Hello guys!
Qcon 2016 is closing in fast (79 days left) and I finally found a mate!
And its nobody less then bps!
As most of you know bps originally planned to go with Goblin.
Goblin on the other hand had no intentions to stick to his word and went complete
silent when they were about to book the flight, leaving bps completely in the dark.
Why he did this, we probably never will find out.
I had a quick chat with bps some weeks ago about this issue and we decided to team up!
In my opinion we would pose a great threat to most of the teams, and would be a real fun team to spectate.
So to get to point.
For me to able to go to Qcon I also need financial help! In the likes of bps I've made a similar donate-site with some small tweaks on the design

My refusing gf wont let me go unless I can raise €1000. This would cover the flight to Dallas and home again.
So, here's how to donate:
* Paypal: http://blaps.se/locusttoqcon* Swish to number: +46722010911
* Bank transfer to my Swedbank bank account: 8452-5,994 906 404-3
I'm ever grateful for any contributions! (And if I wouldn't go, all is given back).
Thank you!
*To clarify. 1000euros is the "dream goal". If that would not be reached in time anything close to that would help me tremendously to negotiate a deal with ms.locust.
(Edited 2016-05-18, 16:58)