalf because the forums wouldn't let him post for some reason or another.)
Quoth BHC:
Who made these brackets, and why am I going to be fighting the loser of the match between the person who sent me to losers bracket and another opponent? I get that you guys were trying to keep the games low ping for a few rounds, but why am I not being pit up against those who also ended up eliminated first round?
Member 124 posts
Registered: Apr 2012
(NOTE: The content of this message belongs to the North American top5 player known as cream. You can tell by how majestic it all sounds when you read it aloud, pausing every once in a while to sip a cup of tea or vodka.)
I think BLooD_DoG made the brackets, or maybe Dirtbox, mbut I'm leaning towards BLooD_DoG. (leaning romantically)
BD is actually from MIT (the technical institute) and knows quite a bit about science and math. I know it might not make sense to us, but I can tell you with 100% certainty that BD knew what he was doing when he made these brackets.
BD is an actual genius who actually knows how to make actual brackets for tournaments. I 100% endorse BD's bracket-making skills.
10/10 would agree to these brackets again
The brackets are really bad yeah
Member 9 posts
Registered: Aug 2015
I can get schooled by the only other US duelers bogo/BD any day of the week, I was thinking id get a more exciting EU match or something in before getting eliminated.
Member 280 posts
Registered: Jan 2015
(NOTE: The content of this forum post belongs to the North American player known as BoldHugeCrunch. I'm posting on his behalf because the forums wouldn't let him post for some reason or another.)
Quoth BHC:
Who made these brackets, and why am I going to be fighting the loser of the match between the person who sent me to losers bracket and another opponent? I get that you guys were trying to keep the games low ping for a few rounds, but why am I not being pit up against those who also ended up eliminated first round? Maybe u didnt get it right. I just checked the brackets and it seems that ur (bhc) next opponent is either carapace or Klice.
Member 172 posts
Registered: Sep 2013
Maybe u didnt get it right. It isn't hard to mess this up. The text bracket, (the only place you can actually see everything), hasn't accounted for 1st round bye's, so it looks like BHC's next match would be facing "the first round with BLooD_DoG". Perhaps someone can update these brackets? -- Overall, the match-ups did disappoint me quite a bit. I thought this would be an opportunity to play some players at near even ping that I don't normally get a chance to. Instead I'm playing the same USA / Brazil players that are already good sports and will often play even ping if asked.
Member 124 posts
Registered: Apr 2012
Brackets designed so that USA takes out the USA, unless we're busy taking out Brasil, until one of the top3 best NA players (myself, BogoJoker, and BoldHugeCrunch respectively) winds up being able to fight a European - looks fine to me! Just like every other tournament in history.
I honestly can't be asked to complain about it myself, but maybe a toss of the old dice to help decide brackets would help make it less bland next time.
News Writer 912 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
The brackets were designed to intentionally to have low ping matchups in the winners bracket for as long as possible. In order to do this we grouped people by 3 region (South America, North America and Europe+Africa) and then seeded the players within these groups. Also our goal was to ensure that people from each region would make it to the later rounds of the winners bracket instead of it being predominately Europeans there. A script had to be written by phpTourney master dopeskillz in order to generate the brackets in this manner.
We put months of planning and discussion in to this bracketing system as quite frankly a tournament of this manner has never been done before and all four of our admins stand by what we have generated. If you don't like your bracket, and people always have a reason to complain about their draw, then sorry but too bad.
Member 68 posts
Registered: Jul 2013
i think its good the way it is.
It's all well and good chucking everyone in the same brackets but i think it then favours the guys from NA/SA playing euro's. i know the pings are fair but they play on them pings day in day out, i (and probably most euro's) havnt played on a ping above 50 in 12-15 years!
Member 124 posts
Registered: Apr 2012
Ehh... Isn't that kind of like saying that someone who's blind has an advantage against someone who's got 20/20 vision in darts, just because the blind guy has played darts longer?
North Americans prefer low pings. There's not a single person in NA who plays better with a higher ping than they do with a low ping. It's a huge, huge disadvantage.
Member 68 posts
Registered: Jul 2013
thats not what im saying at all, with your analogy im saying
a blind man playing darts has an advantage over a non blind man playing darts who has just put a blindfold on for the first time. im not saying you prefer to play on higher pings, im saying you are much more used to it.
Member 124 posts
Registered: Apr 2012
Ehh sorry, I think I was having flashbacks to some retarded comments VVD made during a tournament once about how Americans must always have 130+ ping because "equal pings isn't even" and we're "used to it" ... posted a bit out of anger there, my bad, I know what you mean now :p
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